Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Play nice

Play nice

The wild, wild West If the Singapore Police Force (SPF) is still having nightmares about General Custer's last stand at Little Bighorn, it's understandable. The general was also outnumbered by Indians. This time the numbers could be bigger, 10,000 if everything goes according to plan. This time, they are decidedly determined... 

PME taxi drivers

PME taxi drivers

Our highly qualified PME taxi drivers are going to be touted as another great career choice in this most expensive city in the world.  And it could be real if the taxi fares are raised to the levels of western developed countries. Then being a taxi driving ‘boss of your own’ would make some sense, when taxi drivers could... 

More senior executives of MediaCorp leaving

More senior executives of MediaCorp leaving

The exit of a number of senior executives from Singapore publisher and broadcaster MediaCorp reflects a company struggling to cope with major structural changes to the media industry, a former executive has suggested. Head of strategic marketing Patrick Yong and interactive media MD Philip Koh are to leave the company it emerged... 

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