Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
建屋局违背社会契约  祸害子孙后代

建屋局违背社会契约 祸害子孙后代

作者:吴明盛 在建国初期,百业待兴。行动党在成为执政党后,便积极使用土地征收法,强制以超低价格向各个大小地主征收 土地以便供国家发展。为了补偿这一些新加坡人为国家发展所做出的牺牲,政府与人民达成了不明文规定的社会契约,那就是政府会为人民提供优质廉价,甚至是受... 

Seven Fundamental Changes Necessary For A Happier Singapore

Seven Fundamental Changes Necessary For A Happier Singapore

A friend of mine who is now living in Sydney returned to Singapore  last month to visit his ageing parents and friends. One of his comment particularly caught my attention: “People don’t smile anymore  in Singapore, Gilbert. When I took the MRT in the peak-hour morning rush, their faces remained frozen and sullen as if... 

Talent versus Capabilities

Talent versus Capabilities

A lot of people get mixed up with talent and capabilities.   A talent could refer people with academic results but that does not equal to their capabilities to manage a country.  Most of the time, people have the wrong concept to wait for the Alternative Parties to have talent before they give them an opportunity. In Singapore... 

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