Archive for the ‘Sanjay Perera’ Category
Elitist shadow play: NUS-Yale

Elitist shadow play: NUS-Yale

The recent shenanigans over the joint NUS-Yale venture has little to do with promotion of critical thinking and challenging accepted paradigms that are failing us today. We have been witnessing a public display of pseudo-intellectual theatre (or, wayang). It is rather about the battle over branding and self-promotion. The promotion... 

Investing in people

Investing in people

An idea that comes to mind when thinking about profit sharing and re-investing what is earned back into society is how to give returns to those who have their monies in banks and the CPF. For banks, investment profits made by them should find their way back to members’ accounts as remuneration over and above paltry interest... 

Radical thinking

Radical thinking

For many, radical thinking involves views deemed ‘extreme’ and potentially dangerous. No doubt, ideas of radical thinkers have been misused just as what is considered ‘acceptable’ for many has been abused by a greater number of fanatical elements masquerading as ‘normalcy’. There have been recent proposals by the... 

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