Archive for the ‘Gossip’ Category
Migrants’ Stories Shed Light on Singapore’s Dark Side II

Migrants’ Stories Shed Light on Singapore’s Dark Side II

Foreign workers in Singapore—some 200,000 of them Chinese migrants, work long hours for low pay in frequently hazardous conditions and are often abused by employers and labor contractors, according to a new research report published by the China Labour Bulletin, a Hong Kong-based NGO. "Many have to endure abuse, discrimination... 

Do locals really ’set the tone of our society’?

Do locals really ’set the tone of our society’?

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday urged Singaporeans to have more babies in the new Year of the Rabbit, saying additional children would bring “more joy” to families.  Lee, a father of four, said in his Lunar New Year message that getting Singaporeans to produce more babies has been a challenge but he hoped more... 

Mubarak family worth Billions

Mubarak family worth Billions

This story has been updated to reflect breaking news A tourist in Cairo spots three photographs on the wall of a restaurant: one of Nasser, another of Sadat, and the third of Hosni Mubarak. He asks the owner who the first man is, and the owner tells him it's the man who overthrew the Egyptian monarchy and served as the country's... 

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