Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category


李光耀保持了近30年,新加坡没有发生罢工行动的天下无双记录,却让4位中国籍公交车师傅,毫不费劲的一锤击得粉粹。一朝破功,对李光耀的政绩而 言,那是非常的不幸。但是,对老百姓而言,公共交通问题的浮出水面,受到区域媒体的共同关注,却未必不是一个迟来的春天,人们因而可以期待问题会终于得到... 

PAP Govt: Zero Tolerance for Strikes

PAP Govt: Zero Tolerance for Strikes

The PAP govt has stepped forward to say they have "zero tolerance" for the strike action[Link]. We never hear the PAP leaders talk about "zero tolerance" for exploitation of low wage workers, "zero tolerance" for unfairness at workplace, "zero tolerance" for low wages and poor benefits..."zero tolerance" for poor treatment of... 

A Physicist Looks at the Financial Governance 1

A Physicist Looks at the Financial Governance 1

Part 1 - Prologue As knowledgeable citizens, we are keenly aware that the level of transparency and accountability of the financial governance in Singapore is much lower than what is expected of an advanced democracy. If it were not the case, the Accountant-General ( ought to provide an accurate balance... 

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