Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

This is the Excess Deaths Comparison Chart that MOH has neither disputed nor commented on. It shows a High Correlations of Excess Deaths in post Vaccination period compared to pre Vaccination period. Correlation is not Causation BUT Causation DEFINITELY effects High Correlations. When High Correlations appear, then it is considered... 

Message to Vax Doubtful & Anxious

Message to Vax Doubtful & Anxious

I know a lot of you have slowly become very doubtful of the jab and the Promise that it will get us out of the pandemic, stop transmission, stop infections, stop long Covid, stop hospitalization, stop death. I believe you have been seeing and hearing so many friends, associates, family members, relatives and news about people... 

MOH’s power and responsibility

MOH’s power and responsibility

I acknowledge that MOH has the Full legitimate Power to decide on all matters with regards to the COVID vaccination program and it has power to utilize all resources to smear and discredit whoever disagrees with them. But possessing such power would also accompany with Full Responsibility for their decisions. Their decision... 

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