Archive for the ‘Cheryl Chan’ Category
The long farewell finally ends

The long farewell finally ends

Mr Lee Kuan Yew will relinquish his position of Minister Mentor and step down from the cabinet With the resignations of former Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong, the ruling PAP is finally free of the awkwardness that has been brought about by the perennial dilemma of having to look to the future while having one... 

1991: Then and Now

1991: Then and Now

Chiam See Tong's new brand of constructive, moderate opposition politics led to the SDP winning 3 seats in 1991 Helpless in the face of relentlessly escalating living costs and frustrated with a government that was perceived as paternalistic and out of touch, the sentiment on the ground was that there had to be change. With... 

Let the mudslinging begins

Let the mudslinging begins

With the announcement of Parliament’s dissolution having just been made, the PAP’s propaganda machine has gone into overdrive – with almost clockwork precision and efficiency. Dr Ng Eng Hen wants to know how Taiwan-born Chen Show Mao can 'identify with the aspirations of Singaporeans' In line with the trend of... 

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