Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
We need minimum wages

We need minimum wages

Okay, the ministers are in agreement even LKY. So we give them their bread and butter. Reasons Given by LKY: "Unless we have a steady stream of high quality men and women to serve as PM and ministers, Singapore as a little red dot will become a little black spot", he said. Mr Lee we are already in a black spot. “To find able... 

PAP government works hard to build our transportation system

PAP government works hard to build our transportation system

It saddens me that Singaporeans are an unforgiving lot. For instance they like to complain that nowadays buses seemed to be arriving late. They improperly attributed this to overcrowding. Investigations revealed that in fact buses were never late. They were too early. Take a typical bus schedule. The first bus is at 5:00am and... 

I am perturbed by recent parliamentary debate on ministers’ pay

I am perturbed by recent parliamentary debate on ministers’ pay

Like everyone of you all, I am very perturbed by the recent debate on the minister's salary in the parliament. At the end of the 3 days debate in Parliament, no concrete results are generated. The ruling party (PAP) adopts the committee review's proposal (or is it PAP's) & moves on as usual, case closed and buried deep down... 

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