Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Exploitation of low-wage migrant workers hurts Singaporeans’ interests

Exploitation of low-wage migrant workers hurts Singaporeans’ interests

Here are five reasons why the exploitation of low-wage migrant workers hurts Singaporeans’ interests. Wages are depressed When employers get away with paying extremely low wages, or worse, promising low wages, but in actual fact paying even less than that through all sorts of illegal deductions, there is a general lowering... 

The Incompetent Civil service

The Incompetent Civil service

The Public Accounts Committee, in a report released today (12 Apr), has expressed concerns that lapses related to procurement and contract management in 6 ministries and their associated statutory boards. It said that lapses by government ministries would undermine the Government procurement principles of open and fair competition, transparency... 

借生产力压低工资 行动党的良心被钱吃掉

借生产力压低工资 行动党的良心被钱吃掉

如果深一层的看待林崇椰的“二次经济重组”建议,在字里行间,我们看到的是过去十几年来,行动党政府有计划的利用生产力作为借口,有计划的压低低薪工友的薪金。因为和国外(香港,日本,澳大利亚)同行相比,我们工友的薪金竟然比他们的工友少拿了50%的收入,即使建议中的连续三年加薪,这些工友还是少拿50%。(见下) 这难道是一个有良心的政府,所应该做的事情吗?这难道是一个为人民而行动的政党所应该做的事情吗?它的良心跑到哪里,它的行动为谁而动,看来是被钱吃掉,为... 

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