Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Heart of the housing issue : Cost of Land

Heart of the housing issue : Cost of Land

"LOWERING land cost as a way to reduce new Housing Board flat prices is tantamount to raiding Singapore's reserves This is because all land is sold at prices set by the Chief Valuer, and the land sale proceeds go into the reserves." - Mah Bow Tan[Link] Well a few day ago,  he was saying that healthcare, defense and education... 

Can PAP’s ‘groupthink’ saves You

Can PAP’s ‘groupthink’ saves You

You see it in group projects, shoving together individuals who have no formal bonds, yet are banded together for the purpose of collective decision-making. So when Lim Boon Heng categorically denied that there is ‘groupthink’ within PAP group, we wondered what the fiasco is all about. If one member doesn't go along with... 

新加坡选举移天易日?(Usurping the Election System in Singapore)

新加坡选举移天易日?(Usurping the Election System in Singapore)

李敖说国民党意淫大陆,手淫台湾…已经不属于你了,你还说属于你的,这就是意淫 – 意淫大陆。然后怎么样呢?台湾他可以控制了,台湾是属于他的,所以,我才说他是手淫台湾。 根据词典意淫一词是源于曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五回;一些学者认为意淫并非实体行为而是一种精神状态。用现代社会的词汇来说:在一个虚拟世界自我满足妄想。 套用李敖的这一不寻常的政治解读,新加坡是不是一个政治上的独裁国家却自我标榜为一个民主国家?... 

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