Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Why democracy is crucial for good governance and strong leadership

Why democracy is crucial for good governance and strong leadership

OPINION During a speech made at the fifth Asia Economic Summit two days ago, Singapore deputy prime minister Wong Kan Seng said that good governance and strong leadership are the critical elements which underpins how the Singapore government steers its future forward. According to Mr Wong, the Singapore government has distilled... 



作者:冀居·谢 在副刊看到这句拿破仑名言很有意思,他说:“香槟,胜利时是我应得,失败时是我需要。”跋扈之情溢于言表,PAP看来也有几分神韵,福建人说这是“横柴拿进灶”。 李显龙 (Lee Hsien Loong) 说:“如果你把它政治化,问在教导华文、英文或科学方面,怎么做才会受到欢迎?那我们的做法将害了孩子。因此,我们必须决定什么才是在教育上正确,而且是符合他们学习能力的最佳华文教学法,从而引起他们的学习兴趣,而不是造成他们厌恶。这是我们要尝试达到的目的。”——凡是现在检讨他们错误的,都是在泛政治化。 他老爸都承认当年提出双语并重的教育是基于个人错误认知这个大前提,这还不打紧,问题是独揽大权,没有人敢说“不”,才会弄成今天这个局面,这样华文是被... 

Time to make public the KPIs of Singapore ministers

Time to make public the KPIs of Singapore ministers

OPINION Singapore's famous blogger Mr Brown received a rude shock last week when his article "mrbrown and the flood" was removed abruptly without warning a day after it was published on the widely read Singtel digital media - His editor told him upon asking that the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources (MEWR)... 

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