I don’t know how to be a good father
Jet Li recently said this: “I don’t know how to be a good father, so can I learn to be one all over again.” His daughter, Jada, 20, had depression when she was seven. It grew worse when she was 13. At that time, Jet Li was busy with his charity, One Foundation. It was set up after the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. Throughout...
Critical Thinking – Part II
As mentioned in Part I, even though we are not "Experts" in the specific knowledge domain, we can still examine the validity of the claims made by these Experts by using Empirical Observations. Hypothesis 1) Vaccine (V) is Safe 2) V is Effective in preventing Infection and transmission of Covid (CV) 3) V is Effective in preventing...
Control over social media
Social media has its benefits and dangers. It allows easy access to information and can help to educate people. It is also the channel to spread misinformation. Recently, many people share materials about the harm that the covid vaccine can cause. These materials may be factual, but they are often taken in the wrong context. For...
- Fire Water on Leave no man behind
- Sheep on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet
- Integrate on Integrate
- 娘希匹 on Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed
- What is your purpose? on Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed