
America humiliated as Biden shunted at APEC Summit

A picture tells a thousand words as the saying goes.

Look at the group picture of the Leaders at the APEC Summit in Peru. Standing next to the host-Peru’s female President, was President Xi of China. Also in the front row in a prominent position was President Probowo of Indonesia,a rising power in the World. Outgoing US President Joe Biden was humiliatingly placed in the back row and to the side.I have never seen an American President being given such a humiliating placing before. President Xi was also given a State welcome by Peru while Biden was not.Next week in Brazil, at the G20, President Xi will again receive a State welcome but not President Biden.

China is now South America’s biggest trading partner, having outpaced the Americans by a wide margin. As I have often said, prestige is the currency in International relations and this picture tells you how much America’s global prestige has crumbled under the Biden-Harris administration.

I am pretty sure that at next year’s APEC summit,you will see President Trump standing next to the host leader in the Leaders’ group photo.


Lim Tean



131 Responses to “America humiliated as Biden shunted at APEC Summit”

  • Shun at Home too:

    Biden is snuvbed at home too.
    Even at party level.
    He should have just retired as a more respectable VP.

    Power consumes ultimately.
    Karma is to be respected.
    As for Trump,not too sure.
    It depends on how he treat others.
    This Host has got balls.

    GD Star Rating
  • Look deeper, think properly….:

    Obama was given the same spot when he attended APEC meetings during his last year in the Oval Office.

    GD Star Rating
  • Trump and Bump:

    Hahaha! “Make America Great Again”?
    Sure,put you in the back corner!
    Feel great?

    GD Star Rating

    Disagree with the writer that Trump will stand next to the host in the next APEC. The US’s influence will continue to decline as China’s global presence increases. China has built a mega port in Peru right in the backyard of the USA. It has extended it’s hand to countries that are shunned by the US. It seems focussed on trade,peace and stability. It has held meetings behind the scenes between Middle Eastern countries to resolve differences and a much needed solution to the Palestinian genocide. While America and the West seem to want to unload more weapons onto warring parties, China is emerging as a wise leader globally. The ruling party must realise that we have to shift Eastwards no more ape-ing the West. It is in our interest to move away from America who will have a criminal as its President.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Dear Lim Tean,
    It is naive and gullible politician like you and Zelensky that cause the death of the country.

    In God We Tru$t America had many followers worldwide as seen in Hong Kong where you see “yellow but wanted to be white” calling US to save them.

    Biden humiliated? Yes, only Chinese Chauvinistic Pi like you think so.

    The truth is, it was the Chinese that were humiliated. No more no less. Period

    GD Star Rating
  • West Worshiper:

    This western worshiper gets angry when his master is sidelined.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Dear Lim Tean,

    GD Star Rating

    SRFR is surely a anti-chinese racist.
    He always make rscist remarks.
    Chinese this,chinese that.
    Never Indian this or that.
    Must be anti-chinese indian FT.

    GD Star Rating
  • hg wong:

    pp like you can’t accept reality. period

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Like that humiliation ? How many times Biden fell down walking. The whole world news reported.

    If you watch the entire APEC video, nobody care Xi. 没人睬他. Obviously 伟大领袖 cannot speak English.
    This reemphasize the importance of picking up the English language.

    GD Star Rating
  • West Worshiper:

    Whenever someone criticizes the west, you will show up to criticize China. What are you? A Cantonese with a deep hatred of Chinese, which include millions of Cantonese.

    PAP mandate strong: Like that humiliation ? How many times Biden fell down walking. The whole world news reported.

    GD Star Rating
  • Nothing to See:

    Actually hoh, it is simple alphabetic order from Australia … to Vietnam. USA is right before Vietnam. China happens to be near the centre.

    Humiliation, like beauty, is mostly in the eyes of the beholder.

    Conspiracy theorist can claim the host deliberately chose the alphabetic order knowing the outcome.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Does not matter who is the President. The war machine of the American Empire moves on. China will be the favourite target when Trump takes office. Then watch all the Asian leaders line up to kiss his ass.

    Asian leaders have no shame. They form many groups but only to give themselves expensive holidays to attend overseas functions. Talk a lot and blur like sotong but there is always a shady bank account full of their peoples’ money somewhere.

    GD Star Rating
  • Lorong Besar kosong:

    Immediately after APEC 2024 Lima Peru, Baiden also attended G20, Rio 2024.

    During the summit of G20,Rio 2024, Biden was sitting in between Macron and Modi. Although he showed, believed to be, signs of mental senile due to his advanced age, his words still carry the weight of the sole super power on planet Earth.

    On the other hand, Macron showed signs of lethargy which could not be overcome by rest. Obviously it is due to the fact that he has religious and racial tensions at home. Further more, Israel has been pounding his ex colony, Lebanon for the past months, inability to tell what he should have told Netanyahu as Lebanon ex colony ruler truly makes him very malu.

    Modi looked to have mixed feelings . He could have just received news that there was violent clashes between Hindu and Christian in the state of Manipur. Fatalities and injuries ensued. Just last year, several rounds of violent clashes between Hindu and Christian rocked the state for several months. Hundreds were killed, thousands were injured, many more displaced. Rapes were reported. The worst was the raped victims were paraded naked on the streets!

    India under Modi has made tremendous progress. GDP growth has been the world highest, satellite landed on Mars at the first try, they had just successfully tested fire a hyper sonic long range missile which the United States is still trying to catch up. They are no longer poor. A news report recently said that a boy in India received a brand new BMW as birth day gift from his father. The boy just pushed the brand new BMW into Jamuna river because he wanted a Jaguar. India has to be rich to enable the boy to do that.

    All signs are pointing to the fact that India has raised due to Modi. The world most populous country is set to be the major player for the next decades to come.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    A singaporean whos not pro china or pro CCP.

    You watched the video right ? Did i add salt add vingear ? Dont worry, very sure video wont be shown in China and sure 404.

    伟大领袖 can only blame himself for not learning a second language. And hes not humiliated. Neglected looking uneasy for a few minutes only.

    Same for Blinken or other USA or jap or s korea or phillipines officials when they visited in China for meeting.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    SRFR is surely a anti-chinese racist.
    He always make rscist remarks.
    Chinese this,chinese that.
    Never Indian this or that.
    Must be anti-chinese indian FT.

    You are a good cannon fodder for CIA or CCP.

    Why? Because you don’t do facts check.

    Please join TRE as member and look up what I had posted in the past.

    I posted this here.

    and here.

    This being had been a part time volunteer for 8 years, had seen it all and has the wisdom to see that all races had their own black sheep.

    Indian don’t scam Indian. Really?

    Chinese don’t scam Chinese? Really?

    YOU MUST BE CHARGED FOR failing to facts check AND SPREAD FAKE NEWS to defame me.

    GD Star Rating
  • West Worshiper:

    There are so many. Only you know which one you talking.
    You added so much chilli in your last sentence, and you don’t know?

    PAP mandate strong: You watched the video right ? Did i add salt add vingear ? Dont worry, very sure video wont be shown in China and sure 404.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake fake:

    What a waste of 8 years. Even little kids know this.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: This being had been a part time volunteer for 8 years, had seen it all and has the wisdom to see that all races had their own black sheep.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Well, Up to you. I cant stop you from denying. Its your choice.

    Given the calibre of PRCs display during the latest soccer match between China vs Japan ( world cup ) on China soil, i aint surprise. End result still 1 – 3.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Before yesterday China vs Japan soccer match, i always taught the area of the football field is standard. 原来是可以改的 and permissible to do that. China 算是给大家上了一课!

    GD Star Rating
  • 直接了当有把握的人!:



    PAP mandate strong:
    Before yesterday China vs Japan soccer match, i always taught the area of the football field is standard. 原来是可以改的 and permissible to do that. China 算是给大家上了一课!

    GD Star Rating
  • dave:

    Singaporeans R Free Riders and PAP mandate strong are the same twit hiding behind many nicks to spread hate against China and the Chinese people.

    He is a Falungong follower, a cult banned in China. Now hiding in this little red dot to try to discredit and badmouth China and the Chinese people.

    GD Star Rating
  • Powderful Engelishes:

    OK, the 伟大领袖 know only putonghua, no other languages.

    However, during APEC at Lima Peru 2024, APEC country leaders queued up to have meetings with him.

    As for you, the individual who are very powderful with both putonghua and Engelishes, could you get the coffee shop beer auntie to give you a better service because of that?

    PAP mandate strong:

    伟大领袖 can only blame himself for not learning a second language. And hes not humiliated. Neglected looking uneasy for a few minutes only.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Singaporeans R Free Riders and PAP mandate strong are the same twit hiding behind many nicks to spread hate against China and the Chinese people.

    He is a Falungong follower, a cult banned in China. Now hiding in this little red dot to try to discredit and badmouth China and the Chinese people.

    Really? Singaporeans R Free Riders and PAP mandate strong are the same twit ?

    You just omitted “What voices? Pl be specific.”

    Total is NOT 2 but 3 of us are the same twit. hahahahahah

    You are such a poor facts checker. No wonder Singaporean PMET like you cannot land any jobs.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Before I already admitted my english f*** up several times.

    Yes, give them an fat ang pow or fat tip. Same thing APEC leaders 揾着數.
    Anyway i dont drink. Half cup of beer my face like 关云长.

    And what does you drinking beer or how beer lady treat you got to do with APEC ?

    You think 伟大领袖 request all countries to give PRCs 免签, all the countries will say yes and consent to it. Or PRCs flash their China passports, they will be treated like a VIP. Sorry i think extort monies from them.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ dave

    On the contrary. By criticising China objectively, we project a better Chinese image that not all Chinese are chauvinists and racists like the pro Chinas here.

    GD Star Rating
  • China Fan:

    You call pro-China people racists. Objective, you are not.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ dave

    On the contrary. By criticising China objectively, we project a better Chinese image that not all Chinese are chauvinists and racists like the pro Chinas here.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP toxin$:

    Here at TRE,PAP toxin$ are abound in the persons of SRFR,MANDATE AND PAPies.
    These lowly people screw their own people.
    Betrayers are basta_rds.
    They are worse than virus.
    Dangerous liars.
    They should be POFMA.

    Sgs suffer because of such debased traitors.

    GD Star Rating
  • 断肠草:


    PAP mandate strong:
    Before I already admitted my english f*** up several times.

    Yes, give them an fat ang pow or fat tip. Same thing APEC leaders 揾着數.
    Anyway i dont drink. Half cup of beermy face like 关云长.

    And what does you drinking beer or how beer lady treat you got to do with APEC ?

    You think 伟大领袖 request all countries to give PRCs 免签, all the countries will say yes and consent to it. Or PRCs flash their China passports, they will be treated like a VIP. Sorry i think extort monies from them.

    GD Star Rating
  • 断肠草:


    PAP mandate strong:
    Before I already admitted my english f*** up several times.

    Yes, give them an fat ang pow or fat tip. Same thing APEC leaders 揾着數.
    Anyway i dont drink. Half cup of beermy face like 关云长.

    And what does you drinking beer or how beer lady treat you got to do with APEC ?

    You think 伟大领袖 request all countries to give PRCs 免签, all the countries will say yes and consent to it. Or PRCs flash their China passports, they will be treated like a VIP. Sorry i think extort monies from them.

    GD Star Rating
  • 马不知脸长:




    PAP mandate strong:
    @ dave

    On the contrary. By criticising China objectively, we project a better Chinese image that not all Chinese are chauvinists and racists like the pro Chinas here.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ 马不知脸长:

    那不就是 指明方向, 人类命运共同体 亲自指挥亲自部署, …..
    你讲的这种想法的第一代表, 就非小学博士的伟大领袖莫属.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    So pitiful, swallow and vomit more propaganda.

    PAP mandate strong:

    那不就是 …..

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Myanmar civil war.

    Now Pakistan also beginning. Curfew imposed. If cannot suppressed, both side of road belt 就不妙了.

    GD Star Rating
  • Twits:

    The twits recognize one another instantly.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Really? Singaporeans R Free Riders and PAP mandate strong are the same twit ?

    You just omitted “What voices? Pl be specific.”

    Total is NOT 2 but 3 of us are the same twit. hahahahahah

    GD Star Rating
  • Make Anericunts Greed Again:

    America is a “free” country except when it comes to FREE TRADE.
    If America was major net exporter,America would defend against Tariffs.

    But no country can compare to $in Inc.

    Sure or not?


    Make Sg Great?
    For WHO?

    And so ” NO sg will be left behind” will be THE PAP SLOGAN N WAR CRY.
    After GE,you will actually SEE MORE SGS GET LEFT BEHIND like post every GEs before.

    Will even YOUNG BABY-BONUS LOLLIPOP-$uckers vote honestly?
    Tell you,these young are so addicted to lollies that all they care is “ME,MYSELF,I AND MINE!”.
    Who cares if others especially my old uncles and aunties are left by the wayside to perish and die?

    Well,soon they will realise when policies eat into their own lives by and by.

    Vote for good oppo.
    SDP AND PSP would help bring back some dignity back into your lives.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    The twits recognize one another instantly.

    Hilarious.. No wonder Old PMET cannot get jobs.
    Old PMETs are 10 years series templated parrot, NOT talents.
    They have POOR facts checking skills like my current old director.

    Pray, tell me. Which is which ah?

    1. SRFR,PAP Mandate,Pl Be Specific

    PAP IBs are the betrayers: SRFR,PAP Mandate,Pl Be Specific
    All are traitors.
    They may not even be trublu sgs.
    They buy HDB after stealing sgs’ jobs.
    Then buy condo with the Huge Profits from re-selling their HDB.
    Only 10-years series scholar-ministers cannot see through their ploy.

    PAP toxin$: Here at TRE,PAP toxin$ are abound in the persons of SRFR,MANDATE AND PAPies.
    These lowly people screw their own people.
    Betrayers are basta_rds.

    GD Star Rating
  • 马不知脸长!:




    PAP mandate strong:
    @ 马不知脸长:

    那不就是 指明方向, 人类命运共同体 亲自指挥亲自部署, …..
    你讲的这种想法的第一代表, 就非小学博士的伟大领袖莫属.

    GD Star Rating
  • What voices? Pl be specific!:

    I love my fellow people, I love my country.

    My contribution to my fellow people and country is just to do my part properly. Along the way if I can, I just do a little more to make thing better.

    I hate rotten apples, I always keep a distance from the rotten apples, especially the rotten and with pungent stink ones.

    In what ever way I can, I will always dispose off the rotten apples, burying them in the burial grounds, dump them in the rubbish bin, burn them in the Tuas incinerating plant for resources recycling.

    In doing so, some times I couldn’t take the pungent stink and had to “ kraaaaa……Tsui!” !

    My apologies for doing that, it was involuntary, not purposely!

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ 小红点有这样的孔乙己,小红点休矣!

    In that case. Then you quickly go China ! Please. For your own sake for your own happiness. Waiting for what ? I bid you bon voyage.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:


    You are spot on. 3 clap for you.

    Anglo Saxon said: Sugar coated Poison 包著糖衣的毒藥

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    What voices? Pl be specific!:
    I love my fellow people, I love my country.

    My contribution to my fellow people and country is just to do my part properly. Along the way if I can, I just do a little more to make thing better.

    Yes. Only help people who are upright, honourable and will stand on their own 2 feet and reciprocate after receiving help.

    What voices? Pl be specific!:
    I hate rotten apples, I always keep a distance from the rotten apples, especially the rotten and with pungent stink ones.

    In what ever way I can, I will always dispose off the rotten apples, burying them in the burial grounds, dump them in the rubbish bin, burn them in the Tuas incinerating plant for resources recycling.

    In doing so, some times I couldn’t take the pungent stink and had to “ kraaaaa……Tsui!” !

    My apologies for doing that, it was involuntary, not purposely!

    Yes, stay away from rotten apples who never want to take responsibility for their life except demand EVERYTHING FREE from parents, friends and government.

    Such rotten apples had one common traits: Lazy and unmotivated, they just sit on their ass and smoke cigarette.

    or scam people.

    Please download and share to warn people to stay away from rotten apples.

    GD Star Rating
  • 马不知脸长!:




    PAP mandate strong:
    @ 小红点有这样的孔乙己,小红点休矣!

    In that case. Then you quickly go China ! Please. For your own sake for your own happiness. Waiting for what ? I bid you bon voyage.

    GD Star Rating
  • What voices? Pl be specific!:

    Nice, rotten apples killing each other!

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Yes. Only help people who are upright, honourable and will stand on their own 2 feet and reciprocate after receiving help.

    Yes, stay away from rotten apples who never want to take responsibility for their life except demand EVERYTHING FREE from parents, friends and government.

    Such rotten apples had one common traits: Lazy and unmotivated, they just sit on their ass and smoke cigarette.

    or scam people.

    Please download and share to warn people to stay away from rotten apples.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ 为什么必须去中国?

    那为何又不去 why not ? 你们都把中国赞到上天!

    传北京爆无差别攻击 一天2起汽车撞人事故

    Currently every 2 to 3 days a few cases if not everyday. China dont dare to report but 404 instead. 还真tmd两面人.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    What voices? Pl be specific!:
    Nice, rotten apples killing each other!

    De-escalate to maintain peace.
    Do Not escalate the tension like cannon fodder Zelensky.

    Everyone please learn DE-ESCALATION from Officer Syamil

    Well done ICA.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    As usual. More swallowing and vomiting.

    PAP mandate strong: Currently every 2 to 3 days a few cases if not everyday. China dont dare to report but 404 instead. 还真tmd两面人.

    GD Star Rating
  • So sad for free & mandate:

    Free Rider, PAP Mandate,

    You are wasting your efforts and time spreading anti China and China hatred propaganda. It’s just don’t work here as almost all people in sg won’t believe what you are saying in fact they think you are pro Taiwan/HK independence.

    British already handed HK to China after the lease expired.

    As for Taiwan island, it is undisputed an island part of China which is recognised by UN as part of one China.


    It’s impossible to crush China as China is too powerful and going to be more powerful month by month (yes). US would not want to fight China for Taiwan as US has calculated slim or no chance at all at China backyard but US want Taiwan (and Japan) to fight China which is zero possibility.

    China is a great nation helping many countries develop infrastructure and economy. US is totally opposite. More and more countries are embracing China deserting US.

    Don’t waste your life hating China and spread anti China propaganda as you are wasting your whole life. Think wise focus on your job, etc have meaning life. Life is short. Peace. (If you are CIA/NED paid, one day you will be dealt with just like the HK violent protesters. Already those who hold BNO fled to UK are having hardship there and already one young lady committed suicide and another young lady falls into slight depression and one young man vented his hardship on social media. The UK promise, dream turns out to be nightmare. They are utilised by the west to sacrifice their future for the west. Very good lesson for youth in Asia).

    GD Star Rating
  • @PAP Mandate:


    Who would believe it? It’s looks like accident. I don’t see any video of a car going around crashing people.

    You and this news press paid by US US1.6 billion anti China funds right?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP Mandate spread misinfo:

    Your source of the article is from:


    自由時報(Liberty Times): the most pro-independence newspaper in Taiwan (and also probably the largest). It has an English version known as the Taipei Times. Very anti-KMT, very anti-ROC, and very anti-PRC. The day this newspaper prints anything slightly nice about the other side is the day pigs grew wings and fly away.

    Please don’t come to sg spread pro Taiwan independence and anti China propaganda lah no Singaporean will concur with you one lah.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Likewise. You also get pay by singing praises of China is it ? Dont worry i m happy for you since you received monies. So did you share with your mates ? e.g. You receive a thousand dollars. You only keep 10 or 100 dollars, the rest 990 or 900 dollars you share right? Thats 共同富贵. Nope right, 你个衰仔独食 right ?

    Infrastructure build by China need to be closely monitor and as long as they do it properly.

    Look at these news ? These type sure cannot cover up or 404.
    长沙一小区楼栋周围下沉2米多 业主担忧安全隐患

    And you never answer the question

    那为何又不去 why not ? 你们都把中国赞到上天!

    回中国吃香蕉! 多好!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    So sad for free & mandate: Free Rider, PAP Mandate,

    You are wasting your efforts and time spreading anti China and China hatred propaganda. It’s just don’t work here as almost all people in sg won’t believe what you are saying in fact they think you are pro Taiwan/HK independence.

    British already handed HK to China after the lease expired.

    Chinese Chauvinistic Pi like you who conspire with China, help China to build new sea port to ruin Singapore must be arrested, charged and thrown into jail.

    Read my post here:

    Chinese Chauvinistic Pi are like the white supremacy KKK, the Nazis, the Zionist or Taliban. They hallucinate that they are super being and above others. They are the cancer of society and must be put in their place.


    Zionist explain

    GD Star Rating
  • China Fan:

    This kind of tiny problem you also want to blow big big?

    PAP mandate strong: Look at these news ? These type sure cannot cover up or 404.
    长沙一小区楼栋周围下沉2米多 业主担忧安全隐患

    GD Star Rating
  • China Good:

    Dishonest man-date.
    I only say “China Good”. I never say “China Heavenly.”

    But then, people here don’t expect you to be honest. You have posted lots of fake stuff.

    PAP mandate strong: 你们都把中国赞到上天!

    GD Star Rating
  • 马不知脸长:




    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Blow big big ?

    Did i ? I merely highlight the news.

    You read yourself and do your own surmise.

    GD Star Rating
  • Yusof Sulaiman:

    Worst than the Stalinist communist regime!

    Stalin sent tartans to the frozen Siberia because of suspicion of treason.

    Now, people just admire the place where their ancestors came from is forbidden, had to be sent there once they mentioned about it.

    You are the king of everything?

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ 为什么必须去中国?

    那为何又不去 why not ? 你们都把中国赞到上天!

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    First, these sheep humans are skillfully brainwashed that all traffic accidents must appear in the news. Most countries, including Sg, do not have news on all traffic accidents.

    Second, those writers claim they cannot find it in the news (true or not, it’s very hard to verify).

    Then, finally, the worked-up sheep will jump up and bleat, “China dont dare to report but 404 instead. 还真tmd两面人.”

    Real hilarious.

    PAP mandate strong: Currently every 2 to 3 days a few cases if not everyday. China dont dare to report but 404 instead. 还真tmd两面人.

    GD Star Rating
  • Free and Mandate are paid?:

    My understanding from social media those pro independence Taiwanese are paid to smear, demonise China. They always spread ridiculous misinformation about China when you know very obviously there are no facts or evidences in it. They don’t care because they are being paid to do so. Likewise they simply don’t care about the facts you brought up to them such as UN recognises one China (China mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau) and there is no basis for an independent Taiwan. What they do is twist the facts and take every opportunity to smear, demonise China such as no democracy, freedom, human rights, China government killed its own people and China the country will be destroyed due to such. You frequently see that on social media whole day they are smearing, demonising China it’s like it is their full time job which I believe so.

    Looking at the HK pro independence violent protesters, they are paid by US CIA/NED, they are so motivated to crush MRT stations, shops (include DBS bank outlets), beat up people. The young leader Wong was found to have USD50k in his room. That Apple Daily newspaper boss Jimmy Lai got HKD2.95 billion from CIA/NED in which some (millions) are going to youngster protesters. Apple Daily newspapers is incurring losses about HKD1 to few millions per day the HKD2.9 billion Jimmy Lai got came in handy for him. For those people who follow closely the court case in HK knows much more than me.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Yusof Sulaiman

    You know what is 言行不一

    Anyway as you insist. Then not supporting China is my own discretion.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Sheep

    Yes. I also find it hilarious when you all purposely ignore.

    GD Star Rating
  • Yusof Sulaiman:

    Could you be the one who said one thing but acted differently?

    If you dislike China and not supporting it is your own discretion, you should not have interfered when others showed admiration and support for their ancestral homeland by telling them to go there.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ Yusof Sulaiman

    You know what is 言行不一

    Anyway as you insist. Then not supporting China is my own discretion.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP Madate:

    How much you are paid to smear, demonise China? I pay you double to stop it and become good person.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Go back to China whats wrong. Your home land you admired and someone even comment like paradise. I not asking you to go North Korea or Iran or Syria or Africa or Haiti…. Shouldnt you be delighted ?

    GD Star Rating
  • E-VIL-E:

    Getting excited about deaths in China.
    E-VIL and VIL-E.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ Sheep

    Yes. I also find it hilarious when you all purposely ignore.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ How much you are paid to smear, demonise China? I pay you double to stop it and become good person.

    收买 ? Thats China usual 惯用的伎俩. In the end you expose China. Unfortunately China seldom they hold their end of the bargain or words.

    Anyway do not sell yourself cheap! 举头三尺有神灵, 不畏人知畏己知.

    Just look Syria, Assad 从灵隐寺正门进. 神都不保佑他. 陪他进去还有另外一个人. 你知道的!

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Interfered ?

    You China diplomat kena chase out of Paraguay, now thats real proof of China interference of other nations.
    巴拉圭驱逐中国大陆外交官 指其游说国会议员与台湾断交

    GD Star Rating
  • Yosuf Sulaiman:

    Anyone who is a Singapore citizen by birth but his ancestral homeland is China has the right to decide for himself whether or not to live out his life in Singapore.

    Nobody has the right to tell him, or suggest in anyway to him, to go back to his ancestral homeland!

    Are you truly too daft to not be able to get this straight?

    PAP mandate strong:
    Go back to China whats wrong. Your home land you admired and someone even comment like paradise. I not asking you to go North Korea or Iran or Syria or Africa or Haiti…. Shouldnt you be delighted ?

    GD Star Rating
  • @PAP Madate:

    Singaporean pay you you also don’t want.

    Look at Syria see what your American papa doing there:

    GD Star Rating
  • @PAP Madate:

    Give you more good stuff. Have a nice weekend. (赖皮really a 傻子. Only smart in getting lots of money from foreign forces).

    GD Star Rating
  • 你信神眉?:




    PAP mandate strong:
    @ How much you are paid to smear, demonise China? I pay you double to stop it and become good person.

    收买 ? Thats China usual 惯用的伎俩. In the end you expose China. Unfortunately China seldom they hold their end of the bargain or words.

    Anyway do not sell yourself cheap! 举头三尺有神灵, 不畏人知畏己知.

    Just look Syria, Assad 从灵隐寺正门进. 神都不保佑他. 陪他进去还有另外一个人. 你知道的!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ How much you are paid to smear, demonise China? I pay you double to stop it and become good person.

    收买 ? Thats China usual 惯用的伎俩. In the end you expose China. Unfortunately China seldom they hold their end of the bargain or words.

    Anyway do not sell yourself cheap! 举头三尺有神灵, 不畏人知畏己知.

    Just look Syria, Assad 从灵隐寺正门进. 神都不保佑他. 陪他进去还有另外一个人. 你知道的!

    Unfortunately China seldom they hold their end of the bargain or words.

    Very well said. China CCP steal our SuZhou Industrial Park and when our great LKY expose them, China CCP even lie with eyes wide open like In God We Tru$t Americunt.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Don’t be stupid. He was trying to make friends in Paraguay. If that is interference in other nations, then the Johore sultan must stop inviting Sg politicians for durian feasts.

    PAP mandate strong: Interfered ?

    You China diplomat kena chase out of Paraguay, now thats real proof of China interference of other nations.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    Surprisingly, PAP supporters seem to have issue with china but hear what Mr Lee said in the video 3:02 below.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ 那你要当心啰,说了人家这么多坏话。

    Likewise you all also have to be careful too. The news i shared have links to support ( at least 50% from China media ) but you all talk always “plucked from thin air.”

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Singaporean pay you you also don’t want.
    Look at Syria see what your American papa doing there:

    This only show that you can easily be bought and very cheap.

    If Syria in such a short time just 2 to 3 weeks only can 变天 you think they support Assad ?
    Dictator kena kick out we should celebrate. Syria people cheering in the streets. Assad statue are overturned. I wondered if China 404 such news or not ?

    And what did Russia Iran and China do ? Do nothing right. 还战略伙伴 ?
    Russia tio stucked in the ukraine invasion. Iran try to help but realised the Syria soldiers plus people not interested to fight, they also forego as its pointless. China ??? Now everyone can see China is a 什么货色.

    GD Star Rating
  • Desperate:

    Desperate man-date tries all ways to smear China. Now he even wants to smear China’s temples.

    PAP mandate strong: Just look Syria, Assad 从灵隐寺正门进. 神都不保佑他. 陪他进去还有另外一个人. 你知道的!

    GD Star Rating
  • Mandate & Free:

    老板,没。。没办法咯。这。。这情况 不容乐观一点。不是刮风就是下雨,这。这种天气。不是我们不努力,这种情况,用。。。用力都没用,这情况。。。

    Good advice.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    make friends in Paraguay ?

    Why kena expel 遭下逐客令 !


    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Relax:

    Yes but thats 外交客套话.
    讲真话, 你那个伟大领袖听的进去吗? 任志强 ( 红二代 同輩somemore ) good example.
    跟你骂还不用紧, 故意派人去搞你的公司 or 搞你的投资. Dont forget SuZhou ind park and Terrex.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Yosuf Sulaiman

    However all of you pro Chinas in Sg seems very unhappy. This one buay song, that one tulan, then another KNN, next one CCB. A lot of kpkbs. Whereas China all praises only.

    As if living in Sg only pain. Therefore 何必为难委屈自己. Sg just a little pink dot 小庙容不下你们这些大神. In Sg 你们太屈才. Go back to China, i believe 你们一定可以发光发亮 and live life to the fullest.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    Like people say, most of your comments are “backed up” with propaganda links. You even add in your imaginations and claim that is your right to interpret in any way you want.

    5% fact, 95% imagination.

    PAP mandate strong: Likewise you all also have to be careful too. The news i shared have links to support ( at least 50% from China media ) but you all talk always “plucked from thin air.”

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    China temple.
    Build by West India monk 西印度僧人慧理.
    Dont worry not desperate.

    GD Star Rating
  • Adam Abas:

    Assad kena kicked out and Syria will all go well and fine?

    They are so many armed guards in Syria, each with their own agenda and most have foreign supporters. If they can’t get together and agree with each others, Syria is going to be difficult in the years to come.

    If you ask what would PRC do under the circumstances, the spokesperson for their ministry of foreign affairs will likely tell you that:

    “ We wish all the best for the country and the people, hope that the situation will improve in no time and people can get on with their lives. PRC is always ready to help in whatever way we can, to rebuild their country “.

    PRC has since taken control of the mainland, adopted the stance of non interference in the internal affairs of the countries they deal with. They will only contribute in the economy, social, health etc developments but stay clear of any military conflict.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ Singaporean pay you you also don’t want.
    Look at Syria see what your American papa doing there:

    This only show that you can easily be bought and very cheap.

    If Syria in such a short time just 2 to 3 weeks only can 变天 you think they support Assad ?
    Dictator kena kick out we shouldcelebrate. Syria people cheering in the streets. Assad statue are overturned. I wondered if China 404 such news or not ?

    And what did Russia Iran and China do ? Do nothing right. 还战略伙伴 ?
    Russia tio stucked in the ukraine invasion. Iran try to help but realised the Syria soldiers plus people not interested to fight, theyalso forego as its pointless. China ??? Now everyone can see China is a 什么货色.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Don’t anyhow say dishonest. That’s bad. He was there to make friends.

    On Wednesday, Xu skipped the UNESCO meeting and instead met with officials in Paraguay’s capital of Asuncion, where he called on lawmakers to ditch Taiwan and bolster ties with China.

    “It is either China or Taiwan,” he said. “I recommend that the government of Paraguay make a correct decision as soon as possible.”

    That foreign ministry official mistakes a foreign affairs issue as domestic politics. “He came to do internal politics that were not appropriate,” said Juan Baiardi, the deputy minister of administration and technical affairs for Paraguay’s Foreign Ministry.”

    He got expelled because those with visa power wanted to remain unfriendly. Simple. Like that also don’t know?

    PAP mandate strong:
    make friends in Paraguay ?

    Why kena expel 遭下逐客令 !


    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    He is serious not 外交客套话,singapore will be working very closely with china in future. They are so happy, why are you so angry?
    You have to be mentally well prepared for the rest of your life.

    So what was singapore’s action on suzhou ind park and terrex?
    Do they have iron in them?

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ Relax:

    Yes but thats 外交客套话.
    讲真话, 你那个伟大领袖听的进去吗? 任志强 ( 红二代 同輩somemore ) good example.
    跟你骂还不用紧, 故意派人去搞你的公司 or 搞你的投资. Dont forget SuZhou ind park and Terrex.

    GD Star Rating
  • Yusof Sulaiman:

    @PAP mandate strong

    Singapore is an opened society. Kpkb sensibly will not get any one into trouble. In other words, kpkb sensibly is a right, ghamen allowed people to do that and it is none of your business.

    Just to enlighten you a little bit: telling people to go back to their homeland is offensive and rude in many South East Asia countries. If you happened to tell the wrong person to “ balik kampung “, a big surprise for you could come immediately after that.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    Please show what propaganda you have swallowed. Let us have a good laugh.

    PAP mandate strong: 讲真话, 你那个伟大领袖听的进去吗? 任志强 ( 红二代 同輩somemore ) good example.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    No issue. You can accept or not.
    Your discretion.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Surprisingly, PAP supporters seem to have issue with china but hear what Mr Lee said in the video 3:02 below.

    Ang Mo say: With age comes wisdom.

    Apparently this is NOT true for old man such as Relax.

    When you visit a friend house, do you condemn your friend’s house is ugly?

    PAP Mandate Strong is the best answer for you. He took the words out of my mouth.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ Relax:

    Yes but thats 外交客套话.
    讲真话, 你那个伟大领袖听的进去吗? 任志强 ( 红二代 同輩somemore ) good example.
    跟你骂还不用紧, 故意派人去搞你的公司 or 搞你的投资. Dont forget SuZhou ind park and Terrex.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:


    Re-fry stone cold misinformation. It’s always welcome by sheep.

    PAP mandate strong:
    No issue. You can accept or not.
    Your discretion.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    You two swallow and vomit the same propaganda. Without doubt, you took the words out of each other’s mouth.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: PAP Mandate Strong is the best answer for you. He took the words out of my mouth.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”When you visit a friend house, do you condemn your friend’s house is ugly?”

    Response: if your friend’s house is very ugly and dirty, do you praise it? isnt that hypocripsy?

    True friend is honest and authentic.
    Dont believe too much of polite words (别信太多客套话).

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Well the person refry is not me.
    How about the info is real but you look away as you just cannot accept it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Admire South Korean:


    GD Star Rating
  • Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR:

    You two swallow and vomit the same propaganda. Without doubt, you took the words out of each other’s mouth.

    You make a good but low level CCP cannon fodder.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    So you disagree with the zaobao story that you quoted?
    Which part of that story is real info?

    PAP mandate strong:
    Well the person refry is not me.
    How about the info is real but you look away as you just cannot accept it.

    GD Star Rating
  • 好柏村:


    Admire South Korean:

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ True friend is honest and authentic.
    Dont believe too much of polite words (别信太多客套话).

    Its that true for the Chinese society ?
    CCP 林彪 diary say other wise. 真心话是不能讲的. Look at 彭德怀 who criticise Mao. Maybe the only time is at the dying bed. Thats why 人之将死其言也善,鸟之将死其声也悲. one good example,
    People here who only have praises for China yet refuse to go back to China. No convincing reason from them.

    Can PRC truly be honest and candid ? You look at BYD, those PRCs honestly comment the quality reliability and safety problems of BYD EVs all kena issue lawyer letters by BYD legal team. Same for Huawei.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”人之将死其言也善,鸟之将死其声也悲. ”

    Response: why a man’s words are kind when death is close? Clear conscience?
    Since a man wants to lie when he is alive, what’s the point of telling the truth when he is near death.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    @”When you visit a friend house, do you condemn your friend’s house is ugly?”

    Response: if your friend’s house is very ugly and dirty, do you praise it?isnt that hypocripsy?

    True friend is honest and authentic.
    Dont believe too much of polite words (别信太多客套话).

    Some friend welcome honest and authentic criticism,
    some friend does not welcome criticism at all.

    That’s why our great SAF taught you about tactical movement.
    Some more there is day tactical movement and night tactical movement.

    PreCovid time, a expat. senior manager invited us to his condo house for makan.

    While makaning, a woman came to place more food on the table.
    The store manager suddenly said to the expat., wow your MAID cook well.

    Hahahaha… the expat. manager face turn black.

    The expat. manager replied: She is my WIFE.

    Singaporeans are racist. They see tanned skin woman as MAID.

    Is this HONEST and AUTHENTIC ?
    Dont believe too much of polite words (别信太多客套话).

    GD Star Rating
  • @Mandate & Free Rider:

    I have found a solution as follows:,


    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    So which part of the story is fake ?

    Your credentials and data must be real solid to challenge this true blue or true red ( in his case ) PRC author.

    Perhaps he received $$$ from CIA ?
    Feel free to report him to China authorities.

    Even better. Feel free to fly to China and face to face mask off debate with him.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Admire South Korean:





    GD Star Rating
  • Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR:

    @Mandate & Free Rider:
    I have found a solution as follows:,


    You love China Communist Party so much you should migrate there.
    Then you can everyday shout 听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良·

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Your proposed solution sucks.
    Your pro China mates also refuse to go to China.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”Some friend welcome honest and authentic criticism,
    some friend does not welcome criticism at all.”

    Response: do you know how to differentiate true friends?
    You can have tom, dicky and harry as friends but one true friend is better than ‘kinda’ friends.

    Your story only show that the store manager make an own mistake (摆乌龙). What’s the logic of the last two sentences link to the story?

    GD Star Rating
  • Secret Fan:

    Wow, you are shouting this all over TRE. You are a double agent.

    Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR: Then you can everyday shout 听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良·

    GD Star Rating
  • @Singaporeans R Free Riders:


    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    You have to be very clear.

    The author of the zaobao story is not this China professor. The zaobao writer (unnamed) quoted bits from an interview with the professor conducted not by zaobao. The quotes were out of context. The writer added some nonsense of his own. The long interview and other relevant data are available online.

    People who put in the effort can find the real context and relevant data. Lazy sheep will take in whatever the unnamed zaobao storywriter writes.

    PAP mandate strong:
    So which part of the story is fake ?

    Your credentials and data must be real solid to challenge this true blue or true red ( in his case ) PRC author.

    Perhaps he received $$$ from CIA ?
    Feel free to report him to China authorities.

    Even better. Feel free to fly to China and face to face mask off debate with him.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Why @ ”人之将死其言也善,鸟之将死其声也悲. ”

    好问题. VERY GOOD!
    You will have ask 孔子 yourself in the future if you see him. The saying comes from 论语, at least 1000 plus if not 2000 years ago. Imagine 2000 years ago, the Chinese living in China already realised you cannot 讲真话.

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion Says:

    Confusion says, “When you are caught lying, say Confucius told you to lie.”

    It’s too late to save that Indian woman from the very un-Confucius house.

    PAP mandate strong:
    Why @ ”人之将死其言也善,鸟之将死其声也悲. ”

    好问题. VERY GOOD!
    You will have ask 孔子 yourself in the future if you see him. The saying comes from 论语, at least 1000 plus if not 2000 years ago. Imagine 2000 years ago, the Chinese living in China already realised you cannot 讲真话.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”… the Chinese living in China already realised you cannot 讲真话.”

    Response: So, that is your interpretation of the phrase?

    Below is the story of the phrase:

    曾子与孟敬子在政治立场上是对立的。曾子在临死以前,他还在试图改变孟敬子的态度,所以他说:“人之将死,其言也善。” 意思是告诉孟敬子现在他说的都是肺腑之言的话,没有恶意,别不当回事,毕竟那些贵族要是真能做君子仁人,当时社会就不会礼坏乐崩。孟敬子代表当权者,所以曾子这句话是对居上位的执政者所说,同时也告诉孟敬子,个人的道德修养很重要。

    Zeng zi and meng jing zi are political opposition. Before zeng zi died, he still tried to change meng jing zi’s attitude, that’s why he said :”a man’s words are kind when death is close.” He was trying to tell meng jing zi that whatever he was telling him now was from the bottom of his heart, so dont take it lightly. If the high rank/noblemen can have real noble characters and benevolent, the society will not be ruined of etiquette and joy collapsed. Meng jing zi represent those in power, so zeng zi was trying to tell the ruler, and also tell meng jing zi at the same time that personal moral cultivation is important.

    Conclusion is zeng zi was telling the truth all the time, even near his death. 结论是曾子一直都在讲真话,要死前还是讲真话。

    GD Star Rating
  • Tiger Hong:

    One “Relax” worth a million “ Mandates ” and many others put together!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Secret Fan:
    Wow, you are shouting this all over TRE. You are a double agent.

    Double agent?
    You are an idiot.

    Can you answer this?
    Is your Anglo Saxon PaPa Joe Biden a double agent who seek his root in Ireland?

    Don’t run away from my question.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    @”Some friend welcome honest and authentic criticism,
    some friend does not welcome criticism at all.”

    Response: do you know how to differentiate true friends?
    You can have tom, dicky and harry as friends but one true friend is better than ‘kinda’ friends.

    Your story only show that the store manager make an own mistake (摆乌龙). What’s the logic of the last two sentences link to the story?

    Can you define true friends?
    Tell everything to each other, including business strategy and not hide anything right?

    During my varsity day, 2 dude claim they are true friend because they knew each other since secondary 2 and share the same hobby, badminton.

    After graduation, both work as account manager for MNC computer company with A went to IBM and B went to HP.

    There was a million dollars project. Both A and B represent their respective company and went to bid for it.

    In the end, A win the project and B threatened to sue A because A had make use of his truthfulness which they chit chat over kopi to win the project.

    You think everyone will be kind and truthful to you just because you are kind and truthful?

    What a gullible dude you are.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sigh:

    As people said before, your England no powder, your Chinese like kinderclass, and your analysis is imagination. But your skin is armored and you claim your human rights to say anything you want.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Chinese dont tell lies ?
    Sorry I dont buy it0

    Zeng Zi never tell a single lie whether its white lies or not. Whether he just making a joke or being mischievious.

    The most is 假话全不说, 真话不全讲.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sigh:

    Your Chinese like kinderclass, and your analysis is imagination.

    PAP mandate strong: Chinese dont tell lies ?
    Sorry I dont buy it0

    Sigh: As people said before, your England no powder, your Chinese like kinderclass, and your analysis is imagination.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”…2 dude claim they are true friend…
    In the end, A win the project …”

    Response: fate brings together, fate ends, it diminish, this is natural phenomenon (緣聚則有,緣散即滅,這個是自然現象).

    @”..B threatened to sue A because A had make use of his truthfulness ..”

    Response: B should ignore it and take it as make good karma and eliminate bad karma (结善缘,消业障).
    Now A already changed B’s true self (真我). Is it worthwhile?

    @”You think everyone will be kind and truthful to you just because you are kind and truthful?
    What a gullible dude you are.”

    Response: great intelligence may appear be stupidity (大智若愚)

    Btw, back to reality world, I thought competitors should avoid talking about same projects? No rule on trade secret?

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    Who said chinese dont tell lies?
    All races can tell lies. The issue is whether to tell lies or the truth is individual’s choice, that is personal moral cultivation.

    Whether zeng zi tell lies or not, that one you have to ask him yourself in the future if you see him.

    So the best is just keep quiet, dont talk?

    PAP mandate strong:
    Chinese dont tell lies ?
    Sorry I dont buy it0

    Zeng Zi never tell a single lie whether its white lies or not. Whether he just making a joke or being mischievious.

    The most is 假话全不说, 真话不全讲.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake fake:

    FR is caught making up stories, again.

    Relax: Btw, back to reality world, I thought competitors should avoid talking about same projects? No rule on trade secret?

    GD Star Rating
  • Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR:

    @”…2 dude claim they are true friend…
    In the end, A win the project …”

    Response: fate brings together, fate ends, it diminish, this is natural phenomenon (緣聚則有,緣散即滅,這個是自然現象).

    @”..B threatened to sue A because A had make use of his truthfulness ..”

    Response: B should ignore it and take it as make good karma and eliminate bad karma (结善缘,消业障).
    Now A already changed B’s true self (真我). Is it worthwhile?

    @”You think everyone will be kind and truthful to you just because you are kind and truthful?
    What a gullible dude you are.”

    Response: great intelligence may appear be stupidity (大智若愚)

    Unbelievable stupid Chinese aka Buddhist philosophy and reasoning.
    You are betrayed, sold and happily helping betrayer to count the cash for them. 被出卖了还帮人家数钞票。

    Btw, back to reality world, I thought competitors should avoid talking about same projects? No rule on trade secret?

    B is naive and gullible just like you and all Pro Western/America Democracy supporters GMS/ERIC/VFC etc. After downing a few drinks, he start to talk loosely because A in your word, is true friend to him.

    You and Pro Western/America, LGBTQ Democracy supporters are perfect Cannon Fodders for the Ang Mo to manipulate, used then dumped like soiled underwear.
    CIA agent in Blue T Shirt

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Hahaha. Personal Moral cultivation! Yeah sure !

    How come 伟大领袖 embarrassing moments always 404 in China ? Why dont they telecast it public , honestly and openly. Happens to everyone. Instead always 装逼! Very immature. Really personal moral cultivation.

    All those after go thru culture revolution, none will be candid. Because all those who were …. 没有好下场!

    Lets assume Zeng Zi Meng Zi Kong Zi and others dont tell lies. Add up not even 1 million people versus 50 to 60 millions China population in the past.

    算了吧! 朋友.

    GD Star Rating
  • Man-Date Lost:

    Man-date cannot defend the propaganda that he swallowed.

    Sheep: You have to be very clear.

    The author of the zaobao story is not this China professor. The zaobao writer (unnamed) quoted bits from an interview with the professor conducted not by zaobao.

    PAP mandate strong: So which part of the story is fake ?

    Your credentials and data must be real solid to challenge this true blue or true red ( in his case ) PRC author.

    GD Star Rating
  • Guanyamtuo:

    Cultural Revolution took place half a century ago.

    Those who were born during the period would be well in their fifties by now. Those who truly went through the ordeal would be much older.

    In other words, overwhelming majority of the people in China now would have little or no knowledge about this unfortunate disaster. They are the new generations, they have different mental outlook, they were young in a different time, they have seen different things and they are much better than their older generations.

    PAP mandate strong:
    Hahaha. Personal Moral cultivation! Yeah sure !

    All those after go thru culture revolution, none will be candid. Because all those who were …. 没有好下场!

    GD Star Rating
  • Baqianliluyunheyue:

    Cultural Revolution took place half a century ago.

    Babies born then would be in their fifties now.

    Those who really went through the ordeal would be much older.

    In other words, most people in mainland China now would have little or nothing to do with the unfortunate disaster.

    The young generation would have different mental outlook, they are better educated and prepared for the journey ahead. You will see them every where of the world.

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  • Relax:

    @”After downing a few drinks, he start to talk loosely because A in your word, is true friend to him.”

    Response: just to clarify, is downing a few drinks means alcoholic drinks?
    But in previous post, you said chit chat over kopi?

    Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    In the end, A win the project and B threatened to sue A because A had make use of his truthfulness which they chit chat over kopi to win the project.

    @”Unbelievable stupid Chinese aka Buddhist philosophy and reasoning.”

    Response: ya, this buddhist philosophy lesson is too ‘chim’. Should start with confucianism(儒学).

    Anyway, simple conclusion is honesty is better than hypocrisy.
    Honesty is taught in our primary schools if you have learned it, hope our civic and moral education was not taught in vain (希望我们的公民与道德教育没有徒劳).

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  • Relax:

    一念成佛,一念成魔 (become a buddha or devil just with one thought).
    Your thought change environment not environment change you.

    PAP mandate strong:
    Hahaha. Personal Moral cultivation! Yeah sure !

    How come 伟大领袖 embarrassing moments always 404 in China ? Why dont they telecast it public , honestly and openly. Happens to everyone. Instead always 装逼! Very immature. Really personal moral cultivation.

    All those after go thru culture revolution, none will be candid. Because all those who were …. 没有好下场!

    Lets assume Zeng Zi Meng Zi Kong Zi and others dont tell lies. Add up not even 1 million people versus 50 to 60 millions China population in the past.

    算了吧! 朋友.

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  • PAP mandate strong:


    Depends on whether its across all or at a certain issue. E.g. Murder, Robbery, ….

    On the floor, theres a 50 sgd note. Somebody drop it.

    You take ( 成魔 ? ) or you dont take ( 成佛 ? ) ?

    Quite sure Chinese will find an excuse saying. Suddenly 拾金不昧 chinese saying not important.

    Its not greed its my luck”.
    ” 真是地上执到宝, 问天问地罗唔到 “. ….

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  • Relax:

    Not reporting pick up and found items is moral flaw bcoz it’s greed (拾遗不报是道德有亏因为贪).
    It’s not luck, it’s a moral test.
    Heaven knows earth knows you know missing item knows (天知地知你知遗失物知)。

    I once picked up a $2 note on overhead bridge. So I thought probably it belongs to a student bcoz usually I saw students at that timing. And thinking $2 is quite a lot to a student, so hoping the student will come back. But no one came back, the place was quite quiet, so I told myself, I will donate it if nobody comes back. However the next day, I saw one elderly man selling tissue on the overhead bridge, and standing on the same spot where I picked up the note. So, at first I thought heaven sent a man here to receive the donation, so I gave it to him.
    But later I was thinking is it my thought that sent the ‘owner’ here to claim his note or is it a moral test to me?
    Actually I have not seen any elderly man selling tissue on that overhead bridge before, and after that day, I have not seen him too.

    Sometimes our thought is powerful (意念很强), so use it in a right way.

    Now if I pick up notes, I will donate it in the “owner’s name”.

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  • Confusion Says:

    Confusion says, “Confused people confuse Buddha with not picking money from the floor. Come. Throw some 1 cent coins. You will see ‘Buddhas’ walking around.”

    PAP mandate strong:

    Depends on whether its across all or at a certain issue. E.g. Murder, Robbery, ….

    On the floor, theres a 50 sgd note. Somebody drop it.

    You take ( 成魔 ? ) or you dont take ( 成佛 ? ) ?

    Quite sure Chinese will find an excuse saying. Suddenly 拾金不昧 chinese saying not important.

    Its not greed its my luck”.
    ” 真是地上执到宝, 问天问地罗唔到 “. ….

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