Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election (GE)- CNA online 22 July 2024. There are a total of 2,715,187 registered voters, an increase from 2,709,407 voters eligible to cast their ballots in the 2023 Presidential Election. It is clear that the bulk of the increase in registered voters comes from new citizens.... 

I am not a ‘woke’

I am not a ‘woke’

I am known to be a Democratic Socialist. Democracy comes before Socialism. Traditionally, people regard us as "Leftist" or "Center-Left" politically. In recent years, more people come up to me and ask me whether I am a "Woke". They thought all leftists are Woke. They are mistaken. Interestingly, somehow, people start to identify... 

$850 in GST vouchers to help with the cost of living

$850 in GST vouchers to help with the cost of living

Come August, about 1.5m Singaporeans will receive up to $850 in GST vouchers to help with the cost of living. Nobody will quarrel with having more money, yet, this annual handout is detrimental to the progress of the people and the nation because it adds to the suffocating influence and power of the government over the people. As... 

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