
Hezbollah and axis of resistance ups ante against US-backed Israel

Is Benjamin Netanyahu now looking at a fresh threat? Is the new threat to Israel from Iraq?

Molly Gambhir getting you the complete story.


22 Responses to “Hezbollah and axis of resistance ups ante against US-backed Israel”

  • 如果。。。。。。:



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  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    The headline is wrong.

    Please use the correct word by In God We Tru$t America, headline should be:

    Hezbollah and axis of evils ups ante against US-backed Israel

    Axis of evils are nations that oppose In God We Tru$t America

    GD Star Rating
  • Kaiju:

    We are all in support of Israel to wipe clean Hezbollah. Kill ’em all and let god sort ’em out. These terrorists group deserves no peace nor life.

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  • TheUnsaid:

    Even if the whole ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ ATTACK Israel ‘ALL AT ONCE’ and US/UK & allies with-hold all help/support; Israel will STILL PREVAILS !!! Why? I am Willing to bet my 2 Lamborghini & 1 Aston Martin with TRE-Tech’s ONE village cow that TRE will be long long gone and ISRAEL will still be around. LOL

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Can Super Power$ that lack true goodwill be Peace-makers?

    Powerful countries are not setting good example for the rest.
    GREED N LUST FOR “POWERFULNESS” are how the Devil is luring men to “Hell”,literally and figuratively.

    Even in peaceful countries ,there is lack of Peace in a broad sense.
    Are ordinary sg families feeling peacefulness truly?

    Thanks to “who” you know.
    Shake head…

    GD Star Rating

    Please define the word terrorist.
    Why pit TRE against the Zionist State which has already lost. The UN Security Council has already declared a two State solution. This is the US proposal and was approved.So the Zionists who committed genocide against the Palestinians have actually helped them create the State of Palestine. So now there will be two States. One that is unable to support it’s defence needs and the other which will be rebuilt by the monies from the Israeli State that caused the destruction of Gaza and the West Bank.Let us hope they will live peacefully as neighbours.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    We are all in support of Israel to wipe clean Hezbollah. Kill ’em all and let god sort ’em out. These terrorists group deserves no peace nor life.

    Yes, meantime Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair, 32, hunkers down in $5,000-a-month Florida high-rise protected by Israeli Shin Bet bodyguards as hundreds of thousands of his countrymen put their lives on the line in brutal fighting against Hamas in Gaza

    GD Star Rating
  • Israel at Peace Summit:

    South Africa: South Africa’s reasons for not backing the communique were different. The country’s National Security Advisor Sydney Mufamadi wrote in a statement that “it was surprising that at this conference, Israel is present and participating”, five days after a United Nations-backed commission accused Israel of committing war crimes against Palestinians. Mufamadi questioned the legitimacy of a communique that its sponsors argued was driven by “respect for international law” when Israel has been accused by many UN officials of violating international law.

    Sg must have just signed. Just sign loh. Ask so much for what.

    GD Star Rating
  • Russia NK Peace Treaty:

    Russia and North Korea to sign strategic partnership treaty
    Russia supports North Korea against ‘treacherous’ West – Putin
    Moscow and Pyongyang will develop their own trade and security arrangements, immune from pressure from the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, ahead of his visit to North Korea on Tuesday. The Russian president outlined his goals in an article published by the leading DPRK daily, Rodong Sinmun.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    SINGAROAR: @Kaiju
    Please define the word terrorist.

    That’s easy..In God We Trust America had already defined for you.

    To quote George Bush, if you are not with us, you are against us.

    When you serve their interest, you (Wagner Group) are freedom fighter.

    When you are against their interest, you (or Wagner Group) are terrorist.
    Please download this video before YT deleted it. (link still valid as on 18 June 2024)

    Please screen capture this before twitter deleted it. (link still valid as on 18 June 2024)

    GD Star Rating
  • Praise HIM:

    Praise him, yes, him. The most peaceful man we know. His friends, relatives go genocide babies and innocent adults. He is man enough not to join the genociding gangs.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Yes, meantime Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair, 32, hunkers down in $5,000-a-month Florida high-rise protected by Israeli Shin Bet bodyguards as hundreds of thousands of his countrymen put their lives on the line in brutal fighting against Hamas in Gaza

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Praise HIM:
    Praise him, yes, him. The most peaceful man we know. His friends, relatives go genocide babies and innocent adults. He is man enough not to join the genociding gangs.

    Ah… reverse psychology or double talk by people who demand freedom but ran away from their responsibility of defending freedom.

    I am afraid to die defending our freedom. So I ran away.
    (save this video before YT delete it. link still valid today 19 June 2024)

    I prefer cannon fodder GMS to die on my behalf so that I live to party on.

    Anyone here agreed with this Ukrainian patriot in the video above.

    First, They thumb their chest and shout Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights.
    (save this video before YT deleted it. link still valid today 19 June 2024)

    But they dodge/siam frontlines service at first opportunity.
    (save this video before YT deleted it. link still valid today 19 June 2024)

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    Sheep defend their freedom and way of life.

    Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
    Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full! One for the White House, one for Big Ben, And one for the little boy who lives down Champs-Élysées.

    Won’t you freeze to death?
    No sir, no sir. We get wool from the trees.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Ah… reverse psychology or double talk by people who demand freedom but ran away from their responsibility of defending freedom.

    GD Star Rating
  • China second:

    Russia first.

    Kim stated that North Korea sees Russia as “the most honest friend and comrade” and noted Russia’s mission and role in “upholding strategic stability and balance in the world.” He also expressed Pyongyang’s support for Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.

    At some point, China stood back. Any history insiders know why?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sheep defend their freedom and way of life.

    Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
    Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full! One for the White House, one for Big Ben, And one for the little boy who lives down Champs-Élysées.

    Won’t you freeze to death?
    No sir, no sir. We get wool from the trees.

    Ah… Chinese Chauvinistic Pi very proud to defend their gangster CCP ma$ter who only dare to bully smaller country the way In God We Trust America did.

    Philippines armed commando Navy SEAL tackled gangster Chinese Coast Guard.

    Gangster Chinese Coast Guard retreated amid advances by brave PH armed commando.

    GD Star Rating
  • 斤山螃子。:




    China second:
    Russia first.

    Kim stated that North Korea sees Russia as “the most honest friend and comrade” and noted Russia’s mission and role in “upholding strategic stability and balance in the world.” He also expressed Pyongyang’s support for Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.

    At some point, China stood back. Any history insiders know why?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    Western attack sheep come charging on their master’s command. Charge … over the cliff. Happy little cannon fodder.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Philippines armed commando Navy SEAL tackled gangster Chinese Coast Guard.

    Gangster Chinese Coast Guard retreated amid advances by brave PH armed commando.
    GD Star

    GD Star Rating
  • 众叛亲离!:



    现在以色列国防军发言人又公开的说哈马斯是一种意识形态,无法消灭的,公开打脸那坦亚胡 一直强调的“不消滅哈马斯就不停战”的说法。


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Western attack sheep come charging on their master’s command. Charge … over the cliff. Happy little cannon fodder.

    You stupid CCP fans..

    Your China Coast Gangster surrendered, they release all captured Filipino commando Navy SEAL upon hearing US activating the mutual defense treaty.

    Your CCP master Xi is so afraid of the treaty that he pees in his pants.

    CCG to Pinoy commando: We have now captured you.

    Pinoy commando to CCG: Ok. Holding us prisoners will activate the Mutual Defense Treaty with US. Want to try ?

    CCG: Errr…(CCG balls dropped)

    Moments later, Sissy Gangster released all captured Pinoy commando.

    True to its name of CC (Sissy), Chinese army are just bunch of Sissy Gangster…

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep:

    You very thick skinned. Take a video and make up your own c**k and bull story.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: You stupid CCP fans..

    Your China Coast Gangster surrendered, they release all captured Filipino commando Navy SEAL upon hearing US activating the mutual defense treaty.

    Your CCP master Xi is so afraid of the treaty that he pees in his pants.

    CCG to Pinoy commando: We have now captured you.

    Pinoy commando to CCG: Ok. Holding us prisoners will activate the Mutual Defense Treaty with US. Want to try ?

    CCG: Errr…(CCG balls dropped)

    Moments later,Sissy Gangster released all captured Pinoy commando.

    True to its name of CC (Sissy), Chinese army are just bunch of Sissy Gangster…

    GD Star Rating
  • Magandang Omarga:

    When the Chinese coast guard personnel captured eight Filipino navy SEALs within the vicinity of RenAi Shoal, there was an American war ship nearby.

    Once the information of the conflict was received and confirmed true, the war ship immediately changed course and headed north in full battle speed.

    Within hours, it was in western pacific waters, more than a thousand miles away from the location of the conflict!

    This is a scene much resembling Biden chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan about 3 years ago, but this time at much smaller scale and was done at South China Sea.

    GD Star Rating
  • @Magandang Omarga

    Not siding with any party, but stating a matter of fact.

    China has the largest Navy in the world and here we are talking about ONE US warship that was probably built a decade ago or maybe even longer.

    If push comes to shove, do you honestly think that this lone warship can withstand an onslaught by the Chinese Air and Navy that are armed with hypersonic missiles that are designed to kill aircraft carriers?

    Besides, the Chinese have drone submarines that can do the same, anyone who thinks that the lone US warship can scare the Chinese into submission is dreaming.

    IMHO, the lone warship won’t even last an hour if the Chinese really wants to ‘touch’ it.

    However, China has been very restrained in handling International relationships, not wanting to push the button 1st, but if the warship fires 1st, then it’s a different ball game, be it US or anyone else for that matter.

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