Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category
Too poor even to receive a government handout at a time when they need it most

Too poor even to receive a government handout at a time when they need it most

Tomorrow, nine in 10 adult Singaporeans will have $600 credited into their bank account as part of measures by the government to help families tide over the coronovirus pandemic. As for the 10% who will not get their money because the government does not have their bank details, they will have to wait till the end of the month... 

Hunky After 40 During Covid 19

Hunky After 40 During Covid 19

I’ve never been what you’d call a “gym-type.” The last time I went into the gym, it was back in the day when I was still married to Gina, which was some 20-years back. Exercise was limited to the compulsory physical fitness sessions I had to attend for failing to pass IPPT, the physical fitness proficiency test that... 

That’s not what being Singaporean is, or should be

That’s not what being Singaporean is, or should be

I think this coronavirus outbreak has shown us something which we perhaps already know in our hearts: That the cleaner, the sweeper, the security guard, the old man who - every morning - with a piece of cloth wipes the escalator belt, the elderly men and women who keep our public toilets clean, and those like them - that they... 

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