Archive for the ‘Sanjay Perera’ Category


“States are not moral agents, people are, and [people] can impose moral standards on powerful institutions." -- Chomsky The latest, yet again, wayang is the farcical ‘journalism’/reportage existing in Singapore showcased by the unfortunate taxi driver who thought what he said would be fairly and accurately reported. It... 



“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing,” -- attributed to Burke "Every good political institution must have a preventive operation as well as a remedial. It ought to have a natural tendency to exclude bad men from Government, and not to trust for the safety of the State to subsequent punishment... 

Political theatre

Political theatre

“The Beast & the Whore rule without control.” -- Blake The latest piece of showmanship is the continuous wayang of the national Non- Conversation. Things have been taken to a new height when the education czar recently castigated the parents (and other potential ingrates) for hectoring those who cut the hair of their... 

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