Archive for the ‘Government’ Category


作者:冀居·谢 【奥林匹克泳池】 公用事业局总裁邱鼎财上星期五在该局召开的第三场临时记者会上表示:“乌节路水患对人、交通及商业活动所造成的冲击及困扰是难以接受的。我们将竭尽所能检讨事件,并采取必要的措施减少再次发生的概率。”接着星期六,雅国部长在出席某项回教堂活动时主动提出“乌节路出现大淹水的情况是完全不能被接受的”,他又说:“我可以很坦白地说,这次的豪雨完全出乎预料。如果你研究雨势模式,那是我们前所未见。”——奇哉怪事(freak... 

Baby Bonus and Childhood immunization

Baby Bonus and Childhood immunization

Baby Bonus Scheme The Baby Bonus Scheme was introduced on April 2001 to help lighten the financial burden of raising children in Singapore in order to boost its declining birth rates. The latest enhancements on 17 August 2008 extended increased benefits to the first and second child and benefits to Singapore citizen children... 

Orchard Road will NEVER flood, says TNP in 1999

Orchard Road will NEVER flood, says TNP in 1999

Well, almost never. For a flood to hit anywhere in Singapore, it takes a combination of high tides and about 100mm of rainfall within an hour. And Orchard Road is protected by its mighty rain drain — the Stamford Canal. Thanks to it, shoppers haven’t had to slosh through waist-deep waters since 1960s. But what makes a good... 

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