Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

When his Ministry of National Development staff gave him a tearful send off in September 1992, Dhanabalan told reporters he would be spending more time with his church. When he had to make way for Lim Boon Heng as the new Temasek chairman on August 2013, he said same: spending more time with his church, currently Bukit Panjang... 

UK marks 15 years of success with minimum wage

UK marks 15 years of success with minimum wage

Yesterday, the UK marked 15 years of its national minimum wage, a policy that has not only won over all doubters across the political spectrum in this country but was also voted by experts as the most successful policy in the last thirty years. From The Financial Times (do check out the Resolution Foundation report as well): Happy... 

精英门越窄 贫富门越大

精英门越窄 贫富门越大

进入精英名校的门越来越窄,相对应的现实就是贫富差距就越大。吴作栋在莱佛士书院190周年晚宴的感性发言,不正是要说明这一点吗?他说,过去,他的时代的书院,学生来自全国各地,不同种族不同家庭背景,可以说是一个大烘炉。现在呢?这个门就比从前窄得多了。为什么? 想想看,吴作栋时代的书院,新加坡的个人人均是多少,现在的人均又是多少。这段时间的变化,补习中心又开了多少,父母花在孩子身上的校外补习又是多少?吴作栋经常提到要孩子们有一个平等的起跑点,家里没钱,是否真的可以做到公平的起跑点。就拿学前教育来说,这个起跑点相差很可能就是每个月1000元,... 

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