
Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

My dear PM Lawrence Wong, you are divinely blessed, and you are now happily ensconced in your lofty position as prime minister, enjoying the astronomical salary that your predecessor, the venal Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has bequeathed to you by him setting the high ministerial pay (any different from plundering from the people’s coffers?) over the course of a number of years ago.

With your impeccable credentials of probity, would it not be an auspicious time to review the humongous salaries of these highly controversial political officeholders and modify them to be compatible with international standards?

For instance, the venal SM Lee was drawing no less than four times the salary of the American President, plus a bonus. What kind of golden service was he providing the dispossessed Singaporeans that required no less than four times the American President’s salary? Does it not give you a shudder that this could be some kind of sophisticated plunder?

Why is there no widespread vocal protest or agitation? The time will come, maybe in the next general election.

The opposition parties are apparently dragging their feet, not unlikely because they just don’t have the pugnacity to take on the People’s Action Party (PAP) and have been daunted by the PAP’s overbearing domination.

We are unfortunately endowed with a precarious and inept opposition, and it is up to the voters to put up a more pugnacious opposition to take on the PAP as an equal or better, but there is nothing visible right now on the horizon.

No vocal protest does not mean consent, but PAP still commands more than enough gullible voters to keep them in power.

But is PM Wong going to do nothing about it and allow it to fester? He is still a human being and is not immune to largesse at the people’s expense.

Again, he may be an iconoclast who may be more mindful and sympathetic to the people’s (especially poor people’s) impecunious condition than his predecessors like SM Lee and others, that he may be conscience-stricken to take the initiative to modify the astronomical salaries of the prime minister and his ministers.

The mentally-trepidated public can keep their eyes peeled for any sign of sanity by PM Wong and his sympathetic team to bring down the obscene ministerial salaries to a decent level by international standards.

I am still living on my poverty pension of $1545 a month and half-starving most of the time. Does PM Wong think he can show more humanity than his inhuman predecessor SM Lee by giving me a small raise so that I can live like a human being? What I had contributed in my service to Singapore I don’t think any civil servant or political master can emulate.

Just an interesting aside: I had mentioned that SM Lee was in a state of flux and could be perplexed in trying to find something to do to justify his substantial salary as a senior minister. He is reported to be visiting his constituents in Ang Mo Kio to console some victims of a coffee shop fire.

This is what he will be doing as a senior minister. I was not talking cock.

I watched PM Wong’s performance on TV during his visit to Malaysia and was simply amazed by his competence. He and SM Lee are clearly contrasting personalities. His style of delivery was so mellifluous and absorbing that it would not fail to delight the audience and kindle their perspicuous intellect. Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim could not have been unmoved by it.

On the contrary, SM Lee’s style is entirely in contrast and less subtle. He can even denigrate his hosts, as he did in China.

He was recently feted by the Chinese clan and business community to honour him for his contribution to the Chinese community as PM. He needs such invitations to boost his fading personality.

It is interesting that his nephew Lee Shengwu had some time ago prophesied that his rule was an Ozymandias.


Yoong Siew Wah

*The author was the Director of Singapore’s Internal Security Department (ISD) from 1971 to 1974. He was Director of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) in the 1960s.



75 Responses to “Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?”

  • rice:

    Sorry to hear you have a poverty-line $1500 as pension.
    But it is true MANY has ZILCH as they have no such pension at all.
    I had a very dedicated school-teacher who taught at a missionary school where i learnt how to be a good citizen.
    She is in her late 80s living on family charity.
    You see,she has no pension despite drawing a meagre salary for dedicating her life to building up nation-builders.

    Yet,our ministers are unhappy about being paid less than private sector execu-THIEVE$?
    Still,while PREACHING “AUSTERITY” ABOUT NOT “SQUANDERING” on giving more help to our elderly sgs (who need help),the same “austere” gahmen could $peedily take out $100B of sgs’ NATIONAL RESERVES AND SQUANDERED IT ALL AWAY AT LIGHTNING $PEED?!
    And,yes,THE MOST NEEDY BUT DESERVING sgs got ONLY $600 while even NON-sgs like INTEA-COMPANY FT-transferees got much mor even when these FTs have yet to pay their FIrst dollar in INCOME TAX!!!
    No one among them bothered to explain except for SAYING “THERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THEM”?
    me says even 1(unit) is errant!

    In fact,if it is a few of them,WHAT SO DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO SIEVE THEM OUT?!

    So,sir,i hope LW listens to your plea.
    I also hope LW listens to the “SILENT” cries of many a SinkingPOORean.

    No sg will be left behind,so THEY say.

    GD Star Rating
  • No need to remind them:

    They no need reminder to have another council to raise salary.

    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:

    Yes, to lower ministerial salaries that had made our leaders totally out-of-touch with the ordinary people struggling in this difficult economic environment. A Grab driver recently told me that businesses had been tepid. He is trying to work overtime to make up for the shortfall in earnings.

    But whether the economy is in a recession or not is moot because the MIW will never allow a negative GDP to be announced. A negative GDP meant that the ministers’ bonuses will be gone (and they can enjoy > half a year of bonuses in really good times). So, it is a taboo piece of news.

    Let the daft ones tighten their belts while their leaders continue to feast like there is no tomorrow. As a French queen once said, “Let them eat cake!”.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    $1545 a month not enough ?

    Some old man security guard here earn 2000 and can afford to marry young pinoy girl.

    You should go learn from the old man security guard on finance management.

    GD Star Rating
  • Justsayonly:

    With lhl still around & still getting huge paycheck & with no real work, it’s highly unlikely LW will dare touch on this issue now.

    He’s still on string & restricted.
    In fact, he’s in a precarious position.
    One wrong move that antagonise his opponents, he’ll be on his way out just as quickly.

    It is not as peaceful as it seems.

    The degree of power LW gets will hang on the results of the coming GE.
    It’s not going to be easy because of the mess that lhl had created & left behind.

    Immigration, just as in Europe right now, is a major issue to Singaporeans.
    Lack of job opportunities & high costs of living are at the top.

    Long queue & even longer waiting time for HDB flats maybe a wild undercurrent that PAP is desperately trying to address these days, but it maybe a little too late to turn the negative sentiment.

    The outlook for the future for native Singaporeans is not promising.

    And we have not even talk about the CPF issue & health care matters.

    LW got his work cut out thats for sure.
    If he simply continues blindly every lhl’s policy, he’s just digging his own hole.

    Hope not.

    GD Star Rating
  • This is the right price!:

    With so many very difficult and nasty oppositions, sinkie land, though small , is difficult to manage!

    If our PM is paid the price of sleepy joe, probably no one will take the job.

    Lawrence Wong deserves the price we pay him for the difficult job he has to carry out.

    GD Star Rating
  • NotMyProblem:

    No PAP’s PM will dare to touch this matter for Ministers’ and MPs’ salaries! This new PM’s position depends solely on PAP’s Ministers and MPs. This astronomical salary can only goes up and never would come down.

    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:

    A local in Japan asked if it is true that we had a new Prime Minister which we replied in affirmative. He then remarked that if LHL is still in office and commented that he must still be earning a good sum of money.

    Even foreigners such as this Japanese is aware of the greed of our politicians. Underneath they are probably wondering why we allow our leaders to fatten themselves while the people are struggling with high COL and low wages (he probably saw the local working in food courts and hawker centres while in SG).

    Things are really looking up for the Malaysians nowadays. They finally had a good PM in Anwar who really cares about the rakyat (the ordinary people). He is trying so hard to ask the local politicians and civil servants to do more to reduce the burden on the people and country as below.

    When will SG again have a PM who genuinely and sincerely care for the commoners and their welfare?

    GD Star Rating
  • Dialuge:

    Civil service retirees on pensionable schemes, besides the pension money, they also enjoy medical benefits.

    Forty years ago, SGD $1,500/- per month is quite a big sum of money. Plus the medical benefits, many will still able to live comfortably today.

    GD Star Rating

    The long never ending queue for HDB cannot be for true blue Singaporeans as the TFR rate has been low. So it is for new citizens.
    On another note, the PAP need not reduce their salaries or the cabinet as the power to do so lies completely in the hands of the voter. So it is us that is at fault as we keep voting for them at every election after which we complain. The Indian voters have clipped the wings of Modi by forcing him into a coalition government. If we want changes, we should do the same.

    GD Star Rating
  • hg wong:

    no point appealing. you will end up cursing him LA, I know this bloody guy la he’s worse than lhl. no compassion at all. at all

    GD Star Rating
  • Dr. Chan:

    All blood sucking minister/monsters can be replaced with AI.
    More efficient – more cheaperer/betterer/fasterer (PAP’s motto)

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Dialuge:

    Not sure 15XX spending per person or not. If yes, should be enough right. If not, break it down and let us know.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dr Tan Tai Wei:

    It’s undenied, officially, and by our “founding father’ himself, that those “humongous salaries” is a concession to human weaknesses of subsequent generations of “leaders”. They could not be expected to “make the same sacrifices” as the “pioneer generation” made. And, in answer to comparison to other world leaders, LKY, insinuated to graft, such as what is now exemplified, say, by Najib. In other words, the huge pay packets were needed to make it less tempting to such graft, as, unlike his generation, subsequent “leaders” could not be similarly trusted to resist money temptation. Now, it therefore becomes an important issue for PM Wong and the leadership he wants to foster anew. Is he and his cohort prepared to “lead” under the character staining implicit in the “humongous salaries” initiated and sustained by Goh Chok Tong and Lee Hsien Loong?

    GD Star Rating
  • Absurdity:

    Heard a lot about LW. As far as budgets are concerned, he should have ensured that the distribution is largely unequal for many cycles, leaning towards lower class in terms of cash and rebates. Instead there were budget elements which were equally distributed across the board. Looks like he has turned a blind eye to COL for middle and lower classes though he knows that the rich are getting richer and quicker. Like him. How many rich can he find to mitigate COL and hence fertility problems compared to the middle and lower classes. Also heard a lot about his smirk disposition to citizens in spite of calling people is brothers.

    hg wong:
    no point appealing. you will end up cursing him LA, I know this bloody guy la he’s worse than lhl. no compassion at all. at all

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    LW should follow in the foot-steps of 1G leaders like Dr Goh.
    It is better for PM’s wife to be just a “non-publici$ed” persona,just a MRs PM who renders support quietly.
    Looks like Mrs Wong can achieve this.

    Fortitously,LW is the choice.
    He is the “BETTER MAN” and we hope he strives to be that “Better Man”.

    Go Lawrence,go feel the grounds.
    No one is perfect but we can all try to be s “BETTER MAN”.
    You can try to be a Better PM.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:


    It’s undenied, officially, and by our “founding father’ himself, that those “humongous salaries” is a concession to human weaknesses of subsequent generations of “leaders”. And, in answer to comparison to other world leaders, LKY, insinuated to graft

    Hannah Arendt made an observation about what she called it “the banality of systemic evil.” So has the younger generation lost its moral compass?

    In my view we are seeing the final showdown between the ethos of compassion and the ethos of power. Those [laws] that compel destructive or dehumanizing behavior to others should be actively resisted. It is one thing to endure evil, another to be compelled to assist it. Why should we trust a government that has been shown to be a bit truth crippled when that government trusts us not a whit? It’s a wonderful situation for the rulers. Democracy for the people and complete power for the elite.

    GD Star Rating
  • Absurdity:

    Feel what ground. Under him as MOE minister, scholarships for upper and super upper class continued its upward trajectory. Of course he was not the only one who played this game.

    LW should follow in the foot-steps of 1G leaders like Dr Goh.
    It is better for PM’s wife to be just a “non-publici$ed” persona,just a MRs PM who renders support quietly.
    Looks like Mrs Wong can achieve this.

    Fortitously,LW is the choice.
    He is the “BETTER MAN” and we hope he strives to be that “Better Man”.

    Go Lawrence,go feel the grounds.
    No one is perfect but we can all try to be s “BETTER MAN”.
    You can try to be a Better PM.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Civil service retirees on pensionable schemes, besides the pension money, they also enjoy medical benefits.

    Forty years ago, SGD $1,500/- per month is quite a big sum of money. Plus the medical benefits, many will still able to live comfortably today.

    Thanks for the new information.

    If you had not said it, I would not have know that pension include medical benefits.

    Apparently this part was intentionally left out.

    So many half truth and fake news out there.

    GD Star Rating
  • Almost a centenarian.:

    For a centenarian, most probably he would have adult children, grandchildren or maybe many grown up great grandchildren surrounding him.

    Would his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren still dependent on him, a centenarian?

    Wishing all in this forum live to be centenarians with many children, grandchildren, great grandchildren!

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    “Forty years ago, SGD $1,500/- per month is quite a big sum of money.”

    Where do you people claw out from?
    40 yrs back is 1984. $1,500 was about the starting pay of a good graduate. Cheap cars about $20k and midsize HDB about $80k. $1,500 then was definitely not a big sum of money.

    Pensions don’t increase with inflation. What’s important for him now, is what $1,500 buy now? Medical benefits, big deal? A 90 yr old can crawl to the clinic? A single visit with taxi will eat a big part of the pension.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Dialuge:
    Civil service retirees on pensionable schemes, besides the pension money, they also enjoy medical benefits.

    Forty years ago, SGD $1,500/- per month is quite a big sum of money. Plus the medical benefits, many will still able to live comfortably today.

    Thanks for the new information.

    If you had not said it, I would not have know that pension include medical benefits.

    Apparently this part was intentionally left out.

    So many half truth and fake news out there.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:


    Was LW calling the shots then?
    No absurdity here.
    As i said,its up to him to show he can be a “Better Man”.
    We just got to him a wee bit more time?
    Thats whats the essence of my comment.
    No praises,just encouraging.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    BTW,@Absurdity,guess its your first time here unless you keep using different “names”?
    Hope to see you@Absurdity more often around here.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMS:


    Think you are making sweeping statemwnts.
    I received a scholarship but I am not even from middle-class.
    Some of my poor friends also got bursaries.
    Guess scholaships are given to those with good results.
    Otherwise,anyone can simply apply expecting to obtain one?

    GD Star Rating
  • Absurdity:

    You may be right but time is not on anyone’s side to give him time. From now till Nov 2025, the runway is too short to show something else, since the “old guards” are still around and not all of them are going to buy off if he takes a different course.


    Was LW calling the shots then?
    No absurdity here.
    As i said,its up to him to show he can be a “Better Man”.
    We just got to him a wee bit more time?
    Thats whats the essence of my comment.
    No praises,just encouraging.

    GD Star Rating
  • Absurdity:

    I was on other forums. Not first time, not to worry :-)

    BTW,@Absurdity,guess its your first time here unless you keep using different “names”?
    Hope to see you@Absurdity more often around here.

    GD Star Rating
  • Absurdity:

    Firstly, I am not referring to bursaries. I am referring to scholarships.
    Are you aware that they have been dishing out kachang puteh scholarships worth a couple of hundreds dollars for years ? I am referring to scholarships that make a significant impact to chart one’s future.

    No one is questioning your scholarship as real stuff but I am talking about general population. You may think grapevine cannot prove much. LW or his DPMs have a great opportunity to break down over the years how many scholars were from different types of HDB and private property to put the matter to rest. They can use a 2 proportion test or any other equivalent, and are biasing the conclusions if they only consider absolute numbers. Come clean and work something out, this is what they should do.


    Think you are making sweeping statemwnts.
    I received a scholarship but I am not even from middle-class.
    Some of my poor friends also got bursaries.
    Guess scholaships are given to those with good results.
    Otherwise,anyone can simply apply expecting to obtain one?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Would his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren still dependent on him, a centenarian?


    Or theres other possibility.
    Guess his grandchildren expect 红包 monies at least S$200 during CNY. Anything less than thats xia suay. Or same thing when invited to some wedding dinner or birthday parties.

    Vice versa, maybe he’s expected to give 白金 at least S$300 when attending wake. Otherwise will be deemed upon as kiam siap.

    Yup thats bad side of chinese culture.

    GD Star Rating
  • Anwar, 0 pay:

    Anwar works on zero pay, and My is doing very well. His ministers don’t have to count their bank balances every day and can do real work.

    GD Star Rating
  • tice:

    I see where you are coming from.
    I am hoping he will be a better(more citizen-centric) than his predecessor.
    And,to allow for more OPPO participation ,one way or another.

    Lets see if proves me seriously wrong.
    Give him time.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sinkies no durians:

    Anwar continues great friendship with China.

    PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia-China relations are further cemented with the signing of 14 memorandums of understanding (MOUs), including the renewal of a five-year economic and trade cooperation programme.

    The agreements were part of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

    Another highlight was an MOU that would allow Malaysian durian farmers to export fresh durian instead of frozen ones to China starting this year.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Indian:

    This ignorant old fool rolls on the floor and accuses people of intentionally lying to him.

    How come I don’t know? How come he never said? Any well read Singaporean would know this.

    Ignorant old fool with a suspicious mind!

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Thanks for the new information.

    If you had not said it, I would not have know that pension include medical benefits.

    Apparently this part was intentionally left out.

    So many half truth and fake news out there.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMS:


    I still say you are absurd.
    And,you make sweeping statements.
    I have friends who do not come from upper class but were given overseas scholarships.
    They hold good jobs too with good prospects.
    Maybe,the persons you come across have not as good results or are not all-rounder.

    What you utter are half truths or even untruths.
    Indeed,Absurdity you truly are.

    GD Star Rating
  • No brain:

    You should look at the mirror and read your own comments. One talks about big numbers for the population and you counter with a few examples that you know. What kind of argument is that!


    I still say you are absurd.
    And,you make sweeping statements.
    I have friends who do not come from upper class but were given overseas scholarships.
    They hold good jobs too with good prospects.
    Maybe,the persons you come across have not as good results or are not all-rounder.

    What you utter are half truths or even untruths.
    Indeed,Absurdity you truly are.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Sinkies no durians:

    No durians ?
    Didnt hear Malaysia impose a durian ban on Sg ? LW and Anwar meetup is pretty okay.
    Sure not.
    As long as the price is right and payment zhun ( especially no delays and 现钱 ), 生意照做.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sinkies no durians:

    Aiyoh, everything must spell out 1 by 1?
    With more competition for Malaysia fresh durians, prices will go up and quantity also will go down. Rich Sinkies will still get to eat all the durians they want. Poor Sinkies, eat more fish.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ Sinkies no durians:

    No durians ?
    Didnt hear Malaysia impose a durian ban on Sg ? LW and Anwar meetup is pretty okay.
    Sure not.
    As long as the price is right and payment zhun ( especially no delays and 现钱 ), 生意照做.

    GD Star Rating
  • 不吃人间烟火?:


    老人“lobang “ 特别多。进出政府大医院,动不动就是好几百,好几千。。。。怎么会无关痛痒呢?

    Fake Singaporean:

    Where do you people claw out from?

    Medical benefits, big deal?

    GD Star Rating

    Does the scholarship pay for your university fees per semester or given to you as a lump sum when you complete? If it is the latter, you are being taken advantage off as there is no investment in you but by signing and if you get a better offer when you complete you will have to pay penalties for nothingness.

    GD Star Rating
  • Elite Mentality:

    UK’s richest family sentenced to jail for exploiting Indian staff
    The prosecutor accused the Hindujas of spending “more on their puppy than on their domestic employees”

    “They’re profiting from the misery of the world,” the Geneva prosecutor Yves Bertossa told the court in his closing address on Friday, accusing the billionaires of paying their vulnerable employee less than they were spending “on their puppy.”

    The Hindujas, who were not present in court due to old age and poor health, denied the allegations and were “disappointed” by the “excessive” indictment, according to their lawyers, who promised to appeal the ruling to seek “justice, not social justice.

    “We are not dealing with mistreated slaves,” one lawyer told the court, arguing that workers were free to leave the villa. Another lawyer claimed that the employees were actually “grateful to the Hindujas for offering them a better life.”

    The elites’ self-justifying mentality. Too bad for the Hindujas, they could not ownself judge ownself.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    We shall see. If prices go up you can still go JB and eat as much as you want. One causeway away.

    If payment from Sg customers zhun ( with track record ), I rather sell to Sg. It’s closer, more convenient and transport easier. Of course volume wise China big. Besides Malaysia durians, Thai durians also competition. Thai durians biggest supplier to China. Thai durians bigger and cheaper, closer to China probably transport cost delivery time to China lower as well. And China also grow themselves.

    Biz 2 things most important.
    1 Sales.
    2 Payment. Monies come in faster than you can turnover.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Elite Mentality:
    UK’s richest family sentenced to jail for exploiting Indian staff
    The prosecutor accused the Hindujas of spending “more on their puppy than on their domestic employees”

    “They’re profiting from the misery of the world,” the Geneva prosecutor Yves Bertossa told the court in his closing address on Friday, accusing the billionaires of paying their vulnerable employee less than they were spending “on their puppy.”

    The Hindujas, who were not present in court due to old age and poor health, denied the allegations and were “disappointed” by the “excessive” indictment, according to their lawyers, who promised to appeal the ruling to seek “justice, not social justice.

    “We are not dealing with mistreated slaves,” one lawyer told the court, arguing that workers were free to leave the villa. Another lawyer claimed that the employees were actually “grateful to the Hindujas for offering them a better life.”

    The elites’ self-justifying mentality. Too bad for the Hindujas, they could not ownself judge ownself.

    You are an idiot. Why the Geneva prosecutor never charged the late Queen and now King Charles for profiting from the misery of the world ?

    The British Museum is full of stolen artifacts

    27 Items Stolen From Africa By Britain

    You Cannon Fodder Hong Kees style pro democracy please answer my question.

    Don’t run away from my questions.

    GD Star Rating
  • Elite Mentality:

    You ignorant guy ask people irrelevant questions. Whatever topics people talk about, you butt in and throw in your own favorite but irrelevant “questions.”

    Singaporean R Free Rider: You are an idiot. Why the Geneva prosecutor never charged the late Queen and now King Charles for profiting from the misery of the world ?

    The British Museum is full of stolen artifacts

    27 Items Stolen From Africa By Britain

    You Cannon Fodder Hong Kees style pro democracy please answer my question.

    Don’t run away from my questions.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMS:

    @No brain

    Ya lor your stupid comment show you got No brain.
    Did I say a few.
    Go and find out first.
    If you cannot qualify,do not be a stupid No brain sour grape.
    Go work harder.
    But I think you are not up to it lah.
    You are just a No brain.
    How to get scholarship?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Even if LW wants to make some change for a more caring/compassionate G,he has obstacle.
    He may not be able to have his “COMPLETE” SAY and sgs know WHY.
    PAST PMs should not remain in G in any official capacity as their presence is likely to IMPEDE the FREE WILL of their successors,does it not?

    Retired sgs are asked to VOLUNTEER but RETIRED Gahnen always assign themselves HIGHLY-PAID “RETIREMENT JOB$” instead of practising what THEY preach about VOLUNTEERISM.

    It is A TRAN$ACTION.

    GD Star Rating
  • No brain:

    Not a few? 100s? 1000s?
    Even if you know every one in this group, you do not have enough data to answer Absurdity’s question.

    Go back to a good school.

    OMS: Did I say a few.

    OMS: I have friends who do not come from upper class but were given overseas scholarships.
    They hold good jobs too with good prospects.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMS:

    So what is a good school.
    Elitist trying to Bullshit.
    Must scholars be from good schools?
    My kampong school also produced scholars.
    See the hypocrisy.
    Oh,I remember you are @No brain.
    You really make my toes laugh.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Elite Mentality:
    You ignorant guy ask people irrelevant questions. Whatever topics people talk about, you butt in and throw in your own favorite but irrelevant “questions.”

    You are an idiot.

    Profiting from the misery of the world in other word is exploitation.
    You talk about exploitation and my question to you is irrelevant questions?

    How about you answer below questions? Don’t run away.
    1. Do you use mobile phone? If yes, you are also exploiting.

    Facts#1 Children Are Exploited in Congo To Mine Cobalt For U.S. Technology

    Facts#2 DR Congo town set to ‘disappear’ as Chinese mine swallows it up

    2. Do you buy Made In China product? If yes, you are also exploiting.

    Democratic President Lai: Please take low wages and take it as doing charity

    Please distribute and share.

    GD Star Rating
  • Smart Capitalists:

    Please, think straight.
    Those exploiting are the smart capitalists. They exploit child workers. They exploit consumers.

    Only brainwashed “activists” blame consumers.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: 1. Do you use mobile phone? If yes, you are also exploiting.

    Facts#1 Children Are Exploited in Congo To Mine Cobalt For U.S. Technology

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Smart Capitalists:
    Please, think straight.
    Those exploiting are the smart capitalists. They exploit child workers. They exploit consumers.

    Only brainwashed “activists” blame consumers.

    Have you not heard of demand and supply?

    Consumer demand cheap car so Capitalists are forced to produce cheap car else no consumer will buy it.

    Oppositions are not only idiots, they are stupid and the cheapest-skate too.

    And Oppositions Singaporeans are the worst cheapskate of all.
    Watch the hard truth video.
    5feb2024 petron phv #SNJ3690U hyundai ioniq pump subsidised RON95 petrol

    GD Star Rating
  • Smart Capitalists:

    Smart Capitalists: Please, think straight.

    Smart Capitalists:
    Please, think straight.
    Those exploiting are the smart capitalists. They exploit child workers. They exploit consumers.

    Only brainwashed “activists” blame consumers.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Smart Capitalists:
    Please, think straight.
    Those exploiting are the smart capitalists. They exploit child workers. They exploit consumers.

    Only brainwashed “activists” blame consumers.

    Have you not heard of demand and supply?

    GD Star Rating
  • Anti-Slavery Act:

    Modern Slavery Act 2018

    The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 entered into force on 1 January 2019. The Act established a national Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement.

    This Reporting Requirement applies to large businesses and other entities in the Australian market with annual consolidated revenue of at least A$100 million.

    The Reporting Requirement supports the Australian business community to identify and address their modern slavery risks, and maintain responsible and transparent supply chains.

    Entities required to comply with the Reporting Requirement, including the Australian Government, must prepare annual Modern Slavery Statements.

    Free Rider, go ask your pappy gov to follow. Don’t continue as an idiotic “activist” and blame innocent consumers.

    GD Star Rating
  • Free Rider:

    Singaporean R Free Rider is the champ.
    He will kick all asses here.
    Let him kick his own ass

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion Says:

    Confusion says, “When don’t know, scream and scold everyone into submission. They will know.”

    GD Star Rating
  • 老子李耳说。。。:


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Anti-Slavery Act:
    Modern Slavery Act 2018

    The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 entered into force on 1 January 2019. The Act established a national Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement.

    This Reporting Requirement applies to large businesses and other entities in the Australian market with annual consolidated revenue of at least A$100 million.

    The Reporting Requirement supports the Australian business community to identify and address their modern slavery risks, and maintain responsible and transparent supply chains.

    Entities required to comply with the Reporting Requirement, including the Australian Government, must prepare annual Modern Slavery Statements.

    Free Rider, go ask your pappy gov to follow. Don’t continue as an idiotic “activist” and blame innocent consumers.

    Don’t change your name. If you cannot take the heat in the kitchen, get out of the kitchen.

    Me blame innocent consumers? You are an idiot with very narrow, limited exposure to outside world.

    Consumers are end user and they are the one who ultimately decide at what price he is willing to pay.

    If overrated StarBuck Coffee were to pay their staff $400 for an 8 hours job for 30 days or SGD 12,000 per month, will you pay $200 for a small cup of coffee ?

    Answer me. Don’t run away.

    Heck, even voters (consumers) are demanding free this and free that from our great PAP government. And consumers are not to blame?

    Free for Citizens:
    Best will be free for citizens. Foreigners pay double.
    Give citizens some real $ reasons to welcome foreigners.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Free Rider:
    Singaporean R Free Rider is the champ.
    He will kick all asses here.
    Let him kick his own ass

    I am not Americunt and kicking asses is an Americunt slang which I have no wish to use it. Apart from that, I am also not a warmonger who goes around creating war and kicking asses.

    No one here is able to rebut me because I talk facts and back it up with proof. I am nobody stooges and cannon fodder.

    Contrast between US and HK campus protest is amazing

    When you serve their interest, you (or Wagner Group) are freedom fighter.

    When you are against their interest, you (or Wagner Group) are terrorist.

    Please download this video before YT deleted it. (link still valid as on 28 June 2024)

    Please screen capture this before twitter deleted it. (link still valid as on 28 June 2024)

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”Do you use mobile phone? If yes, you are also exploiting.”

    Response: yes, we need mobile phone to access singpass. So we are forced by authority to exploiting.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    @”Do you use mobile phone? If yes, you are also exploiting.”

    Response: yes, we need mobile phone to access singpass. So we are forced by authority to exploiting.

    You have a choice.

    You can choose not to use mobile phone and perform your transaction manually.

    And since you are so righteous and against exploitation, please do not wear anything and walk around naked as anything that was make involve some form of exploitation.

    Garment factory fire killed 112 workers

    I cordially invite you, Elite Mentality and all who are against any form of exploitation to walk around NAKED in crowded public places Everyday beginning 1st July 2024 for 2 years.

    If both of you could do that, both of you win in rebutting me.

    If not, both of you have failed to rebut me.

    Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.- John F. Kennedy

    If you have no solution, shut up.

    So will both of you accept my invitation? I am waiting for you answer.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep In and Out:

    Brainwashed sheep listen to angmo propaganda, swallow and vomit it everywhere.

    All smart citizens ask what their country can do for them.

    – smart politicians ask what their country can pay them.
    – smart sportsmen and women ask what their country can pay them

    Witness those politicians and sportspeople who prefer to contribute their expertize to foreign countries.

    Stop being a brainwashed sheep.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.- John F. Kennedy

    GD Star Rating
  • Think:

    Please follow Simon’s directive: THINK.

    Is this asking for free stuff from the lousy gov? Everyone knows this is a blood sucking gov. “What’s wrong with collecting more money?”

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Heck, even voters (consumers) are demanding free this and free that from our great PAP government. And consumers are not to blame?

    Free for Citizens:
    Best will be free for citizens. Foreigners pay double.
    Give citizens some real $ reasons to welcome foreigners.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    You asked ”Do you use mobile phone? If yes, you are also exploiting.” And I answered YES, so I am exploiting but how do you come to the conclusion that I am righteous and against exploitation?

    You said you talk facts and back up with proof, you have already rejected me – ‘the living evidence of exploitation’.

    Btw, how to make polyclinic appointment manually?

    Singaporean R Free Rider: You have a choice.

    You can choose not to use mobile phone and perform your transaction manually.

    And since you are so righteous and against exploitation, please do not wear anything and walk around naked as anything that was make involve some form of exploitation.

    Garment factory fire killed 112 workers

    I cordially invite you, Elite Mentality and all who are against any form of exploitation to walk around NAKED in crowded public places Everyday beginning 1st July 2024 for 2 years.

    If both of you could do that, both of you win in rebutting me.

    If not, both of you have failed to rebut me.

    Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.- John F. Kennedy

    If you have no solution, shut up.

    So will both of you accept my invitation? I am waiting for you answer.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sheep In and Out:
    Brainwashed sheep listen to angmo propaganda, swallow and vomit it everywhere.

    All smart citizens ask what their country can do for them.

    – smart politicians ask what their country can pay them.
    – smart sportsmen and women ask what their country can pay them

    Witness those politicians and sportspeople who prefer to contribute their expertize to foreign countries.

    Stop being a brainwashed sheep.

    Ang Mo propaganda ? You are an idiots.
    It is you and all the Opposition who lick and swallow all that In God We Tru$t America said.

    Can you tell that to:
    1. Goh Meng Seng
    2. Jolovan Wham
    3. Dr Chee Soon Chuan
    4. Kenneth Jaya
    5. Christian Pastor Wu and Martin Lee and Joshua Wong?

    If you are out of job or are in need of money, please sue the above persons for spreading fake news and demand compensation.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ You have a choice.

    You can choose not to use mobile phone and perform your transaction manually.

    And since you are so righteous and against exploitation, please do not wear anything and walk around naked as anything that was make involve some form of exploitation.

    Walk around naked ? Too demanding.
    Let say live their lives like the Amish communities instead.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    No need to ask Free Rider for logical reason or facts. That one talks rubbish most of the times.

    Relax: You asked ”Do you use mobile phone? If yes, you are also exploiting.” And I answered YES, so I am exploiting but how do you come to the conclusion that I am righteous and against exploitation?

    You said you talk facts and back up with proof, you have already rejected me – ‘the living evidence of exploitation’.

    Btw, how to make polyclinic appointment manually?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    You asked ”Do you use mobile phone? If yes, you are also exploiting.” And I answered YES, so I am exploiting but how do you come to the conclusion that I am righteous and against exploitation?

    You said you talk facts and back up with proof, you have already rejected me – ‘the living evidence of exploitation’.

    First, look at what you replied in full and not selectively.

    Relax Response: yes, we need mobile phone to access singpass. So we are forced by authority to exploiting.

    You alleged that our great PAP force you to exploiting. And if you are not force, you won’t be part of the exploitation. (self righteous here. no?)

    Btw, how to make polyclinic appointment manually?

    You can just use your computer to google singapore polyclinic hotline and you get the answer.

    You just need an old good analog line phone to call.

    Everything also need to spoon feed you ? At your advanced age, you should be wiser than any of us here.

    Your case proof that AGE is not a deciding factor of wisdom.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”Relax Response: yes, we need mobile phone to access singpass. So we are forced by authority to exploiting.
    You alleged that our great PAP force you to exploiting. And if you are not force, you won’t be part of the exploitation. (self righteous here. no?)”

    Response: is the statement ‘we need mobile phone to access singpass’ a fact? Just wondering how you access singpass?
    If the statement is ‘we are forced by opposition parties to exploiting’, what will be your conclusion?

    @”You can just use your computer to google singapore polyclinic hotline and you get the answer.
    You just need an old good analog line phone to call.”

    Response: you mean using mobile phone is not manual but using line phone is manual?
    Using mobile phone is exploiting but line phone is not?

    So many people cannot get appointment through online booking and walk in but you can get appointment through phone call? What hotline is that?

    So the statements below about the problems raised in parliament are facts or not?

    1)’Raising the example of a resident who failed to secure an online booking for her elderly mother four days in a row, and another who was not IT savvy, Dr Tan suggested the use of a hotline residents could call in for bookings instead. He also suggested improving subsidies at CHAS GP clinics to be comparable to polyclinics.”

    2)’Dr Janil responded that the ministry would continue to explore “the role of things like hotlines and other ways to improve our processes so that the appointments and the services available at the polyclinics are indeed more accessible and user friendly”.’

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Relax: @”Relax Response: yes, we need mobile phone to access singpass. So we are forced by authority to exploiting.
    You alleged that our great PAP force you to exploiting. And if you are not force, you won’t be part of the exploitation. (self righteous here. no?)”

    Response: is the statement ‘we need mobile phone to access singpass’ a fact? Just wondering how you access singpass?
    If the statement is ‘we are forced by opposition parties to exploiting’, what will be your conclusion?

    Well, the fact is I did not alleged that “we are forced by authority to exploiting”

    You did. And our discussion is on that. Stay focused on that and don’t be like big mouth Goh Meng Seng shoot here and shoot there.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Relax: @”You can just use your computer to google singapore polyclinic hotline and you get the answer.
    You just need an old good analog line phone to call.”

    Response: you mean using mobile phone is not manual but using line phone is manual?
    Using mobile phone is exploiting but line phone is not?

    A old analog line phone had less components and thus lesser exploitation.

    Maybe you should go join the Amish communities as someone suggested.

    So many people cannot get appointment through online booking and walk in but you can get appointment through phone call? What hotline is that?

    You are English literate right? You can read right ? You can also call to find out right ?

    You are a typical 10 years series templated Singaporean, everything must provide ready answer. Don’t know to use initiative to find out.

    No wonder Singaporeans got easily replace by FT.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”A old analog line phone had less components and thus lesser exploitation.”

    Response: so your answer is there is exploitation using line phone.

    Did you see the Matrix Circuitry inside the landline phone? Do you know what are the raw materials used? Do you know any labour abuse in the raw material company?

    @”You are English literate right? You can read right ? You can also call to find out right ?”

    Response: did you call to find out the answer yourself?

    So the statements below about the problems raised in parliament are facts or not?

    1)’Raising the example of a resident who failed to secure an online booking for her elderly mother four days in a row, and another who was not IT savvy, Dr Tan suggested the use of a hotline residents could call in for bookings instead. He also suggested improving subsidies at CHAS GP clinics to be comparable to polyclinics.”

    2)’Dr Janil responded that the ministry would continue to explore “the role of things like hotlines and other ways to improve our processes so that the appointments and the services available at the polyclinics are indeed more accessible and user friendly”.’

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheepbrain:

    Sheep swallow angmo propaganda. They love it so much that they thought everyone also swallow angmo propaganda.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: It is you and all the Opposition who lick and swallow all that In God We Tru$t America said.

    Sheep In and Out:
    Brainwashed sheep listen to angmo propaganda, swallow and vomit it everywhere.

    All smart citizens ask what their country can do for them.

    – smart politicians ask what their country can pay them.
    – smart sportsmen and women ask what their country can pay them

    Witness those politicians and sportspeople who prefer to contribute their expertize to foreign countries.

    Stop being a brainwashed sheep.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.- John F. Kennedy

    GD Star Rating
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