
Message to Vax Doubtful & Anxious

I know a lot of you have slowly become very doubtful of the jab and the Promise that it will get us out of the pandemic, stop transmission, stop infections, stop long Covid, stop hospitalization, stop death.

I believe you have been seeing and hearing so many friends, associates, family members, relatives and news about people dropping dead suddenly or suffering from unusual aggressive illness or Cancer. You are most probably feeling extremely Anxious about it when you recall your own unusual ailments surfacing in your body after taking the jabs.

I also see a lot of you starting to shut off from discussions and mentions of all the potential adverse side effects (1291 of them). It is understandable for human beings to avoid information which may prove something devastating towards ourselves.

Many of you have put up a brave front by giving a lot of excuses of not going for your next jab but deep down, you know it's the PURE FEAR of Worst outcome that may haunt you forever that is telling you not to take the next jab.

Well, you may agree with me that even many of the PAP Ministers, MPs, members and IBs are not taking their next jab, so why should you?

However, that is not enough as a human being to be passive about it.

It's not only a broken promise but a disastrous promise. You have to speak up and tell those in power and people around you, you no longer trust the jab and it should not carry on.

The fact that you are still alive even though with some chronic symptoms that keep haunting you every now and then, is a blessing as well as an important signal to you to do what is right.

As long as you stop taking your next jab, you will be safe and not exposed to additional risks. As long as your loved ones and people around you stop risking their lives for the next jab, you will have ease in your mind.

I know it's difficult to take the first step for fear of being look upon as "nuts". Believe me, all Vax Skeptics like me have gone through those ostracizing and psychological persecution, but we survived.

It will not be easy because I myself was unable to convince a lot of people whom I loved and care to avoid the experimental jabs. I have lost a lot of friendship in the process but I maintain my own sanity.
You won't face the same extreme pressure like what I have gone through and at least you try.

Deep down you know, it's extremely crazy to keep taking the Jab every year of your life while risking your health and life.

Save lives, not face.

May peace be upon you.


Goh Meng Seng



76 Responses to “Message to Vax Doubtful & Anxious”

  • Risks vs Benefits:

    MOH is using fear tactics to get people vaccinated & boosted! Because there is a fear of the unknown in people!

    It is the way of governance here!

    “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”

    Is SG a democratic nation?

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:


    Want to know what your blood looks like and what’s now inside it?
    Let’s find out!

    A COVID-“vaccinated” heart is “a heart that is working…twice as hard as it should…

    Japan: ‘Billions of Vaccinated Will Die – Those Responsible Must Pay

    Those responsible for all this will simply move to $inkieland – home of the rich criminals

    GD Star Rating
  • Health?:

    Ministry of financial Health won’t want to miss the opportunity.

    GD Star Rating
  • Rule of Thumb:

    If you are healthy no need jab. Just make sure you have vitamin C
    , cold and fever medicine at home. Many times I feel I going to fall sick so I took relative large amount of vitamin C and I am OK.

    GD Star Rating
  • SpecOps:

    Well said.

    They chose their path the first time round from fear of being ostracized.

    To choose the cowardly path of silence a second time means the government will happily wash their hands of them and bury their crimes against humanity.

    A funeral urn of ashes tells no tales.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits:
    MOH is using fear tactics to get people vaccinated & boosted! Because there is a fear of the unknown in people!

    It is the way of governance here!

    “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”

    Is SG a democratic nation?

    Yes, SG is a fully democratic nation if benchmark against U$/West.

    The proof is here.

    Fox 7 cameraman thrown to ground. (save this video before YT deleted it)

    Trump: “But the police came in and in exactly 2 hours, everything was over.
    It was a beautiful thing to watch. New York’s finest”

    When Globalization Comes to America

    Lone protestor attacked by Democratic (Jolovan Wham Sg police did not do this to you. You are so lucky we are democratic)

    Please share and sue anyone that accuse our great PAP government undemocratic and demand compensation from them for spreading fake news.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Rule of Thumb:
    If you are healthy no need jab. Just make sure you have vitamin C
    , cold and fever medicine at home. Many times I feel I going to fall sick so I took relative large amount of vitamin C and I am OK.

    Yes, fully agreed.

    Your health is your responsibility.
    Your body your responsibility.

    Your screwed around and got AIDS you take responsibility and face the consequences yourselves.

    GD Star Rating
  • Vcccccc……!:

    Ever came across a young lady who took the advice from a sales person in a drug store that vitamin C is a good form of antioxidant. If taken in huge quantities regularly could keep one’s youthful look longer and also keep respiratory problems like coughing, flu etc …. far, far away.

    She bought a few bottles of vitamin C tablets, each tablet containing one gram of vitamin C and took one each morning after breakfast.

    Just two weeks down the road, she suffered from severe diarrhoea. Consulted family doctor and was advised against taking so much vitamin C.

    She never does that again!

    Rule of Thumb:
    If you are healthy no need jab. Just make sure you have vitamin C
    , cold and fever medicine at home. Many times I feel I going to fall sick so I took relative large amount of vitamin C and I am OK.

    GD Star Rating
  • UDieYourBiz:

    I just took the first 2 compulsory
    jabs at the very beginning…or else no entry everywhere! How to survive…
    Now theyre sending me sms telling me to go for updated vacs..
    I just dun respond..
    I got really sick on the 1st two..
    Why should i jeopardise my health further…after all these are just experimental vacs..
    Some companies got filthy rich while people suffer the after effects…in SG they will tell us ” existing conditions”…cant claim compensation…

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Ong You Con is just a court-jester elevated to minister to carry out “orders”.
    He thought ,and still thinks,probably,that he is prime minister material.

    He is just an XO BOOTLUCKER at most!
    But by then,MANY mNRA-vaccinated folks may be left with strange health conditions.
    Still,they will push blames to daft sgs for not “properly” observing this “protocol” or that???

    Gan n LW were more cautious but Ong You Con, dying to steal the lime-light , was much more AGGRESSIVE in his approach.

    A VACCINE IS NOT JUST A “PANADOL” WHICH you can simply REPEAT DOSAGE at such regular intervals or am i wrong???

    Afterall,who are we?
    Mere citizens who must OBEY the “voted” LOG,$TOCK N BARREL or get punished?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Honestly,so how does WHO rate Angmoh vaccine$?
    You see it irks me when SG and other Asian countries accord so much “esteem”/value to Michelin Stars awarded by Angmohs for their Foods.
    The Asian stalls/outlets like our famous hawker foods are mostly of Mediocre Standards by REAL LOCAL STANDARDS.

    The Michelin Stalls they recommend,i went tasting.
    All far below the good haeker foods i ever tasted.
    Seriously,the Hawker Scene in $g is ONLY EXPEN$IVE (like our ministers,etc) and NOthING else!

    Worse are those awarded so-called Miche

    lin or ACCLAIMED by MSM!
    Gone are the affordable but GOOD FOODS.

    Like our 1G ministers who were “cheap” but good,so it is with hawker foods,even HDB FLATS that were cheap but with less DEFECTS than the current ones.

    So much for high pay ,high fees,high charge$ equal high standards.

    We salute our 1G for making us proud to bs Sgs.
    Shame that we,sgs,are mostly looked down upon by our own ministers that it rubs on aliens who come here as economic scavengers.

    Show me ,on average,An alien PMET who truly appreciate ane esteem their sg-hosts,show me.
    PATHETIC,truly pathetic.
    But,most of all,D A F T,like LKY rightly pointed out years ago at Bloomberg interview.

    GD Star Rating
  • Like I said, whatever is done cannot be undone and whatever harm (if any) has been done, so no point gloating over the pros and cons of mRNA vaccines anymore.

    Even IF the vaccines does cause massive death, there is NOTHING that can be done, the lighting will never say sorry and the millisters CANNOT be sued, so all lan lan.

    So why harp on this non-stop if it achieves nothing?

    GD Star Rating
  • Lai leow, Lai leow:

    Kansas AG Kris Kobach accuses Pfizer of misleading …
    Kansas Reflector › 2024/06/17 › kansas-ag-k…
    15 hours ago — Attorney General Kris Kobach files a civil lawsuit against Pfizer.
    The company hid evidence linking its shots to heart inflammation conditions, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach has claimed.

    Singapore will come to their rescue. That $100million woman will claim otherwise. FR and Man-date will be witnesses that they were never misled.

    GD Star Rating
  • Wow:

    I bought the flower pot

    For 10¢ but I ask shop

    Flower shop to write pot

    Cost me $1.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Ever came across a young lady who took the advice from a sales person in a drug store that vitamin C is a good form of antioxidant. If taken in huge quantities regularly could keep one’s youthful look longer and also keep respiratory problems like coughing, flu etc …. far, far away.

    She bought a few bottles of vitamin C tablets, each tablet containing one gram of vitamin C and took one each morning after breakfast.

    Just two weeks down the road, she suffered from severe diarrhoea. Consulted family doctor and was advised against taking so much vitamin C.

    She never does that again!

    Fruit juice also. The quantity of bacteria cultures found in all the fruit blenders will ‘floor’ you right away.

    GD Star Rating
  • How about "creative speaking":

    Straits Times: Singapore’s 15-year-old students score top marks in OECD’s creative thinking test

    Not enough. Another exam-smart Singaporean. Creative thinking is not enough. Need to communicate to be effective. This requires “creative talking”. The gut issue is: do Singaporeans have the spine to speak up.

    GD Star Rating

    The State Surgeon General is notifying the health care sector and public of a substantial increase in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports from Florida after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

    According to a study by Fraiman, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events, including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy, and encephalitis. This risk was 1 in 550 individuals, which is much higher than other vaccines.

    GD Star Rating
  • Excess Deaths:

    The State Surgeon General is notifying the health care sector and public of a substantial increase in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports from Florida after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

    According to a study by Fraiman, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events, including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy, and encephalitis. This risk was 1 in 550 individuals, which is much higher than other vaccines.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Risks vs Benefits:
    MOH is using fear tactics to get people vaccinated & boosted! Because there is a fear of the unknown in people!

    It is the way of governance here!

    “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”

    Is SG a democratic nation?

    The piece featured an interview with Wong, who authored an opinion piece in Nikkei Asia that criticized the Government’s handling of KTV lounges amid the COVID-19 pandemic, who said that his life had “been taken apart in stunning fashion, to the point where his professional and social life in Singapore have been ruined and he’s been forced into exile”

    “An immediate campaign of character assassination was initiated against me by Singaporean state media, calling my article full of falsehoods and inaccuracies. Shanmugam even went on record in the news and televised parliamentary sessions denouncing me and calling me out as a fraud with an axe to grind against the government.”

    GD Star Rating
  • 'above 18' only:

    If TRE rating is typical of Singapore, then that’s another reason for low fertility. The most exciting and recurring topic here is vaccine. Not even sexual vaccine.

    Meanwhile, Australia news accessible to kiddies openly talk about labia and clit.

    Labia are the lips or folds of skin that sit either side of the vaginal opening.

    The outer lips, which are covered with pubic hair, are the labia majora. The inner lips are the labia minora.

    They are part of the vulva, the external part of the female genitals you can see, which also includes the clitoris and other parts.

    The vagina is inside the body.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Risks vs Benefits:

    It is the way of governance here!

    “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”

    Is SG a democratic nation?

    Others said that they agree with the need for a slew of measures to battle future pandemics, but asserted that the rhetoric the Minister is putting forth comes across as top-down and contrary to the “open, consultative” Government newly-minted Prime Minister Lawrence Wong promised to uphold.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Risks vs Benefits: The piece featured an interview with Wong, who authored an opinion piece in Nikkei Asia that criticized the Government’s handling of KTV lounges amid the COVID-19 pandemic, who said that his life had “been taken apart in stunning fashion, to the point where his professional and social life in Singapore have been ruined and he’s been forced into exile”

    “An immediate campaign of character assassination was initiated against me by Singaporean state media, calling my article full of falsehoods and inaccuracies. Shanmugam even went on record in the news and televised parliamentary sessions denouncing me and calling me out as a fraud with an axe to grind against the government.”

    Andy Wong lah. LW possessed porn. lol. I think you go back Gutzy and check again.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits: The piece featured an interview with Wong, who authored an opinion piece in Nikkei Asia that criticized the Government’s handling of KTV lounges amid the COVID-19 pandemic, who said that his life had “been taken apart in stunning fashion, to the point where his professional and social life in Singapore have been ruined and he’s been forced into exile”

    “An immediate campaign of character assassination was initiated against me by Singaporean state media, calling my article full of falsehoods and inaccuracies. Shanmugam even went on record in the news and televised parliamentary sessions denouncing me and calling me out as a fraud with an axe to grind against the government.”

    Hello Andy Wong,

    Are you being financed by CIA operated National Endowment for Democracy?
    To quote George Bush, if you are not with us, you are against us.

    When you serve their interest, you (or Wagner Group) are freedom fighter.

    When you work against their interest, you (or Wagner Group) are terrorist.

    Please download this video before YT deleted it. (link still valid as on 20 June 2024)

    Please screen capture this before twitter deleted it. (link still valid as on 20 June 2024)

    Sound minded PAP supporters please download/share the post and video.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Let’s not waste our time/energy on the ‘foregone’ 90%. One’Rat-eyed’ devil could be planning a “vaccination by force” come next pandemic. Better for the ‘Unvaxxed’ here in this forum to share their thoughts on what counter-measures to take. It will be most welcomed!!!

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    BTW,latest vaccine boo$ter excercise not well received.
    Will Ong You Con flex his strong arm and force sgs to get booster jab$ by hook or by crook.
    Will they be mandated too?

    GD Star Rating
  • PM Wong talking cock:

    Straits Times: ‘When we say we’ll do something, we make sure we deliver it’: PM Wong at opening of TEL Stage 4

    1) PAP has not delivered the Swiss Standard of Living promised by PAP 20 years ago when Goh Chok Tong was PM.

    2) PAP said it would return to the Ivan Lim saga after the last GE. Next GE around the corner but still no mention of Ivan Lim. PM Wong said during the last GE when the Ivan Lim saga started that the PAP candidate selection process was “thorough and robust”. If that is true, then why did PAP not defend Ivan Lim? Why did PAP throw him under the bus and told him to defend himself?

    GD Star Rating
  • The $0 man:

    Who promise forever up?
    Who cut to $0?

    PM Wong talking c**k:
    Straits Times:‘When we say we’ll do something, we make sure we deliver it’: PM Wong at opening of TEL Stage 4

    1) PAP has not delivered the Swiss Standard of Living promised by PAP 20 years ago when Goh Chok Tong was PM.

    2) PAP said it would return to the Ivan Lim saga after the last GE.Next GE around the corner but still no mention of Ivan Lim.PM Wong said during the last GE when the Ivan Lim saga started that the PAP candidate selection process was “thorough and robust”.If that is true, then why did PAP not defend Ivan Lim?Why did PAP throw him under the bus and told him to defend himself?

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Dalai Says: Andy Wong lah. LW possessed porn. lol. I think you go back Gutzy and check again.

    How can you not see the name AW mentioned clearly at the given website! Are you OK?

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    The state of Kansas has sued the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, accusing it of misleading the public about its COVID-19 vaccine by making false claims about its effectiveness.

    In the lawsuit filed Monday, Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach claims Pfizer misled Kansas residents by claiming the vaccine was safe and hid evidence of the shot’s link to myocarditis and pregnancy issues.

    Can sue Pfizer here?

    GD Star Rating
  • 强弩之末:


    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Risks vs Benefits:
    MOH is using fear tactics to get people vaccinated & boosted! Because there is a fear of the unknown in people!

    It is the way of governance here!

    “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”

    Is SG a democratic nation?

    Is SG a fake democracy?

    I feel the mural of samsui woman smoking after a hard day’s work is true reflection of that time! To remove the cigarette is fake!

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Risks vs Benefits: How can you not see the name AW mentioned clearly at the given website! Are you OK?

    GD Star Rating
  • Apologize:

    This guy must apologize. His response is a direct personal attack at the mother of the person giving feedback.

    Low level and insulting!

    Risks vs Benefits: Is SG a fake democracy?

    I feel the mural of samsui woman smoking after a hard day’s work is true reflection of that time! To remove the cigarette is fake!

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Risks vs Benefits: How can you not see the name AW mentioned clearly at the given website! Are you OK?

    Right, sometimes our unconscious minds may register and store our predilections and therefore our most probable conclusions. My bad. :-)

    GD Star Rating
  • 一周死亡38例,600多人住院!台湾新冠重症及死亡病例大幅增加!

    Taiwan is facing its 6th wave of Omicron, 38 deaths and 600 warded in less than a week, dunno is true or not.

    Sinkieland got case bo> Which variant and which wave is right now?

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    This guy must apologize. His response is a direct personal attack at the mother of the person giving feedback.

    Low level and insulting!

    Both of you have a problem!
    She is still a virgin lah!

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Risks vs Benefits: Is SG a fake democracy?

    I feel the mural of samsui woman smoking after a hard day’s work is true reflection of that time! To remove the cigarette is fake!

    TODAY spoke to seven junior doctors in Singapore, most of whom did not provide their real names for fear that speaking out
    would affect their careers.

    Amid long hours and low pay, junior doctors say more among them are breaking their bonds to move to private sector>

    Why is there fear if there is freedom of speech?

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    Dalai Says:
    Let’s not waste our time/energy on the ‘foregone’ 90%. One’Rat-eyed’ devil could be planning a “vaccination by force” come next pandemic. Better for the ‘Unvaxxed’ here in this forum to share their thoughts on what counter-measures to take. It will be most welcomed!!!

    No jab go jail?
    I will choose the latter.

    Why I was unvaxxed?
    Bcoz whenever I discussed about vaccination with people, I see ‘something’ sort of a signal to me, that’s why no jab is my decision.

    Any counter-measures? to win the authority, quite difficult. But if govt force too hard, people are too stress and become ‘siow’, that will go against PM’s plan to tackle mental health issues.

    So really hope the authority can respect people’s decision and not mandate it. Unvaxxed also survive during the pandemic, so whether vaccine is good or bad is not the key point, just let the people have their own choice bcoz it concerns their lives. Don’t use figures to justify the mandate.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits: Is SG a fake democracy?

    I feel the mural of samsui woman smoking after a hard day’s work is true reflection of that time! To remove the cigarette is fake!

    Idiots. That’s your feeling and don’t impose your feeling on all of us.

    To me, not all samsui woman smoke. Some don’t.

    Please answer this question, Is In God We Tru$t US a fake democracy ?

    Facts#1 Fox 7 cameraman thrown to ground to censor reporting
    (save this video before YT deleted it. link still valid 19 June – 23 June 2024)

    Facts#2 Democracy Open Threat to Protestors
    Facial recognition can determine whether you participated in the pro Hamas protests at the universities.

    Your jobs and your degrees will be worthless.

    Your hiring opportunities will be limited. 22 Apr 2024

    (save this post before Twitter deleted it. link still valid 19 June – 23 June 2024)

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Relax: No jab go jail?
    I will choose the latter.

    Why I was unvaxxed?
    Bcoz whenever I discussed about vaccination with people, I see ‘something’ sort of a signal to me, that’s why no jab is my decision.

    Any counter-measures? to win the authority, quite difficult. But if govt force too hard, people are too stress and become ‘siow’, that will go against PM’s plan to tackle mental health issues.

    So really hope the authority can respect people’s decision and not mandate it. Unvaxxed also survive during the pandemic, so whether vaccine is good or bad is not the key point, just let the people have their own choice bcoz it concerns their lives. Don’t use figures to justify the mandate.

    Yes, agreed. Respect people’s decision and not mandate it.

    Just like AIDS.

    You were told to use condom to have protected sex when visiting prostitute.

    If you choose not to use condom and have unprotected sex and then contracted AIDS, you made that decision not to use condom, you take responsibility for your decision, you bear the consequences.

    Don’t cry father cry mother to demand financial assistance from our taxpayer monies.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits:
    The state of Kansas has sued the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, accusing it of misleading the public about its COVID-19 vaccine by making false claims about its effectiveness.

    In the lawsuit filed Monday, Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach claims Pfizer misled Kansas residents by claiming the vaccine was safe and hid evidence of the shot’s link to myocarditis and pregnancy issues.

    Can sue Pfizer here?

    Dear Risks vs Benefits,
    Can we sue In God We Tru$t America for fake news and lies? Please answer.

    If you cannot answer, please consult Dr Chee, Kenneth Jaya or Goh Meng Seng.

    In God We Tru$t America lies about Iraq WMD like China lies on Tibet

    Former Trump adviser John Bolton admits to planning foreign coups

    10 minutes: How In God We Tru$t America Destabilizes the world

    Please save the above video link before YT deleted the video.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Risks vs Benefits: Both of you have a problem!
    She is still a virgin lah!

    Samuel Goh commented, “Write back to URA and ask them to explain clearly which part of this woman depicts a prostitute, and if any part of the drawing is illegal in the state – including smoking. If nothing is illegal, why should it be changed or removed? And if nothing is illegal and they are threatening you to remove it, is
    that even legal?”

    Anthony Soon wrote, “What you painted is factual. As a young boy, I witnessed how strong these ladies were back then. Drinking black coffee from condensed milk cans, eating biscuits, and smoking were the simple ‘luxuries’ they enjoyed during their rest periods. Whoever complained to URA was probably not even born then. Even more ridiculous was the URA person who asked for the mural to be modified. He should be
    sacked, in my opinion.”

    GOOD rebuttals!

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Relax, guys. Nothing art can do can threaten democracy, if ‘democracy’ is as big and solid and right as you think it is. Yes, art has to do with beauty and aesthetics which includes surprise and often conflicting emotions because beauty I maintain has an erotic component. Art does not really exist, there are only different anthropological practices of comprehension of the world including practices of changing it, through art”. (or at least this is my take, look up “transformative worldview”) Is this art? I’m fairly certain that it is but I’m not sure what message Mr Dunston has given us here. I think he started down that road but never got there.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits: TODAY spoke to seven junior doctors in Singapore, most of whom did not provide their real names for fear that speaking out
    would affect their careers.
    Amid long hours and low pay, junior doctors say more among them are breaking their bonds to move to private sector>

    Why is there fear if there is freedom of speech?

    Please answer this question. Don’t run away.
    Does In God We Tru$t America has Freedom of Speech?

    Ms Patel, that was a threat what you said at the end and so the officers are going to escort you out and take care of that.

    All sound minded Singaporeans please stand up for Singapore and share this post.

    We must protect our fellow Singaporeans from In God We Tru$t America harm. In God We Tru$t America is spreading fake news and lies on freedom, democracy and human rights the same way Sissy Pee (CCP) did.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Relax: No jab go jail?
    I will choose the latter.

    Why I was unvaxxed?
    Bcoz whenever I discussed about vaccination with people, I see ‘something’ sort of a signal to me, that’s why no jab is my decision.

    Any counter-measures? to win the authority, quite difficult. But if govt force too hard, people are too stress and become ‘siow’, that will go against PM’s plan to tackle mental health issues.

    So really hope the authority can respect people’s decision and not mandate it. Unvaxxed also survive during the pandemic, so whether vaccine is good or bad is not the key point, just let the people have their own choice bcoz it concerns their lives. Don’t use figures to justify the mandate.

    Thank you for making me cry this morning! How to serve those ‘crazed self-absorbed and delusional’ gangsters? Why not remove him from office? Come this election just do a “George Y” déjà vu in Sembawang GRC.

    GD Star Rating
  • Ignorant:

    Are you a new citizen?
    Everyone knows that to display anything not approved is counted as a protest. A piece of white paper? That’s court convicted protest. A giant wall paint without approval? Definitely a big protest. Charge them with protest laws.

    Risks vs Benefits: And if nothing is illegal and they are threatening you to remove it, is
    that even legal?”

    GD Star Rating
  • Your own taste:

    One man’s art is another man’s protest.

    Dignidad Rebelde: Art is Protest

    Dalai Says:
    Relax, guys. Nothing art can do can threaten democracy, if ‘democracy’ is as big and solid and right as you think it is. Yes, art has to do with beauty and aesthetics which includes surprise and often conflicting emotions because beauty I maintain has an erotic component. Art does not really exist, there are only different anthropological practices of comprehension of the world including practices of changing it, through art”. (or at least this is my take, look up “transformative worldview”) Is this art? I’m fairly certain that it is but I’m not sure what message Mr Dunston has given us here. I think he started down that road but never got there.

    GD Star Rating
  • Apologize:

    You are equally low level and insulting. You also have a problem with religion.

    Risks vs Benefits: Both of you have a problem!
    She is still a virgin lah!

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Your own taste:
    One man’s art is another man’s protest.

    Dignidad Rebelde: Art is Protest

    I will go with Edward de Vere that “All art is political … otherwise it is just decoration.” There’s nothing wrong with decor. You can’t eat art unless it is that banana that some fool taped to a wall as ‘art’. Ha ha ha ha ha!

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Risks vs Benefits:

    Samuel Goh commented, “Write back to URA and ask them to explain clearly which part of this woman depicts a prostitute, and if any part of the drawing is illegal in the state – including smoking. If nothing is illegal, why should it be changed or removed? And if nothing is illegal and they are threatening you to remove it, is
    that even legal?”

    Anthony Soon wrote, “What you painted is factual. As a young boy, I witnessed how strong these ladies were back then. Drinking black coffee from condensed milk cans, eating biscuits, and smoking were the simple ‘luxuries’ they enjoyed during their rest periods. Whoever complained to URA was probably not even born then. Even more ridiculous was the URA person who asked for the mural to be modified. He should be
    sacked, in my opinion.”

    GOOD rebuttals!

    Our current crisis is one of human values. From the personal to the political, art exists to remind us of what we should watch out for, what we have endured and, sometimes, how to survive, continue, reach in, and transcend our own present.

    It’s worth distinguishing between art as a sensory experience, and art as a commodity. What concerns me most about this kind of rhetoric—especially in relation to the visual art market — is that the overemphasis on the aesthetic joy that art can bring, for some, obscures the fact that art is a luxury commodity *before* it can be used as a catalyst for some sort of spiritual, self-reflective excursion. It’s the spice of life.

    However, art isn’t about truth, it’s about perspective because there is no absolute truth. What’s true for you may not be for me. Art is more than just intent and emotion. As Andy Warhol said – “Art is what you can get away with!”

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Listen to what our very own mural artist Mr Yip YC has to say:

    Singaporean mural artist Yip Yew Chong disagreed with labeling the Chinatown shophouse mural depicting a smoking samsui woman as “offensive”. While he respects viewers’ rights to openly critique artwork, he opposes extreme measures such as requesting authorities to remove art based on subjective interpretations.

    GD Star Rating
  • Bedroom Art:

    If one keeps his painting in his bedroom, one won’t invite unwanted criticism. However, if one puts his giant painting on the main road, one must accept criticism.

    I also think that painting is rather bad. Look at the angle of the woman’s right hand. The hand looks fractured at many joints. Poor woman. In those days, those workers didn’t smoke that type of cigarette.

    Risks vs Benefits:
    Listen to what our very own mural artist Mr Yip YC has to say:

    Singaporean mural artist Yip Yew Chong disagreed with labeling the Chinatown shophouse mural depicting a smoking samsui woman as “offensive”. While he respects viewers’ rights to openly critique artwork, he opposes extreme measures such as requesting authorities to remove art based on subjective interpretations.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    Dalai Says: Thank you for making me cry this morning! How to serve those ‘crazed self-absorbed and delusional’ gangsters? Why not remove him from office? Come this election just do a “George Y” déjà vu in Sembawang GRC.

    Removing him is to revenge for the wrong suffered (报一箭之仇). But killing one gangster, there is still 10, 100, 1000 gangsters, so how many gangsters can we kill this round?
    Btw, majority of the opposition parties also support vaccination, that’s why unvaxxed are besieged on all sides (四面楚歌).

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    As reported by The Straits Times on 21 June, the URA has now decided to re-evaluate its position due to recent public feedback.

    To those who are vs the art mural showing samsui woman smoking, HOLD YOUR HORSES!

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Singaporean mural artist Yip Yew Chong disagreed with labeling the Chinatown shophouse mural depicting a smoking samsui woman as “offensive”. While he respects viewers’ rights to openly critique artwork, he opposes extreme measures such as requesting authorities to remove art based on subjective interpretations.

    If I am right, art isn’t a phenomenon to be explained. It’s fairly well-established that only ‘bad art’ can be explained, so what Mr Yip YC comment is saying makes less sense. To artists whose purpose is often undefined; when it becomes too defined, it becomes something less than art–a merchandising venture maybe to those Chinatown establishments?

    The question of how art works is not the same as the question of what art means. Does the “smoking samsui woman” of art require the education of a public in commentary that sorts out the ways explanation and interpretation are interconnected but still different? Or do artists create their own audience, making the teaching of the mural superfluous?

    Is the idea here that there are artists who interpret, and Mr Yip YC/Mr Dunston in the arts who make a hopeless jumble of both activities?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Bedroom Art:
    If one keeps his painting in his bedroom, one won’t invite unwanted criticism. However, if one puts his giant painting on the main road, one must accept criticism.

    I also think that painting is rather bad. Look at the angle of the woman’s right hand. The hand looks fractured at many joints. Poor woman. In those days, those workers didn’t smoke that type of cigarette.

    Ah…you are right.

    You remind me of a black/white documentary which I watch and I saw people in the documentary use small piece of paper to wrap tabacco to smoke.

    Yes, the documentary is proof that in those days, those workers don’t smoke that type of cigarette.

    GD Star Rating
  • URA down the slippery slope:

    Why is URA allowing such rubbishy splash of paint? Soon some artist may want to have a painting of LKY and a “fu*k you” from cig smoke to show the quiet protest in the past era.

    At least, URA must auction off those spaces. That’s so wrong that the gov forgo the chance of making some big monies.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Are you a new citizen?
    Everyone knows that to display anything not approved is counted as a protest. A piece of white paper? That’s court convicted protest. A giant wall paint without approval? Definitely a big protest. Charge them with protest laws.

    “Singapore has strict laws on public assembly – even though the freedoms are enshrined in its constitution – and tightly controls the media and freedom of speech and expression.”

    Even the Constitution is being hijacked so much so that the definition of public assembly can be re-defined as one man holding an hand-drawn innocent smiley face placard outside a police station can be charged for illegal assembly!

    Not only the Constitution but the English dictionary definition of assembly is being hijacked for eg, Collins Dictionary’s definition of an assembly is a GROUP of people gathered together for a particular purpose.


    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Ah…you are right.

    You remind me of a black/white documentary which I watch and I saw people in the documentary use small piece of paper to wrap tabacco to smoke.

    Yes, the documentary is proof that in those days, those workers don’t smoke that type of cigarette.

    Bingo! I had to *pat your back* for once! These “chao” angmohs knowing “nuts” are trying to impose their own ‘perceived’ values/cultures onto others. “Americunts!” I say, by your own definition. Cigarettes are only smoked by their “white-masters” during that time. For a peasant to smoke that are the red-light hookers or ‘suzie-wong’ stereo-types. The type you mentioned is called “ang hoon” or red tabacco. I would have applauded him, this’Dud’ston if he had painted a small ‘cone-shaped’ fag in her hand or sticking out her mouth.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Risks vs Benefits: “Singapore has strict laws on public assembly – even though the freedoms are enshrined in its constitution – and tightly controls the media and freedom of speech and expression.”

    Even the Constitution is being hijacked so much so that the definition of public assembly can be re-defined as one man holding an hand-drawn innocent smiley face placard outside a police station can be charged for illegal assembly!

    Not only the Constitution but the English dictionary definition of assembly is being hijacked for eg, Collins Dictionary’s definition of an assembly is a GROUP of people gathered together for a particular purpose.


    To read as ACTING GROUP

    GD Star Rating
  • 老子李耳说。。。:


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits: “Singapore has strict laws on public assembly – even though the freedoms are enshrined in its constitution – and tightly controls the media and freedom of speech and expression.”

    Even the Constitution is being hijacked so much so that the definition of public assembly can be re-defined as one man holding an hand-drawn innocent smiley face placard outside a police station can be charged for illegal assembly!

    You are an idiot, a stupid colonial subject who cannot think on your own.

    You Anglo Saxon ma$ter is the best wayang king and you actually believe all their farts and sh1ts.

    a) Democratic 12 police officers threatened lone journalist

    b) Democratic police attacked unarmed camera-man

    c) 5 Police officers threatened lone protestor

    d) Democratic police pepper sprayed protestors

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits: WHERE IS THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

    Does your In God We Tru$t America has Freedom of Speech?
    Please answer this question. Don’t run away.

    5 Democratic police arrest lone protestor.

    Unlawful demonstration arrested.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    People like SRFR has barked up the wrong tree!

    You missed the forest for the trees!

    “The Basic Principles of Democracy are Citizen Participation, Equality, Political Tolerance, Accountability, and Transparency.”

    God save SG!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits ran away from my questions and disappeared in thin air.

    Most likely he is CIA agent.

    GD Star Rating

    China Just Cured a Patient’s Diabetes for the First Time.

    Soon western arselickers will be calling this false news. lol

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Risks vs Benefits:
    People like SRFR has barked up the wrong tree!

    You missed the forest for the trees!

    “The Basic Principles of Democracy are Citizen Participation, Equality, Political Tolerance, Accountability, and Transparency.”

    God save SG!

    God? Than Be honest like what the Bible taught you. Don’t twist and turn like a snake and divert attention to principle of democracy. We can come to this later after you answered my questions.

    Let’s focus on what you said and answer my questions first.

    Risks vs Benefits: WHERE IS THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

    Does your In God We Tru$t America has Freedom of Speech? Please answer this question. Don’t run away.

    a) Democratic police attacked unarmed camera-man to stop televising Freedom of Speech

    b) 5 Democratic police arrest lone protestor to stop Freedom of Speech

    c) Unlawful demonstration arrested to stop Freedom of Speech

    d) UC Berkeley Law Professor Assaults Student Activist For Speaking Up About Gaza Genocide (FYI, I do not support her action on private property)

    e) Democratic 12 police officers threatened lone journalist to stop Freedom of Speech

    f) 5 Democratic Police officers threatened lone protestor to stop Freedom of Speech

    g) Democratic police pepper sprayed protestors to stop Freedom of Speech

    h) Contrast between US and HK campus protest is amazing

    i) The Kent State Massacre to stop Freedom of Speech

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    TRE Tech:

    China Just Cured a Patient’s Diabetes for the First Time.

    Soon western arselickers will be calling this false news. lol

    This is good news if they cure it using traditional herbs medicine or acupuncture.

    We have to wait for more information on this case.

    Will the Sissy Pee (CCP) disclose the details on the treatment ?

    Tech: According to medical experts who commented, its a combination of both.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Is it stem cells treatment ?

    Is not new and the first.

    Stem cells still a lot of issues and more research to iron out. And say it really works, does it mean you dont have to watch your sugar intakes ? Stem cells wise at the moment i would forewarned. In the market i heard about this 鹿胎素 stemcell product on the market. Eventually several of my surrounding neighbours feedback their friends or relatives or colleagues who have taken it several end up kena cancer.

    At your own discretion your body your choice.

    GD Star Rating
  • Here they come.:

    TRE Tech: Soon western arselickers will be calling this false news. lol

    Singaporean R Free Rider: We have to wait for more information on this case.

    PAP mandate strong: Is not new and the first.

    TRE Tech:

    China Just Cured a Patient’s Diabetes for the First Time.

    Soon western arselickers will be calling this false news. lol

    GD Star Rating
  • 奇舔瘩昇:






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  • PAP mandate strong:

    I never say its fake news. And whats wrong with waiting for more information.

    OK if you are a diabetic patient especially very serious type. Need injection 3 times per day and you feel like 生不如死. Hey man be my guest you just volunteer. Just go ahead to China and do it. Get it over with then 再吃 十年, 二十年, 三十年, 五十年 的甜品. If you are successful then you will give alot of hope to the other patients.

    There are cases like stem cell therapy for paralysed patients or wheel chair bound patients that they can walk again but never to the stage of a normal person yet.

    Tech: Err… last I checked, its not stem cells related.

    GD Star Rating
  • Here They Come:

    Let’s all read this.

    PAP mandate strong: I never say its fake news

    PAP mandate strong: Is not new and the first.

    TRE Tech:

    China Just Cured a Patient’s Diabetes for the First Time.

    Soon western arselickers will be calling this false news. lol

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Can kindly provide the link ?

    The last time i checked online, what i got is this.

    If i misjudged , my bad.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Here They Come :

    I also know 2 persons who are diabetic.
    One not very serious but muz take pills. Choose not married. Tell me cannot take too much sweet stuff. Including durians. If eat too much durians, next day sibeh jialat. Skin itchy, Knee caps the joint will be painful. More painful than arthritis. Sometimes affect visions.

    Another everyday 3 injections. Born with the illness. An accountant in the finance department. Married with kid. Not sure if his kid inherit the same illness or not. Not close so dont dare to ask. Life goes on for him. Except when he delay his injection for … say an hour due to busy work schedule, his forehead and face partially will turned black. Like the chinese saying 印堂浮现黑气.

    GD Star Rating
  • 4th Jab:

    Is the 4th Jab still compulsory ?
    Some company still insist,claimed is MOH requirements.
    True ?

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