Archive for the ‘Ng Kok Lim’ Category
Mr Singh, Roy’s article didn’t damage PM’s reputation

Mr Singh, Roy’s article didn’t damage PM’s reputation

PM Lee I refer to PM Lee’s lawyer Mr Davinder Singh’s first letter of demand to Roy Ngerng. Point No. 8 of the letter claims that Roy’s article was clearly malicious. It is not clear why Mr Singh characterized the article as such as he made no explanations. Is a false claim automatically and clearly a malicious one? Mr... 

Who’s luckier: kids with maids or kids with moms?

Who’s luckier: kids with maids or kids with moms?

I refer to the 19 May 2014 TR Emeritus article “Shanmugam: The values of our children”. Mr Shanmugam claims that Singaporeans are lucky many of us have domestic help. But are we luckier than Westerners who earn twice as much as us and who can afford to have the wife stay at home to look after the children full time? Would... 

Correcting PM Lee’s pioneer address

Correcting PM Lee’s pioneer address

PM Lee I refer to the 10 Feb 2014 Straits Times report “PM Lee outlines health-care package for 450,000 pioneers”. PM Lee reportedly paid tribute to those who were at least 16 years old in 1965 as the pioneers who built the Singapore nation from its infancy. But the Singapore of 1965 had been thriving and prospering for... 

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