Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines are dangerous

Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines are dangerous

Singapore actor Wang Lei who was a walking & singing vaccine billboard back in 2021 is now telling folks on not to take the vax because it's dangerous! "The new vaccines are out, but we are not going take it! Why would I, at 60 years old, get vaccinated? If I'm going to die, then I'll just die, right? If I don't get vaccinated,... 

Who is lying?

Who is lying?

Who is lying? Fool Me Not! When all the governments around the world first pushed out its mRNA Vaccine, they and their "Experts" claimed that its product has 95% efficacy against Covid (CV) Infec and with 70% vaccination (V) rate we could achieve "Herd Immunity". But it turned out that within first few months of V in 2021, there... 

Critical Thinking – Part III

Critical Thinking – Part III

Universal Masking Some people would argue that Masking won't "work", won't prevent infec. There are even several studies on masking and seems to conclude that it doesn't work. One of the reasons stated is, the CV V is smaller in size than the pores of the masks. There are few issues here: 1) Covid (CV) cannot survive long without... 

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