From Deepseek to Huawei, US tech restrictions on China are backfiring
I refer to the CNA’s Commentary, “From Deepseek to Huawei, US tech restrictions on China are backfiring” (Jan 31). Would it be practical, useful and effective for the United States to continually pursue an aggressive containment strategy to hobble China’s tech push? Undoubtedly, the answer is obviously not. There...

Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
Whenever I go to the ground, the PAP supporters will ask me PAP government is good, it has been giving them money, vouchers, CPF top ups etc, what can we give them? I have to answer them what I can give them is something PAP cannot give them, it's Democracy. There will be no Democracy without opposition like us. But deep down...

Why it is so hard to defeat the PAP
Here is one more reason why it is so difficult to defeat the PAP. It has systematically destroyed the inherent close and supportive relationships between people because it fears them, and having destroyed that bond, has developed a new but unequal relationship between them and the State. Let me explain. In the old days, people...
- TaiwanT on From Deepseek to Huawei, US tech restrictions on China are backfiring
- SCDF must answer on Leave no man behind
- Deadmocracy on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Leave no man behind
- The ? on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?