Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category


客工福利不放松 良好住宿安排中 却放国人餐风雨 工地凉亭且安身 . . . 话说在《人力部下令雇主 为客工安排良好住宿》这一篇新闻报道中,约15名来自中国及孟加拉的客工,三年来被迫住宿在杂乱无章的工厂内。人力部稽查组在突击工厂之后,要求雇主在期限内为客工安排在被认可的住宿。人力部发言人说,如果雇主没有按照指示重新安置客工,它将会毫不犹豫地采取行动对付违法雇主。 . . . . 啊哈,客工何其万幸,有这么一个良好的外国政府照顾彼等的福利!呜呼,国人何其不幸,报载《离婚后无法供房子 苦命妇被迫睡工地3年》、《租屋被收回 一家三口住凉亭》... 

Housing woes of a single mother in Singapore

Housing woes of a single mother in Singapore

Amy and Mary (not their real names) came with Jane, a 35 year old unmarried single mother, who is staying in a shared 3-room HDB flat under the Interim Housing Scheme (IHS) with her 4 year old son and 55 year old mother. Amy and Mary used to stay ia a homeless shelter, and are now staying in the IHS. Jane pays $245 monthly rental... 

Lee Wei Ling, it’s miserliness, not frugality

Lee Wei Ling, it’s miserliness, not frugality

Poor little rich girl, Lee Wei Ling, insists that her family was frugal. In reality, it is more like a miserly family. Perhaps Ms Lee is embarrassed that she has lived off the riches of her family. And currently, many of her family members live off the sweat of Singaporeans. So she has to make it look that she is not the... 

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