Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category


话说自从兔子输了赛跑之后,大受刺激,虽然依旧轻视乌龟的笨拙,却是从此奋发图强,再也不敢有丝毫的大意。然而,跑赢了比赛的乌龟,却从此陷入了前所未有 的尴尬处境。原来,每逢分配收获的时候,敏捷的兔子总是一拥而上,捷足先登,把好吃好用的东西都给抢完了。这时候乌龟却还是在后头慢慢的爬行。不要说分... 

Complicated arrangement between LTA and SMRT

Complicated arrangement between LTA and SMRT

According to this news report, the SMRT will be spending $900 million for the maintenance and repair of the MRT system. Part of the cost will be borne by the Government, through the Land Transport Authority (LTA). This seemed to be a complicated... 

Singapore: Only country with Govt surplus in list of highest debt to GDP ratio

Singapore: Only country with Govt surplus in list of highest debt to GDP ratio

As an economist you are trained to try and spot patterns.  Most things that we observe in life fall in to very predictable patterns.  It is when we spot anomalies or things that don’t make sense that interest us most.  Take a look at this table and ask your self which of these countries is not like the other countries? When... 

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