Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The Subtlety of Gutter Politics

The Subtlety of Gutter Politics

By Yoong Siew Wah Politics in many countries in the world where elections are held every four or five years to determine which political party should form the government of the day has one thing in common. The incumbent government will try everthing in its power to ensure its return to power in the election. So in the period... 



作者:艾迪留学23/04/2010 即将进入6月,大量的新加坡留学生即将毕业。面对毕业,在新加坡留学的学生,你选择在新加坡就业还是回国发展呢?对于就业,你了解多少呢?在此我想与大家分享一下我的个人经历及一些见解。 首先,临近毕业,学生就要开始做准备了,例如,准备好个人简历,想好了自己的工作方向等,由于还没有真正毕业拿到毕业证,即便是课程就结束了,等到毕业证拿到也是需要1-2个月的时间。这个时候学生应该从学校开具一份“在读证明”,说明你现在的状态及即将毕业的时间。 接下来就是投递简历,新加坡是一个一切有法可依的国家,学生基本可以自己通过报纸的招聘版面投递简历,也可以通过正式的招聘网站投递简历,例如:THE... 

Policy Forum: Can young couples afford a flat of their own?

Policy Forum: Can young couples afford a flat of their own?

OPINION The prices of HDB flats have reached a record high in recent months. While an increasing number of Singaporeans are complaining that they are being priced out of reach of public housing, PAP leaders are adamant that they remain affordable. National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan who has come under increasing fire lately... 

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