
Iran versus Pakistan in terms of military strength

In a tit-for-tat, Pakistan carried out retaliatory strikes against militant targets on Iranian soil. Both countries have claimed that the strikes were carried out against “terrorist” groups. But with this escalation, worries of a bigger conflict are looming large.

So let’s look at how the military of both the countries compare and who are the militant groups that are hit in cross-border strikes.


13 Responses to “Iran versus Pakistan in terms of military strength”

  • Observer:

    Pakistanis are friendly to Chinese people.

    China and Korea have renounced Buddhism.

    People who like Mongoloid Christian men probably like Abraham.

    GD Star Rating
  • strange war:

    Thought they are good brothers…why fight and kill ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    This is a dangerous situation.

    Pakistan is using CCP made fighter jet to strike targets in Iran.,an%20advanced%20electronics%20warfare%20suite.

    The CCP, like the Americunt, is killing innocents by selling low class weapons to 3rd World countries like Pakistan and Global South.

    Never buy from CCP China.

    If you buy from CCP China, you are supporting CCP workers’ exploitation.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    IN case anyone has forgotten, Pakistan is a terrorist Islamic state with nuclear capability, courtesy of the stupid CCP. Iran is not, as nuclear (to them) is not Halal.

    In which case the only other deterrent Iran can use is pork. Again this is not Halal. But t least they will have something to eat when they are nuked.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says "Read My Lips":

    For one thing, Pakistan has fairly formidable Armed forces which entail that it is a regional power, and can readily project force across its borders— especially against a neighbor which directly abuts it (which is the case for Iran, with respect to Pakistan). Pakistan has the larger population, and can probably get the better of Iran in an open War. In fact, Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal slightly larger than India’s by some estimates (160 warheads vs. 150). If Iran is already this feisty without nukes, how will it behave with nukes?

    Second, it’s hard to understand how Iran’s ballistic missile strike against Pakistan has anything to do with the war Hamas launched against Israel on October 7. This attack was the result of unrest among Iran’s significant Baluchi minority whose province abuts Pakistan’s Baluchistan province – and, hence, the fear of seditious elements. At its core, ISIS is a Sunni jihadist group aiming for a global caliphate. In contrast, Iran is a theocratic Shia country. ISIS views Shiites followers as apostates, and Iran views ISIS as a threat to its influence in the region. It’s one thing for Iran to launch Airstrikes against a separatist region of a failed state — that is, Idleb Province, in North-Western Syria. It’s a bit more ambitious to launch a strike against a target in Iraqi Kurdistan — a Quasi-State without any official or formal International Diplomatic recognition.

    The enemy of my enemy is my ally. Perhaps we should just watch Shiite vs Sunni and sit this one out. They were never friends. It seems this cauldron is soon going to boil over; so many imbeciles stirring the pot, and relentlessly piling fuel on the fire. However, an all-encompassing All-Out Regional War may be precisely the “Medicine”, however bitter, that the people in the region need.

    GD Star Rating
  • 以和为贵:






    GD Star Rating
  • Granted, Paks has nukes, but they don’t seem to have any hypersonic ICBMs that can carry them and given the proximity, Iran can easily take Paks ICBMs out during the mid-phase.

    On the other hand, Iran has Hypersonic missiles that can evade air defenses.

    In war what matters is that whatever must hit to be effective and nukes or not at such close range, is just suicide for both nations.

    It would be a MAD scenario, unless Paks has a death wish, you think they will want to use nukes?

    GD Star Rating
  • Put !:

    Worst than the stench of highly rotten dead rats, pui!

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    This is a dangerous situation.

    Pakistan is using CCP made fighter jet to strike targets in Iran.,an%20advanced%20electronics%20warfare%20suite.

    The CCP, like the Americunt, is killing innocents by selling low class weapons to 3rd World countries like Pakistan and Global South.

    Never buy from CCP China.

    If you buy from CCP China, you are supporting CCP workers’ exploitation.

    GD Star Rating
  • Esewaran:

    If Iran and Pakistan go to war, Indian soldiers deployed along the border between Pakistan and India will have a better time.

    If the war is long drawn, India could seriously consider cutting their defence budgets in favour of GDP growth.

    If the war is decades long, by the end of the war, India’s GDP could be on par, if not have over taken that of China.

    GD Star Rating

    Why talk about war and not peace? The talk should not be about which weapons can take down
    the other but how to keep peace. All weapons should be kept for only defence purposes.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Put !:
    Worst than the stench of highly rotten dead rats, pui!

    You are a good canon fodder for CCP.

    Ouch.. the truth hurts and
    Chinese Chauvinistic Pi was angry when truth was told.

    Watch video at time 2:30 Gangster in red T with Chinese word Bai

    Report Chinese Chauvinistic to ISD if you see one.

    GD Star Rating
  • Toongustan:

    Fake news and misleading information have to be pofmaed!

    Racism is outlawed in Singapore.

    Needful must be done upon the sighting of such undesirable elements!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Fake news and misleading information have to be pofmaed!

    Racism is outlawed in Singapore.

    Needful must be done upon the sighting of such undesirable elements!

    Yes, Needful must be done upon the sighting of such undesirable elements!

    Call in the police when you see them.

    These CCP mostly congregated at kopitiam and market gambling and drinking and crack lewd jokes.

    Take picture of these CCP and stomp them.

    GD Star Rating
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