Why “No.1” Singapore fails to get No.1 in highest global human achievements
By Abdul Gafoor, Social Correspondent The recent award of Nobel prize to a Hong Kong physics professor has invited some kiasu Singaporeans (who always have displayed an idiosyncratic attitude in not wanting to lose out to Hong Kong) to sit back and ask why has not Singapore created any Nobel Laureates so far. Lack of No.1...

Why Singapore “meritocracy” isn’t meritocracy
By Abdul Gafoor, Social Correspondent Singapore is a strange country where everything suggested, which is contrary what the government, politicians and policy makers claim, has to be “substantiated with evidence” even though the same government, politicians and policy makers are not required to substantiate their claims...

The paradox of Singapore’s economic growth: Housing Component
By Abdul Gafoor, Social Correspondent Another paradox of Singapore’s economic growth is undeniably the housing component. A country that achieves continual economic growth, will see the prosperity extending to the housing sector hereby improving the lives of citizens. The higher incomes due to the economic growth will allow...
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