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The PAP wants political parties to refrain from using children. Got it

The PAP wants political parties to refrain from using children. Got it

Referring to an SDP video, the Elections Department says that “political parties should refrain from inappropriate use of young children who will not fully understand what they may be promoting or subjecting themselves to.” (ST, 6 Oct 2019) We cannot agree more. But finger-pointing is best done in front of the mirror. The... 

Let’s Shake It Up! And Create the Biggest Awareness Campaign This Nation Has Ever Seen

Let’s Shake It Up! And Create the Biggest Awareness Campaign This Nation Has Ever Seen

Shake It Up! That's the theme of SDP's pre-election rally at Hong Lim Park on 19 October 2019. With the PAP set to pile on difficulties on citizens like raising the GST to 9%, jacking up our population to an unbearable 10 million, and retaining the CPF savings of retirees, it is time the Singaporeans send a clear message to... 

The Way Forward – SDP Outlines Plans in Manifesto for Coming GE

The Way Forward – SDP Outlines Plans in Manifesto for Coming GE

Today the SDP is proud to unveil our manifesto, The Way Forward. A manifesto is a declaration of a political party’s vision and policies for the country. This is exactly what The Way Forward is – a document that lays out the SDP’s plans on what Singapore needs to do to secure a bright and democratic future, and how the... 

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