SM Lee missed the point when he said that we should help immigrants and foreign workers integrate and guard against xenophobia.
The larger point is that Singaporeans are not replacing themselves; at 0.97 child per woman when the replacement rate is 2.1, born-and-bred Singaporeans will be extinct soon.
But it is understandable why he brought up the sub-point rather than the main point; namely, that he can shift the blame to the people and that new citizens almost always vote the incumbent in their first election.
But reproduction is the supreme mission of any living thing; that Singaporeans are not doing that clearly indicates that something is fundamentally wrong with our society, and his party played a major role, which, he rather forget - in addition to having made Singapore into one of the most expensive city in the world, and thus has become too costly for many to bring up a child; his party has also taken away the essence of human life by systematically conditioning our behavior, and worse, our thoughts, - which is evil as it dehumanizes; it is no coincidence we also have the highest suicide rate in South-East Asia.
The fact is that Singapore will always have a manpower problem if the government places profits ahead of human dignity because businesses will always want more workers to drive down labour cost and to expand; and ironically, the harder we chase profits, the lower will be the fertility rate.
But as the government, his party should remember that the development of Singaporeans to their fullest potential is the ultimate goal, not profits. As a developed country, we should now move on to the next phase, which is to develop human potential and human dignity, and not be stuck in the same old rut chasing material wants.
Foong Swee Fong
The main point is this is how a substandard Cambridge scholar thinks.
You missed the point that $tupud $inkies have been jabbed to death literally, and if they are replaced by FT – so what? If the $tupid $heeple don’t care about themselves you think the Gahmen will?
$inkieland is after all a pit stop for an immigrant society built by immigrants and run by immigrants. There is no greater joke than being a ‘citizen’ on this rock.
I cannot agree there is a general labour shortage here.
See,so many sgs are still FORCIBLY AND RIDICULOUSLY being MADE REDUNDANT by stroke of FT POLICY.
In their places,over the last 20-25 years,the GOVT,mainly from LHL ERA,have been replaced $ystematically by FTs forrea$ons we all know.If not,we must be so DAFT!
Yet,the G keeps telling the citizens they import FTs as their labour shortages?
In which areas?
IF YOU TELL me Healthcare like nursing,I might agree.
How to reconcile LOW NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY WITH FTs that are,supposed to be MORE TALENTED,and thus must be more productive,than the SGS THEY REPLACED?
We are open to REAL FTs especially those former ones we merely called expatriates who trained sgs on the job so well that LKY AND DR GOH managed to turn Sg into THE SG MIRACLE.
NOW,we look more like THE SG DEBACLE!!!
What’s interesting is that new citizens especially those with a history of democracy like India and Malaysia are not blind to the self-imploding policies of the MIW. They knew they are screwed. So, to counter the opposing votes from these more discriminating groups, the MIW must import even more new citizens…. hopefully from China as ex-PRCs are already used to state propaganda and will be easier to brainwashed to be loyal to the country and the (P)olitic(A)l (P)arty that is in power.
Personally, I secretly pray the MIW will import even more new PRs and citizens. I have a morbid curiosity as to what it is like for a small country to self-implode….so much human suffering, just the cries of despair would make the Devil cry in delight.
Welcome to Singapore, new citizens! This is the place where the fruit of your loins become infertile and extinct!!
”More support on the way to help Singaporeans cope with cost of living: SM Lee”
The man that single-handedly make sinkieland into the most expensive city in the world has spoken.
Casino-nised a wonderful nation over his daddy dead body.
Allowed money launderers, scammers and tax evaders to roam free here.
Now throwing back some useless chicken skin after taking away 2 chickens from us.
Making many sinkies live in quiet desperation.
Chicken skin for votes…while Ministers flip GCBs.
Time for our politicians to declare their assets–pre and post political career.
to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits, and customs:
1. He seems to find it difficult to integrate socially.
2. It’s very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.
3. integrate into. Children are often very good at integrating into a new culture.
Sinkies got hoodwinked.
They thought they will integrate foreigners. End up they integrate into the foreigners.
Singapore can make do without this dude.
He’s basically a millstone on the country & especially on LW.
He should just go spent his millions outside the country. Please go somewhere far far away & for a long time.
Singaporeans had seem & heard enough of him & enough is more than enough.
Please get our of our sight & ears.
Bit knowing him, he did not gets what he want so he’s staying to make sure he gets it.
LW is not his cup of tea.
Dear Integrate,
You MUST be charged for spreading fake news.
Sinkies had indeed integrated foreigners. Foreigners follow Sinkies culture and values to dump their bulky items at staircase and void deck.
Foreigners also follow old Sinkies man peep everywhere.
LKY : We had to train adult d0gs who even today deliberately urinate in the lifts.
Foreigners learned all these from Sinkies and integrated with us.
Foreigners who do not embrace our below Singapore values must be chase out of Singapore.
The main focus is on celebrating the collective strength of Singaporeans, regardless of background, and working together as one people.
The performance aims to showcase the diverse fabric of Singaporean society and highlight the value of embracing different cultures and perspectives.
Uplifting one another:
The theme encourages Singaporeans to actively support and empower each other to achieve shared goals.
Shared future:
The performance emphasizes the importance of working together to build a better future for generations to come.
With whom?
First,do you see our PAP MINUSTERS N MPs truly integrate with common sgs?
Or,do we witness or even experience nonchalance(you daft sinkies,you die your problem) and arrogance?
For PAPies to demand or dictate sgs to integrate with c**k FT-ingrate$ is plain hypocisy as it is much more easier for PAPie$ to truly and WILLINGLY to want to integrate with us,sgs than for sgs who lost their jobs to FTs(Foreign Thieve$) to do so,right?
Even parrots can do the same.
Bird Talk indeed.
Ask PMandate. Sinkies integrate into foreigners, and together they urinate at stations.
You, self proclaimed Singaporean, admitted here that you video old lovebirds in the garden, and shared with fellow perverts. You are the insider on this.
Not only do we have a low birth rate but we can also clearly see that PAP constantly lets in third world people with no end in sight. From 5.11 million back in 2011 we now have 6.05 million (and increasing mind you) as reported last year. Why does a small island need so many people is beyond me. Even when we were the majority of the population all those decades ago the population was under 5 million.
So, let the PAP continue to have the majority in parliament without being in a coalition government and you can expect to hear about the population hitting 6.5 million, 7 million and beyond soon enough. Looks like their now infamous 6.9 million by 2030 target is well within reach!
Yes, I video old lovebirds and tell RC not to render assistance to the old man who use social assistance to screw around.
And yes, I will continue to call out irresponsible Singaporeans just like this auntie who scolded the young man for demanding money in MRT train.
Singaporean demanding for money in MRT train.
Chinese demanding for money in MRT train.
No, it is not Sinkies integrate into foreigners.
It is foreigners integrate with Sinkies.
LKY : We had to train adult d0gs who even today deliberately urinate in the lifts.
Sinkies not only urinate in the lifts, they just peep anywhere. Just look at those old man gamblers at the coffee shop.
Foreigners learned all these from Sinkies old man gamblers adult d0gs to integrate with us.
The Pee And Poop party love to bring those pee-ing in MRT and poop-ing on sidewalk.
And true blue are suppose to teach them not to do that.
Why do we bring in those with 4th world behavior when we are supposed to be 1st world.
Quality people do not choose to come here.
Scammers, tax evaders, money launderers and pee-ing people do.
Yes some love to park their DIRTY money in GCBs.
Wonder any more papig members have more GCBs to sell.
To be clear, they are no old lovebirds.
It is one old white hair chi ko peh who took RC financial assistance and a young chicks.
Maybe you are the one that I videoed that’s why you are so angry.
I am glad our great PAP take care of their citizens.
Must vote PAP.
But we must not take care of irresponsible people who screw around and dump the problem on others.
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr🚀Singaporeans Are Free Rider 😱
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
Your supporters are sooo stoopid. One asked if lifts at mrt lead to entrances. Old goondu.
I think FTs here are pitted against locals. What do you think?
LKY : We had to train adult d0gs who even today deliberately urinate in the lifts.
You got it wrong. Foreigners are copying what true blue are doing. They are integrating with true blue.
True blue dump bulky items at void deck and foreigners copy true blue.
Foreigners are integrating with true blue.
Stop complaining.
FR and Mandate can fight it out..
Popcorn ready.
Nah… we are united to send uncivilised Singaporeans to their beloved China to let them join the Chinese uncivilised way of life and lies of 1.5 Phd degree.
Who need to “integrate”?
When sgs go abroad,we do our best to be an integral part of that society we visit.
Why in Sg,it seems sgs have also to “integrate” into the ALIEN CONDUCT OF ALIENS SCAVENGING here?
I say it is the govt’s duty and responsibilities to ensure that the FTs zhey keep dumping here by the Foregn TRASHLOADS assimilate into our values ,like it or not.
Like wise men taught us,”beggar$ cannot be choosers”.
Are sgs the hosts or visitors.
Do we simply go to Oxley 38 and behave like the “owner$”?
Oh come on,if your FTs refuse to respect your command to integrate sincerely and himbly,WHY PUSH THE ONUS INTO us?
Lever mine lah.
Just raid the sgs’ national reserves of another $100Billion to reward those FTs who obey your command to integrate co-operatively.
Our gahmen always TAKE THE EASY OPTION.
Indeed,LKY was right!
We,are ALL daft from ministers to conmoners.
We ought to be screwed!
It certainly looks like the Swedes have integrated into the immigrants.
The beginning of 2025 has seen bombings carried out at an average of one per day, leading to 27 bombings by January 27 – including several in residential communities, the Nordic Times reported.
“Sweden is in the midst of a new wave of violence; it’s primarily the bombings that are increasing, with almost one occurring every day,” Kristersson told reporters on Thursday.