Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category
Disgust at out of touch PAP Ministers

Disgust at out of touch PAP Ministers

Is this the kind of elitist, out of touch, uncaring, overpaid, arrogant ministers you one governing the country? In countries such as New Zealand and South Korea, the government is aware that high petrol prices could cause both negative economic effects as well as social effects. When prices increase, they cut down on taxes... 

Crony Capitalism Index

Crony Capitalism Index

A few days ago the Economist updated its Crony Capitalism Index, for the first time since the newspaper brought it out in 2016. The intention of the index was to measure the percentage of the wealth of the billionaires who are citizens of the country concerned expressed as a percentage of that country’s GDP that comes from... 

My Analysis of Budget 2022

My Analysis of Budget 2022

I’m writing to give you my take on Budget 2022. I’ve written about the fake news event that is the Singapore Government’s Budget for at least ten years now and very little has changed. We still get zero transparency, a smoke-and-mirrors exercise or what I have characterized as a shell game or magic show in which the Finance... 

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