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Happy birthday, Yong Vui Kong

Happy birthday, Yong Vui Kong

Two years have passed since Sabahan Yong Vui Kong was sentenced to death by a Singapore court for a drug offence. As campaigns to save him continue relentlessly, he has turned to Buddhism, meditates and counsels other inmates and prison wardens. Those were the days: Vui Kong (centre) with his brothers. Every day counts for Yong... 

Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew Urges Muslims to ‘Be Less Strict’

Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew Urges Muslims to ‘Be Less Strict’

Lee Kuan Yew Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew has urged local Muslims to "be less strict on Islamic observances" to aid integration and the city-state's nation-building process. Singapore has a predominantly Chinese population, with minority races including Muslim Malays and Indians, and Lee has always stressed the importance... 

傲慢与偏见是无耻的温床 (Pride and Prejudice – the breeding ground of Shamelessness)

傲慢与偏见是无耻的温床 (Pride and Prejudice – the breeding ground of Shamelessness)

最低工资是怎么一回事?不是身历其境,领取就业奖励金之后,生活还是那么窘,连基本生活的必需品,平日里有事没事油盐柴米酱醋茶总是捉襟见肘的弱势群体,还真是心中的一块疙瘩,难以诉说。 早报中国报道,针对广东最低工资标准将再次上调,经济学者张五常在上海举办的“中国平安财富论坛”上发表了一个演讲,其中就提到了最低工资标准,他以不屑的口吻说:“假如要推出什么最低工资(标准),再大力推行《劳动法》,搞什么集体协商,任何从事保护劳动力的东西,都是会影响竞争的。” 张五常这个学者,难道是吃饱了肚子撑着?我很怀疑记者杨永欣的道德情操。一来作为学者,我看不出张五常有需要以“不屑的口吻”来发表他的见解;二来张五常的话本来就是个事实... 

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