Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


早报社论《“切实保障国人的医疗福利”》开头就这么说:“目前为92%国人提供医疗保障的健保双全(Medishield)计划,将在明年第一季做出重大变化” -- 作为新加坡人,我不用猜测也就知道:万变不离其宗,变化 -- 不过是一种恶性循环。 政府的一贯性伎俩,都是有迹可寻。不外是把受保的范围稍微扩张一点儿、然后把保额提高。然后就找到了增加保费的理由。在“把受保年限从85岁延长到90岁,受保疾病扩大到精神科,以及由于急诊而需要短期住院的病人。计划的年度最高保额,也从5万元增加到7万元;终身保额顶限则从20万元提高到30万元”之后,果不其然,社论接着说:“相应的,保费也水涨船高”。 根据报道,保费增幅按年龄的不同而有差别,其中45岁受保者的增幅高达90%。在《“健保双全新计划 四类新加坡人受惠”》这篇新闻中,第一类是年龄介于86岁至90岁的年长人士;第二类是累计健保双全索赔额即将超出现有5万元年度最高保额或20万元终身最高保额的长期疾病患者;以及需要住院接受治疗的精神科病人和因为急诊需要短期住院的病人。 劫富济贫早已经是神话。对于新加坡政府来说,羊毛来自羊身上,每当医疗费用增加了,就提高保额保费。保额提高了,医疗收费绝不手软,医疗收费提高了,就必须增加保费来再次提高保额。保额提高之后的病人就像肥羊,又是医为刀俎、病为鱼肉。新加坡人的医疗制度,就这么在精英政府的操控之下,陷入重复循环的怪圈,使医疗事业茁壮为万灵的摇钱树。 健保双全的保费增加多少呢?早报提供了 这则图表。根据全年保费,根据新加坡总人口的92%都是健保双全(Medishield)计划下的羔羊。新加坡各年龄阶层的集体人数有多少,个人没有资料。不过,若只是简单的平均所有保费,乘上3百万人,就是一笔17亿这么巨大的数字。有... 

Fault lines between new citizens, native Singaporeans: whose fault?

Fault lines between new citizens, native Singaporeans: whose fault?

In warning Singaporeans about social friction between new citizens and native Singaporeans, the quiet PM Lee has forgotten one thing: who is to blame for this unprecedented scenario? The ruling party, the PAP, had been stingy in tax breaks in helping young parents cope with raising their families. In contrast, they had been... 

SPH’s Stomp Team reveals they are from China

SPH’s Stomp Team reveals they are from China

On the Stomp website yesterday (21 Jul), The Stomp Team contributed a story about a PRC couple showering their daughter literally with money on her birthday [Link]. The incident happened in a town called Linfen in central Shanxi province of China. . Thousands of dollars of notes were folded into ornaments and worn by the girl,... 

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