
Massive coordinated attack against UNRWA exposed

The UN's agency for the welfare of Palestinians - UNRWA - is under massive coordinated attack. Israeli claims about a tiny proportion of staff have been used to justify Western countries pulling the plug on funding - catastrophic collective punishment during a humanitarian disaster.

This man knows the truth - he knows UNRWA inside out. He's Chris Gunness, who was UNRWA spokesman until 2020 for 14 years. Listening to him is so important - it's a matter of life and death - as he takes apart the false claims and gives us the truth.


3 Responses to “Massive coordinated attack against UNRWA exposed”

  • World War:

    It should be even clearer now that the war is not between 2 parties — Israel and Palestine. It’s a world war globally. Some give money, some give missiles, some give manpower, etc. It’s also a war within countries, between the political leaders and the protestors. Because the leaders are doing against the people’s wish. Take UK, money is sent outside while citizens die from cold and starvation.

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  • @World War

    You are so observant, more smart than many others who can only look at the surface of the thingy.

    In China, people say “别人出钱, 你出命” aptly describes what the US and its Western bark dogs are trying to do to control the middle-east. Bottomline, oil makes the world go round and it is the reason why the warmongering US is illegally in Syria and Iraq, for starters.

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    World War:
    It should be even clearer now that the war is not between 2 parties — Israel and Palestine. It’s a world war globally. Some give money, some give missiles, some give manpower, etc. It’s also a war within countries, between the political leaders and the protestors. Because the leaders are doing against the people’s wish. Take UK, money is sent outside while citizens die from cold and starvation.

    Correctly observed, especially Ang Mo whose hypocrisy is equal that of CCP China.

    While the West/Americunt government impose sanction on Russia oil, their government shut their eyes on their businessmen who continue to buy/ship oil from Russia.

    This is super high moral standard by In God We Tru$t.

    Lan Jeow Dr Chee, Kenneth, LGBTQ, where are you hiding now ?
    Can you please come out to comments on your Americunt high moral standard ?

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