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More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election (GE)- CNA online 22 July 2024. There are a total of 2,715,187 registered voters, an increase from 2,709,407 voters eligible to cast their ballots in the 2023 Presidential Election. It is clear that the bulk of the increase in registered voters comes from new citizens.... 

Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

This is the Excess Deaths Comparison Chart that MOH has neither disputed nor commented on. It shows a High Correlations of Excess Deaths in post Vaccination period compared to pre Vaccination period. Correlation is not Causation BUT Causation DEFINITELY effects High Correlations. When High Correlations appear, then it is considered... 

Supporting Chee Soon Juan’s café

Supporting Chee Soon Juan’s café

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s news, “Singaporeans urged to support Chee Soon Juan's café despite their political preferences” (July 16). The underlying objective of doing any business is to ensure it is viable and profitable. Otherwise, there is no point of undertaking risk for it. It is natural for any entrepreneur... 

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