Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
There is no Winner, no Victory and no Contest in Covid-19 narratives

There is no Winner, no Victory and no Contest in Covid-19 narratives

There is only Truth to be discovered & made known. Right or Wrong may be relative but Truth is absolute. Sadly, the Potentially Devastating impacts of Truth will be absolute as well. The heavily vaccinated (V) may suffer tremendously but the UnV doesn't live on unscarred either. There are more and more people who were Pro... 

Roti Prata on the vaccine

Roti Prata on the vaccine

Just 1 and a half month ago, the Expert was doing Fear Mongering to say people were wrong if they thought they don't need fourth bivalent shot! Now Prata again! This is really a slight but distinct shift from the "Official Narrative"! Instead of pushing people to go for 4th or 5th shot, now it's stop at 3 for healthy people! Why... 

Excess Deaths ~ Can They Handle the Truth?

Excess Deaths ~ Can They Handle the Truth?

I was watching a video made in UK talking anxiously about Excess Deaths. It is said the unusual and unprecedented PROLONGED phenomenon of WEEKLY Excess Deaths is causing "Palpable Panic". What the video missed out is the apparent increase in Sudden Deaths along with the huge Excess Deaths. Excess Deaths & Sudden Deaths are... 

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