
China fast growth despite Western media false claims

China has emerged as a global leader in several sectors, leveraging its vast resources, and strategic initiatives to surpass the US in various industries. Contrary to mainstream media portrayals of China as a declining economy, in this video we deliver a comprehensive and real analysis of key sectors such as "Technology and Research & Development," "Electric Vehicles and Clean Energy," "Transportation," and others.

This video shows you the areas where China has established global leadership and surpassed Western nations, including the United States.


9 Responses to “China fast growth despite Western media false claims”

  • Blajian Kuning:

    Anglophile will deem this as fake news!

    GD Star Rating
  • China restructuring:

    China focus is not on fast growth or high GDP but on survival. China is restructuring its whole economy and nations to survival because of western change attitude towards China and preparing for the worst. China is preparing itself to face the reality of western sanctions like US and EU sanctions. China is building a consumer economy where growth depend on China itself with less reliance on US and EU markets. China is building production in central and west of China so that if US attack China by the ocean, China production will not stop due to eastern cities like Beijing and Shanghai being bombed in the worst scenario. China is building China influence through Belt and road initiative to build trade route for trade and evade sanctions so that if China will suffer lesser if sanction like Russia. China technology push is to build self reliance on technology and its need on technology as the west has decide to sanction China on tech. Strong cooperation and ties with Russia make China strong with military expertise and economy if sanction by the west. By restructuring China, China has up his bargaining and making west plans to contain China and destroy China difficult. With strong defense, China hope the west will give up its plans to destroy China and cooperate with China instead.

    Now China GDP is forecast to do well because Russia cheap gas and oil is going to flood China make China goods cheap and competitive like Russia did with Europe and Russia huge market will give China a boost. GDP number is not a problem because exchange between Russia and China will create good numbers for GDP for both Russia and China. The west cannot close their market to China immediately because their supplies will disrupted and their economy will collapse. Capitalism depend on exploitation to survive through trade so the west has to find new slave if the west stop or limit trade with China. India is not ready to serve the west yet. Even Japan economy survive after losing favor of US with series of economic attacks so China economy likely to survive.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Blajian Kuning:
    Anglophile will deem this as fake news!

    Of course it is fake news.

    This is real news.

    中国千人计划突然神秘消失了 疑似原因曝光

    Anglo $axon kicked/bully Thais doctor. Live off Thais donation (kindness)
    Part #1

    Part #2

    Thais wife collaborate with Ang Mo to scam Thais. What an idiot Thais.

    雨林风险大,国内风险更大 Forest are dangerous, back in China it is 3 times dangerous.

    不要轻易走线,美国也不是天堂!Don’t enter America legally, U$A is not heaven.

    GD Star Rating
  • Looney running amok:

    Finest example of a looney running amok and spewing pungent toxic nonsense all along the way.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Of course it is fake news.

    This is real news.

    中国千人计划突然神秘消失了 疑似原因曝光

    Anglo $axon kicked/bully Thais doctor. Live off Thais donation (kindness)
    Part #1

    Part #2

    Thais wife collaborate with Ang Mo to scam Thais. What an idiot Thais.

    雨林风险大,国内风险更大 Forest are dangerous, back in China it is 3 times dangerous.

    不要轻易走线,美国也不是天堂!Don’t enter America legally, U$A is not heaven.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Strangely, i stay mum for a few days. Expecting the appearance of at least couple of articles regarding WP Pritam S tio charged. However i seen none so far. Instead we see 2 pro china articles here.

    From this morning until now, pro hamas pro gaza and pro china fans very quiet about Russia terrorist attack.

    GD Star Rating
  • Kikam:

    If you anti hamas, anti gaza, anti chinese big w. sheep comment first, others may follow.

    PAP mandate strong:
    Strangely, i stay mum for a few days. Expecting the appearance of at least couple of articles regarding WP Pritam S tio charged. However i seen none so far. Instead we see 2 pro china articles here.

    From this morning until now, pro hamas pro gaza and pro china fans very quiet about Russia terrorist attack.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Looney running amok:
    Finest example of a looney running amok and spewing pungent toxic nonsense all along the way.

    You are the looney here. Have you watch the video?
    Must watch. Hard Truth. Please share.
    Where is the Freedom, Demoncracy and Human Right?

    Why TikTok was targetted?

    Reason: Because it cannot controlled or censored alternate GAZA news on TikTok from telling the truth.

    In essence, In God We Tru$t United States of Armedrobber had been lying all the time and is the ma$ter of fake news.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    There is overwhelming “Market Exuberance” than any Real Economic Enthusiasm.
    Everywhere in the world especially in the most MIGHTILY INDEBTED U$A,the exuberance of markets is simply irrational.
    FOMO-Fear of mi$$ing out- is giving great impetu$ for THE GREEDY RICH to become RICHER AND GREEDIER.

    SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUE is being used to offer a facade for GREED and GREEDY RICH.

    And,the Americunt$ are leading the world into worshipping “$” in place of Almighty God.
    So much for “In God we trust”.
    It is now “In $ we lust”.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ kikam

    How about terrorist attack in Pakistan ? Resulted 5 China engineers 领了饭盒 .

    GD Star Rating

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