Archive for the ‘Sanjay Perera’ Category
Is the older generation being cast as a burden?

Is the older generation being cast as a burden?

When the Pioneer and Merdeka Generation packages were announced, the ruling party was quick to state what they cost: $9 billion and $8 billion, respectively. This was to show how generous they were. But they were also (or at least a key member) ready to point out that the 'older' generation's apparent prejudice lay behind why... 

The Big Lie in Singapore

The Big Lie in Singapore

According to Mr Heng a front-runner for the top job: Singapore is not ready for a prime minister who is an ethnic minority. This was a reply given to a question that pointed out the popularity of Deputy PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam for the top post. The claim was that while younger Singaporeans were amenable to a minority candidate... 

A sign of Anarchy in Singapore

A sign of Anarchy in Singapore

There is still no proper explanation as to how someone managed to spray-paint obscenities against the ruling party at the top of a flat. What is significant, however, is not just that this was a prominent display of disaffection while it lasted, but that the symbol for Anarchy (which is associated with a political philosophy)... 

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