
Netanyahu and Biden are evil

So the death toll of Oct 7 is now 1139 and not 1200 or 1400 as first reported by Israel. How many of the 1139 were murdered by IDF?

I think it is best that Israel allow independent observers to investigate Oct 7 and the situation in Gaza.

Stop the bombing. There is no need to prove to the world that Israel and US are the most powerful countries in the world. They are. And they have the most wicked leaders in the world though they have many likeminded friends in the West.


Teo Soh Lung



7 Responses to “Netanyahu and Biden are evil”

  • Dalai Says "Read My Lips":

    Transhistorical? Thanatopolitics? I feel victimized by this writing. I think it may be evil. None of this is to deny context, but, sometimes, as in the case of HAMAS or the group of men in India who is trying to rape you, the only real question and answer required is how to effect the annihilation of the perpetrator.

    I believe anyone with half a brain disagrees with ‘absolute’ definitions of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ (sorry, Dostoyevsky), especially when one considers contributing circumstances. And exactly whose definition is valid? The U.S. and the Soviet Union each considered the other as ‘evil’. Sunnis and Shi’ites each consider the other as ‘Apostates’ ripe for extermination. Israel and the leaders of Wahhabi-Arabia, who consider Jews the lowest form of life, exchange ambassadors ……..

    So now ‘good’ and ‘evil’ become even more complicated, in fact they become labels of convenience, political instruments, rather than philosophical definitions. Then there is the question of relativity: In the work of the brilliant Spanish writer and philosopher Miguel de Unamuno, titled “Abel Sánchez”, the writer retells the parable of Cain and Abel in a contemporary setting, in which the modern Cain tells Abel he hates him because of his extreme goodness that makes Cain appear evil in comparison.

    It’s all very complicated, and the writer does not shed any new light on the subject of good and evil. When we hate our enemies we have lessen our abilities to see the fullness of the person. We don’t need to love or respect our enemies. We just step away and see what they teach us.

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  • Confusion Says:

    A confused mind churns out more confusion.

    A clear mind avoids the confusion vortex.

    GD Star Rating

    It is just like the 6million figure of the holocaust. Keep repeating it until it is in everyone’s head. After which they will be repeating it. 1400 became 1200 now 1139. Reported by an Israeli media only about 683. All the rest were killed by Israeli combatants who killed Hamas and other groups holding hostages including the hostages. It is a primitive and barbaric mind that wants to kill.Nethanyahu, Biden and Rishi Sunak are dehumanised to be able to stomach the genocide of GAZA.It is nothing but sheer evilness to drive the Palestinians out of their homes once again.All three should face the International Courts as the US and UK fund the genocide.

    GD Star Rating

    Sunak loves to carry US dicky, can understand. However, I think you missed out France as well.

    GD Star Rating
  • Taiwan?:

    TRE has focused on Gaza. In contrast, there is nothing about Taiwan’s election in a few days. Is TRE making a deliberate effort to ban this topic?

    This is probably the most important election in the world, for the next few years. It could lead to war or peace in Asia.

    GD Star Rating
  • Good ?:

    Who is evil or good ?
    There is no good…we do not want to be our brothers keeper..
    Sad world.More suffering will go on…

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Only God is good.
    Man is both good and evil.
    Hopefully,we are more good than evil.
    It is up to each of us.
    The Evil Force seems to be mushrooming.
    Beware folks of THE LIAR and his minion$.

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