Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’ Category
Paris tragedy: Perspectives from UK papers

Paris tragedy: Perspectives from UK papers

Even if only 1% of new Muslim immigrants are jidhadist inclined Charles Moore, of the Telegraph, agrees that “what brings it all home, literally, is immigration”, saying: “The grim fact is that we have within our midst thousands of people whose lives are devoted to doing our society harm and hundreds of thousands more... 

Jail verdict for City Harvest Church pastors and executives

Jail verdict for City Harvest Church pastors and executives

All six were found guilty and sentenced to jail from 21 months to 8 years for Kong Hee. Chew Eng Han was given 6 years, Tan Ye Peng 5 ½ years, Serina Wee 5 years, John Lam 3 years and Sharon Tan got the least, 21 months. The jail tem will start on 11 Jan 16 so that they can spend time with their families over Christmas and... 

Really? Islamist extremists “have nothing to do” with Islam

Really? Islamist extremists “have nothing to do” with Islam

Islamist extremists “have nothing to do” with Islam. The above mantra is something ministers here and politicians all over the civilised world say “When [Islamic State] posts videos of jihadists reading Koranic verses before beheading their victims as infidels it is pretty clear that their crimes have quite a lot to do... 

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