Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Time for a review and repeal of the Sedition Act

Time for a review and repeal of the Sedition Act

OPINION Speaking after a eight day mission in Singapore, UN racism expert Mr Githu Muigai questioned the relevance of the Sedition Act in today's Singapore, noting that the situation is different down compared to 45 years ago when Singapore faced the threat of racial riots. "It is absolutely necessary in a free society that... 

Will the NCMP Scheme Be Truly Representative of The Opposition Voice?

Will the NCMP Scheme Be Truly Representative of The Opposition Voice?

By Gilbert Goh   Introduction Parliament has approved legislation to increase  the number of  Non-Constituency Members of Parliament (NCMP) from three to nine   during the next 2012 General Elections.  The current NCMP seat is occupied by Ms Sylvia Low, Chairman of the Worker’s Party. Her team had the best opposition... 



作者: 林明华2010.04.25 谁会想到,当华文隨中国的崛起而走出低迷,再次拥抱世界的当儿,在曾经是东南亚唯一拥有完整华文教育体系国家的新加坡,华文却是节节败退,甚至连“最后一道防线”也可能不守。 新加坡教育部长黄永宏最近表示,政府可能调整母语成绩在小六会考总分的比重,这令长堤彼岸热爱华文的朋友们侷促不安之外,也愤懣不已。 自从南洋大学被关闭,华文小学也走入了歷史之后,华文在新加坡的地位,便一日不如一日。今天,在这个华人人口佔百分之80的岛国,竟有华人对华文恨之入骨,甚至因此而移民海外。 有人把新加坡的华人分成两种,一叫“华文人”,另一叫“英文人”。 当然,“英文人”的声势正在增涨,因为超过百分之60的小一学生的家庭用语,今天已经被英语所取代。 但在过去一段颇长的日子里,华文作为第二语文,还是有其一定的地位的,比如,在申请大学时,华文作为母语,是被当作作主科之一计分的。直到数年前,新加坡教育部才在一些“英文人”的压力之下,作出多项让步,包括母语成绩在申请大学时不再计分、小学生只需认字不必写字、小一小二母语不计分、实施英语教华文措施等。至於考虑减少母语在小六会考的比重(母语仍是新加坡小六会考四个主科之一,另外三科是英文、数学和科学),则被视为华文可能在岛国进一步“沦陷”的开... 

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