Archive for the ‘Q – Z’ Category
Crack Heads and Spill Blood

Crack Heads and Spill Blood

During the Party’s Centennial celebration, China's President Xi Jinping said: The Chinese people will never allow foreign forces to bully, oppress or enslave us, whoever nurses delusions of doing that will crack their heads and spill blood on the Great Wall of steel built from the flesh and blood of 1.4 billion Chinese people. "Tou... 

Humanism In Dark Times

Humanism In Dark Times

Darwin spoke about "THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" . . . That is not what Darwin meant at all by the fittest. Evolutionary fitness is mediated by the environment the organism finds itself in. It has nothing to do with physical fitness. A smaller individual needs fewer calories to survive. In times of food scarcity his/her fitness... 

Don’T Go Down The Rabbit Hole

Don’T Go Down The Rabbit Hole

Anyone that values belief and faith over reason, logic, critical thought and scientific inquiry is ripe for the taking by the cranks and charlatans in society. Perhaps this is a basic herd instinct: if one zebra in a herd looks up from eating grass, sees a lion and bolts, other zebras would be well-advised to do the same even... 

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