
Israel lied about massive damages to Nevatim Air Base

According to Iran's National TV, a precision-guided Iranian missile successfully knocked out a cutting-edge, transportable Raytheon X-band radar near Israel's Nevatim airbase. This radar was part of the advanced THAAD Air Defense System.

The stealthy strike took out the radar and without detection capability, paved the way for a barrage of over 40 ballistic missiles to rain down on the Nevatim Airbase, causing massive damages that reportedly includes 20 or so F35 being destroyed.


17 Responses to “Israel lied about massive damages to Nevatim Air Base”

  • Unbelievable:

    There is zero evidence of destroyed F35, from any source. At most some grainy images of hangers with holes in the roof.

    It is not a surprise attack like Hawaii. Israel expected the attack. Israel had more than 10 minutes to react. That’s the fastest missile time from Iran to Israel. Israel was already at war. It is hard to believe the F35 pilots were sleeping soundly in their pajamas.

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  • @Unbelievable

    So are you suggesting that ALL the missiles were either intercepted or fell into “open area” as the ever-lying IDF would always claim?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    TRE Tech:

    So are you suggesting that ALL the missiles were either intercepted or fell into “open area” as the ever-lying IDF would always claim?

    Hahaha.. this is good reply to Unbelievable, the “colonially” brainwashed worshipper of Ang Mo Tua Kee.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    I also dont believe 20 or so F35 destroyed.
    Maybe less than 5 to less than 10 in the worst case. Best case some limited damage but serviceable.

    GD Star Rating
  • Belief is up to the individual, not that it really concerns anyone.

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  • Tongustan:

    The attack was orchestrated, Iran, the United States and Israel each had their own goals to achieve. It was carried out with clockwork precision and the parties involved were happy and thanked each others before putting on their pajamas for a good sleep.

    TRE Tech:

    So are you suggesting that ALL the missiles were either intercepted or fell into “open area” as the ever-lying IDF would always claim?

    GD Star Rating
  • @Tongustan

    I agree with your analysis. To the daft world, it was Iran retaliating for this and that, but when Iran attacked Israel directly on the two occasions, advance notices were given, that were PR stunts to hoodwink and appease the world, orchestrated by both Iran and the warmongering US.

    GD Star Rating
  • Tik n Tok:

    IDF boasting.
    This is daft arrogance.
    No wisdom.
    All this not unlike child’s play.
    I shoot you,you shoot me.
    I shoot more at you.
    Point is the “those arrogant asses who give order to shoot’ seem to survive forever.
    Many innocents already died fulfilling their orders.
    Same in Gaza,same in Ukraine.
    When will all the unpeaceable fools perish?

    Only Heaven can do it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    PAP mandate strong:
    I also dont believe 20 or so F35 destroyed.
    Maybe less than 5 to less than 10 in the worst case. Best case some limited damage but serviceable.

    Sensible. Thumb up for you.

    GD Star Rating

    News from Israel says that Israelis are claiming for damages to their buildings from their government because of Iran’s attack of 1st OCT. 2024. The damages include airfields and civilian owned buildings but caused no deaths except for the killing of 7 Israelis by a lone gunman in Tel Aviv prior to Iran’s attack. The total damage is estimated at about US$53M. The US has now sent a new Missile interceptor to Israel. 100 US soldiers will be manning it. So Iran managed to hit targets despite the iron clad Dome. What’s next is anybody’s guess but a Ceasefire in the region will help the civilian population of Israel,Gaza,West Bank and Lebanon.

    GD Star Rating

    A ceasefire would mean Netanyahu is a dead man walking and he has reiterated that there would be no ceasefire.

    The war must go on for his survival and the warmongering US’s.

    GD Star Rating
  • SRFE + PAP mandate strong:

    Thumbs up to each other.
    You scratch my back,I scratch yours.
    Ownselves praise ownselves like PAPpies.

    And,thump others always.

    Low class.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Then tell me if situation reversed , Iranians can claim from Iran gov or not ?

    GD Star Rating

    @PAP mandate strong:
    Are you trying to imply that the Israelis have a better government than the Iranians? No government will go to War if it truly cared for its citizens. All Israel has to do is to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis will then stop firing at Israel. Instead of doing a prisoner exchange to free the hostages, Nethanyahu has opened another warfront in Lebanon.He does not care if he kills civilians or more IDF members die. So the problem here is not the Iranians but Nethanyahu and the Rightist Zionist party which wants to expand the war for its own survival. It has nothing to do with the survival or defence of Israel.

    GD Star Rating
  • Tik n Tok:


    Netty apes American presidents.
    If domestic approval rating low,create wars abroad to divert attention.
    Make America looks great and powerful.
    This is a tactic repeated over and over again.

    In SinCity,they also divert attention like national day jingles and GST vouchers and slogans like Happy Ageing that actually saw many elderly not so happy and commit suicide?
    Now,cannot make people happy,sloganised ‘SgActive’?

    I just want to win Toto.$10M ,don’t know who will be winner.
    Me,you or ownselves win ?
    Operator is also Regulator.
    Boh tio mah.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Nope. Thats not my question.
    You sneakily change my question.
    Thats not what i ask.
    I asked if situation reversed , Iranians can claim from Iran gov or not ?

    A straight and simple question.

    And you also change the subject.

    Anyway i do know this. When last president of Iran died in the helicopter crash. Iranians abroad and within the country cheer and light fireworks to celebrate.

    Why not Hamas for the sake of Gaza’s people ( if Hamas truly care for ? ) just surrender and release all hostages , the war will stop also ?
    The Hamas leader who was shoot dead just recently. Didnt he kena brain cancer before and it was Israel surgeons and doctors who saved his life plus he 还免费享受了Israel’s 医保.
    In the end, he returned the favor by launching terrorist attack.

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion Says:

    Confusion says, “Empty vessels make the best echoes.”

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