Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Singaporeans, Speak our Hearts and Let Our Votes Count

Singaporeans, Speak our Hearts and Let Our Votes Count

Yesterday was Cooling Off Day, Tomorrow the Verdict will be Out and Today is Election Day so I thought it is good as a Non-Pro-Party Singaporean to speak from my the bottom of my heart and pen my thoughts about this general election because I am Pro-Singapore. People said that politics is a dirty game but I said politics manifest... 

I had decided that I will not vote for PAP

I had decided that I will not vote for PAP

I am consoled that in Singapore, there will never be every Singaporeans voting for the PAP. (who happened to liked putting the feather on their hats). I am really sick of their evil policies in the Budget to raise the Foreign Workers Levies to make the PAP Government look good. I bet after election, (I hoped more opposition... 

GE 2011: Fighting the fear factor

GE 2011: Fighting the fear factor

With just hours remaining until Singapore heads to the polls, the burning question on everyone’s lips is whether or not the PAP will be returned to power with yet another landslide majority. Judging from the enormous crowds at opposition rallies and the avalanche of anti-PAP sentiment on the internet, one might be tempted... 

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