Author Archive
Terrible gaps in air passenger management

Terrible gaps in air passenger management

Why do we have such terrible gaps in air passenger management like a lack of segregation, allowing passengers who were flown in to meander around the airport even if they are high-risk, not using the correct grade of PPE for support and cleaning staff? The virus didn't "break through" so much as it waltzed out of Changi Airport... 

Lesson Not Learnt

Lesson Not Learnt

You can’t sell vinegar as good wine by putting it in a wine bottle. The SPH saga is one such bootleg attempt. Blaming its market performance on digital disruption is like blaming the container for not being attractive enough. Back in 1996, Bill Gates was quoted, “content is king” and described the future of the Internet... 

Full and final payment made to Lee Hsien Loong

Full and final payment made to Lee Hsien Loong

Click to enlarge Hello everyone, to update, I have received the receipt of payment from Hsien Loong’s lawyer that the S$143,000 he demanded from me has been received! This should be the end of of the defamation suit, and the end of the harassment I have been facing, all thanks to the many of you who have come together to fight... 

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