Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

My dear PM Lawrence Wong, you are divinely blessed, and you are now happily ensconced in your lofty position as prime minister, enjoying the astronomical salary that your predecessor, the venal Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has bequeathed to you by him setting the high ministerial pay (any different from plundering from the... 

New broom and sweep well

New broom and sweep well

The 4-G leadership had never captured the imagination of the Singapore public. But Lawrence Wong, as vice-chairman of the ministerial task force to combat Covid 19 epidemic, had shown he was a cut above the others in his group in his performance. So it did not really come as a surprise when he was abnointed the leader of 4-G... 

See How An Incompetent PM Gets Kicked Out Of Office

See How An Incompetent PM Gets Kicked Out Of Office

See How An Incompetent PM Gets Kicked Out Of Office By Britons On July 4! Under the Conservative Party, Britain has had 5 PMs since 2016 ( Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak). In these 8 years, the county has wallowed in misery, confusion and scandal under incompetent Prime Ministers.From Brexit to the Partygate scandals... 

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