
Justice took a predictable turn with this marriage

It’s complicated.

But justice took a predictable turn with this marriage. It’s short-lived. They lived together in Singapore for only 12 months, in total.

She is 40. He is 58. He is a widower and a Singaporean. She is a Taiwanese. They met thru a dating agency in Taiwan. He earned more than $66k a month and she came here with a degree in costume design. She didn’t work here.

They married in Dec 2019. She could not adapt and left 10 months later. It reports that she received about $19,300 and she came back for two months. She then left for good in May 2021. The husband filed the divorce papers last year (2023).

It’s predictable because she got what a short marriage deserves: a lump sum maintenance of $5000. And she was also unrepresented. The judge remarked that she made a “feeble attempt” to contest the divorce. I guess the chips fall where your enthusiasm lies.

What is also predictable is the allegations on both sides. The husband at 58 “longed for a supportive and peaceful relationship in (his) sunset years after being widowed, and this short-lived marriage has caused (him) much grief.”

He also alleged that she admitted that she was bored, and not keen to do housework, captured in a recorded text message. She also made numerous attempts to ask for money.

On top of that $19,300 to lure her back, he also gave her $300 to $400 a month in allowance.

For a millionaire, with a net worth of more than $6m, who earns $66k monthly, this appears to be pocket change. And I am rather surprised she still have to do housework.

Anyway, the wife has her side of the story. Curiously, the husband tendered unsworn statements of her allegations against him that he “treated her like an unpaid maid and sex slave.”

She also asserts that “she was bullied by the man and his two adult children.” The judge however preferred the man’s evidence.

Lesson? One.

We will never know, right? It’s largely a case of “he said, she said”. There may be more to their story that is not fleshed out.

Such case makes for juicy water-cooler gossip. I can picture the headline: Rich man looking for love but love was not looking.

There is also a rather surprising marriage advice from the judge too. He wrote: “Fifty-eight is hardly sunset; it is more like mid-afternoon, so there should be no rush in looking for wife No. 3.”

I guess at 54, I am after lunch, enjoying a siesta. For Anna, at 49, it’s lunchtime.

I suppose sunset is a state of mind, not the age. You can be young at heart, at whatever age. Or, you can be young, but burdened by the anxieties of an old soul, looking for a lifelong companion the second or third time round.

Not everyone is first-time lucky. Or, it may be that the first-time-lucky ones have to accept fate when their good fortune has run its course.

Be that as it may, young or old at heart, we are all looking for love - although some “enlightened” young ones reading this would rather focus on something more controllable.

Maybe that search is like taking the driving test. Some of us ace it the first time. They then take a ride of our life, overcoming the long journey together, towards our sunset. Others mount the kerb and its immediate failure.

Or, they try the course, holding steadfast to the steering wheel, but the points after tallying just doesn’t add up. They flunked, and need to go for a second test.

Others might have to go for their third or fourth. I know of a friend who took the driving test more than 10 times. The last time I heard, she was taking public transport.

The biting reality is, some of us may have to take public transport for the rest of their life (pls…it is just a metaphor. I take the train to work).

Some first love lasts a lifetime. Some have to wait for the second or third, to last the rest of their life. For the rare ones, love just escapes them, whether it’s first, second or third.

I know I am not stating much here. It’s more of a lamentation, than anything that’s value-added. But, I guess my takeaway is in the judge’s words, “58 is more like mid-afternoon, so there should be no rush in looking for wife No. 3.”

The personal message for me is, Anna and I are still young. Let’s not take our shared lives and the kids for granted. The only perfect marriage is in the memories we build together to keep us going. It’s the journey we take thru the valleys that makes for a whole picture.

So, while the sun is still shining, from the distant horizon, cherish and nourish the bond. It may just be your only enduring fortune in your storied search for a lifelong companion.


Michael Han



12 Responses to “Justice took a predictable turn with this marriage”

  • AWARE, where are you?:

    Poor Taiwanese woman got abused. Wooed, married, f**ked for 12 months and dumped. At a dirt cheap cost of $5k.

    The man’s words carry 100% weight. Must be someone as tall as Lml.

    “She brought nothing but grief to the marriage.” Did the man even come once, over 12 months?

    GD Star Rating
  • Miser:

    A man earns $70,000 a month. He gives his wife an monthly allowance of $500.

    What do you think? Something wrong, right?

    GD Star Rating
  • I am tempted to agree with the 2 comments above.

    If she had gone to Geylang, she would have made many times more. I know not of any such rulings in China that practically leaves a woman with peanuts, UNLESS a prenup or other legally-allowed exceptions.

    Had this case been mounted in China, she would I believe have at least 50% give or take of his millions, baring any exceptional circumstances mandated by law.

    In China, EVERYTHING after marriage is AUTOMATICALLY mandated as “婚后财产” even if the wife contributes not a single cent towards the family, and that includes the debts as well. The hubby may have bought a house before the marriage, but once married, it becomes “婚后财产”, UNLESS there is a signed agreement between the party (prenup).

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Another old chi ko pek in the news.

    Without the strong SGD, do you think all these young chicks will want you ?

    Vote PAP.

    If you vote in Opposition, SGD will crash and your young chicks will abandon you.

    No pity for Chi Ko Pek who used up all their retired monies on young chick and then got kick out by the young chick.

    GD Star Rating
  • 东革阿里:





    TRE Tech:

    Had this case been mounted in China, she would I believe have at least 50% give or take of his millions, baring any exceptional circumstances mandated by law.

    In China, EVERYTHING after marriage is AUTOMATICALLY mandated as “婚后财产” even if the wife contributes not a single cent towards the family, and that includes the debts as well. The hubby may have bought a house before the marriage, but once married, it becomes “婚后财产”, UNLESS there is a signed agreement between the party (prenup).

    Tech: It’s 双方的所有财产, Sorry about not being clear. Remember 王宝强, the China actor who divorced his wife because SHE was having an affair with the managing agent? He lost almost half of his RMB $100m fortune, even though the wife admitted to the adultery and it was public knowledge in the entertainment industry.

    GD Star Rating
  • Woman's rights:

    I only marry for money. Easiest way to make money.

    I’m too lazy to get a job

    too lazy to do housework
    Too lazy to cook.
    Too lazy to please my husband in bed. When all I have to do is lie there.

    Then my husband look for others. I get upset and cannot understand why. Then I try to get every cent I can get from him. Being wife means I automatic 50 percent of everything her has.

    I’m entitled. It’s the man’s role to provide me the good life while I do nothing other than offer my presence.

    Don’t argue. This is woman’s rights. The right to do nothing but laze about, spend husband’s/boyfriends money. This is what I ACTUALLY DO BEST!

    Singaporeans R Free Riders:
    Another old chi ko pek in the news.

    Without the strong SGD, do you think all these young chicks will want you ?

    Vote PAP.

    If you vote in Opposition, SGD will crash and your young chicks will abandon you.

    No pity for Chi Ko Pek who used up all their retired monies on young chick and then got kick out by the young chick.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:





    Tech: It’s 双方的所有财产, Sorry about not being clear. Remember 王宝强, the China actor who divorced his wife because SHE was having an affair with the managing agent? He lost almost half of his RMB $100m fortune, even though the wife admitted to the adultery and it was public knowledge in the entertainment industry.



    GD Star Rating
  • Just a follow-up. I am not an expert nor a lawyer but I love going to the courts and observing the proceedings as and when I have time, some cases involve people I know. I also have a TV in my study that is always tuned to CCTV 12, the official legal channel of China. So I get the information from there.

    What I understand is this, as far as divorce is concerned. In Sinkieland, the 50% is only a sentencing guideline, judges have plenty of leeway to apply their own discretion as to how much to apply.

    However in China, because of the mandated (by law) “婚后财产” and “共同财产”, the judges’ hands are tied when it comes to deciding how to apply their discretion. Like I said, it is almost impossible to see ZERO allocation unless allowed by law, i.e. for example, if the wife attempted to murder or murdered the husband to get his properties, etc.

    Most of the time, I see the leeway being applied to divorce cases is about 10%, that is the legroom most judges are willing to navigate, i.e. their comfort zone. Unless the judge is in the High Court, most junior judges are not gun-ho enough to go out of that zone, because of “终僧责任”, for they are responsible for ALL of their sentencing for life, even after they retire, which implies that they are liable for prosecution and whatever legal action if the case is finally overturned in the future. Any case overturned even during a judge’s tenure is a no-no (promotion delayed), so staying in the comfort zone will avoid that.

    In a nutshell, EVERYTHING the husband and wife own before marriage AUTOMATICALLY becomes “共同财产” after marriage, regardless of whether it is solely in the husband or wife’s name. EVERYTHING the husband or wife owns after the marriage AUTOMATICALLY becomes “婚后财产”, regardless of who earns or bought it. So the wife AUTOMATICALLY also owns whatever the husband makes even if she contributed nothing, say from shares the husband traded, vice-versa. To avoid that, a prenup or a signed sealed agreement between the couple MUST be filed with the “公证处”.

    There are some exceptions allowed by law, but it is a strict liability exception and the husband would have to prove that the wife CANNOT have this and that. For example, a property bought by the husband’s parents in the husband’s name to be held in trust for the parents. Another example is a property held in trust for a younger sibling as “婚房” when he reaches the legal marriage age. This property must NOT be paid for in part or whole by the husband or it becomes “婚后财产” because the wife owns 50% of the husband’s income due to “共同财产”.

    One interesting observation I made in this “共同财产” thingy is that the spouse CANNOT be charged for stealing or cheating each other’s cash or property. So if the husband has $1 million in HIS safe and she took it without permission and spent all of it, she has a legal right to do so and cannot be held accountable. The same applies if she sells all of his shares, car, etc etc etc, vice-versa.

    In short, China has a debatable law regarding divorce in that EVERYTHING the couple did AFTER marriage is deemed “共同” be it property or debts. So it does not matter if the loan raised from the bank or credit cards is solely in the husband or wife’s name, the other party is jointly liable. Exceptions again is a strict liability requirement that requires the innocent party to prove that he/she has no knowledge. It is a “he say she say” thingy, hard to prove, right?

    So it can be said that due to the “婚后财产” and “共同财产”, once married in China, the couple prospers together or dies together.

    GD Star Rating
  • Old sex maniacs:

    It’s quite comical to see some old folks claiming to be as sexually maniacal as 18 year olds.

    SAF, the sacred institution, acknowledge the effect of aging in their IPPT standards. And those above 40 are exempted. They don’t want to risk more old reservists collapsing and dying for SAF.

    Tech: They dare not mentioned mRNA vaccine. lol

    GD Star Rating
  • 东革阿里:









    Singaporeans R Free Riders: 谢谢你。


    GD Star Rating
  • Old sex maniacs:

    Old folks are having their last wild sex, at a painful cost.

    Researchers found in 2019 STIs in over 45s rose 18 per cent to 37,692 cases.

    Rising divorce rates, the emergence of Viagra, dating apps and the growth of retirement villages have combined to mean ‘sexual risk taking is now common among older adults’.

    GD Star Rating
  • Not so old:

    @Old sex maniacs

    How many pct of young punks are screwing around when they are even keen to settle down?
    Unwanted pregnancies among cheeky youngsters rising.
    So STFU,will you?

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