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TR Emeritus to be deactivated on 8th July 2020 @ 2300 hours

TR Emeritus to be deactivated on 8th July 2020 @ 2300 hours

Please be informed that we will be deactivating commenting function for our website on 8th July 2020 @ 2300 hours (Singapore Time). The website and its past articles will remain accessible to our readers, but commenting function will be disabled. There will also be no new political articles until the close of polling on 10th... 

Lee Hsien Yang’s full-length media interview with Bloomberg

Lee Hsien Yang’s full-length media interview with Bloomberg

In his first full-length media interview done over email with Bloomberg, Lee Hsien Yang explains why he’s chosen to speak out now against the system his father helped create; whether he is a voice for the people or has a hidden agenda; and whether there’s a chance of the siblings reconciling. We reproduce his Q&A with... 

What voters need to know to prepare for polling day during pandemic GE2020

What voters need to know to prepare for polling day during pandemic GE2020

With General Elections (GE) 2020 being the 1st election to be held during a pandemic with public health concerns and safe distancing measures, we have compiled a list of things that every eligible voters should be aware of, from various official sources. This will also be the 1st GE where the voters will be sacrificing their... 

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