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SM Lee missed the point when he said that we should help immigrants and foreign workers integrate and guard against xenophobia. The larger point is that Singaporeans are not replacing themselves; at 0.97 child per woman when the replacement rate is 2.1, born-and-bred Singaporeans will be extinct soon. But it is understandable... 

The clock is ticking

The clock is ticking

The Clock Is Ticking! Parliament Has To Be Dissolved At The Latest On 24 August 2025! You would have read that the latest the GE has be held is November 2025. While that may be theoretically correct,the more important date for Singaporean voters to note is that Parliament has to be dissolved by 24 August 2025. The term of current... 

It only takes a spark

It only takes a spark

But from some spark comes wildfire. And when that sweeps through Hollywood hills fanned by the propulsive force of the coastal winds, tens of thousands are left homeless. The numbers since Jan 7 is more than 100,000.00. And at least five people have died. This is Los Angeles’ worst wildfire. And to add fuel to the flame, the... 

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