Do our kids confide with us when they are in trouble?
That really depends on how approachable we are. Living with us for years, they know viscerally our, well, pattern. It boils down to our response, right? Do we inspire hope and confidence or instil fear, or worse, dread? Former journalist Kelly Tay wrote an article about it and it’s chariot-led by this statement: “Here is...
The late Mr Lee Tee Tong
Mr Lee Tee Tong was one of 13 elected Barisan Sosialis candidates in the September 1963 general election. If Operation Coldstore (2 Feb 63) had not taken place earlier that year, the ruling PAP would have been trounced. Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his team knew their chances of winning was non-existent. That was why they misused their...
How to deal with a recession
The mainstream and financial media makes a recession sounds like a big disaster. They sensationalize its impact. Let me explain. If the economy contracts by 2%, it means that the total output of the economy drop by 2%. It could mean that 2% of the workers gets unemployed. While this is serious to those who are impacted, it is...
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